Search results
From Billy Meier
- ...ructure as the brains of other mammals, but with a more developed cerebral cortex and various other functions not afforded to other mammals.2 KB (366 words) - 15:19, 16 November 2020
- ...e consciousness-block (personality) resides mainly in the frontal cerebral cortex.4 KB (583 words) - 10:47, 30 January 2019
- ...e consciousness-block (personality) resides mainly in the frontal cerebral-cortex.23 KB (3,405 words) - 00:03, 11 December 2018
- | 55. There lies the somatosensory cortex, i.e. the bark area in which tactile perceptions of the body are directly p | 55. Dort liegt der somatosensorische Cortex, also das Rindengebiet, in dem taktile Wahrnehmungen des Körpers unmittelb38 KB (6,024 words) - 13:09, 22 September 2021
- ...rom the ears into the limbic system, which is located between the cerebral cortex and the brain stem."30 KB (4,669 words) - 10:56, 27 May 2019
- | 19. Your cerebral cortex was irreparably damaged by the head trauma, which is why you have to take m31 KB (4,944 words) - 13:11, 22 September 2021
- ...It is the ‘cortisol’ synthesised in the ‘zona fasciculata’ of the adrenal cortex that gradually disperses throughout the body, causing a body-wide cortisol37 KB (6,012 words) - 13:05, 22 September 2021
- ...tem", which is situated near the frontal lobes, in the "anterior cingulate cortex" region of the brain, named ACC for short. ...orderen Stirnhirnlappen befindet, in der Hirnregion <Anterior Cingulaze Cortex>, kurz ACC genannt.104 KB (16,631 words) - 23:28, 2 February 2020
- ...tem", which is situated near the frontal lobes, in the "anterior cingulate cortex" region of the brain, named ACC for short. ...orderen Stirnhirnlappen befindet, in der Hirnregion <Anterior Cingulaze Cortex>, kurz ACC genannt.112 KB (17,533 words) - 12:20, 8 May 2019
- lightning speed and thus at the speed of light, whereby the 'prefrontal cortex' located in the front part of the brain is bypassed, which is normally resp ...chwindigkeit ab, wodurch der im vorderen Hirnteil angebrachte ‹präfrontale Cortex› umgangen wird, der im Normalfall für die Verarbeitung bewusster Entsche100 KB (16,219 words) - 13:04, 22 September 2021
- ...form to the cone of the cembran pine, and it is derived from the midbrain cortex, more precisely, the pineal organ. Among the lampreys (= "inhabitants" of t62 KB (9,491 words) - 11:38, 25 February 2019
- | 62. The music effectuates in the cerebral cortex, that the nerve cells there enlarge themselves and link themselves up bette65 KB (10,369 words) - 13:03, 22 September 2021
- ...he frontal lobes, in the region of the brain named the "anterior cingulate cortex", called ACC for short. It is this region of the brain which then becomes a ...m vorderen Stirnhirnlappen befindet, in der Hirnregion ‹Anterior Cingulaze Cortex›, kurz ACC genannt. Diese Hirnregion ist es, die dann aktiv wird, wenn z.98 KB (15,312 words) - 12:51, 14 November 2016
- ...the part of the limbic system belonging to the archicortex of the cerebral cortex. The whole is a region which plays a central role in the functioning of mem96 KB (14,737 words) - 13:00, 22 September 2021
- ...the brain and is closely connected to the sensory association areas of the cortex, to subcortical modules of the limbic system and to the basal ganglia, as I ...eite des Gehirns und ist eng mit den sensorischen Assoziationsgebieten des Cortex, mit subcorticalen Modulen des limbischen Systems und mit den Basalganglien340 KB (53,490 words) - 18:48, 22 June 2021
- | 24. This is 'cortisol' synthesised in the 'zona fasciculata' of the adrenal cortex, which gradually spreads throughout the body, causing cortisol intoxication94 KB (14,157 words) - 14:45, 5 September 2021
- ...the hair then delivers the necessary active ingredients into the cerebral cortex, by what means no further headaches will appear for a long time, as long as108 KB (18,096 words) - 19:03, 26 May 2021
- ...ings themselves who, in their frontal lobe of the brain, in the prefrontal cortex, as I explained years ago, work up everything that is first unrecognisably ...enmenschen selbst, die in ihrem Frontallappen des Gehirns, im präfrontalen Cortex, wie ich das schon vor Jahren erklärt habe, durch ihre Gedanken und Gefüh245 KB (37,299 words) - 17:42, 23 December 2021
- ...ities are sought in human beings, then they can be found in their cerebral cortex, from which increasingly complex and better coping strategies emerge and al140 KB (22,583 words) - 13:09, 22 September 2021
- the so-called plutamen in the front part of the brain and in the islet cortex, which can quickly degenerate. The mere handling of a weapon activates a ce199 KB (31,883 words) - 13:11, 22 September 2021