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[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
'''Psychology''' involves a complicated field of scientific study of the mental functions and behaviours of the human being of a [[Consciousness Evolution]]. The field has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases.  
'''Psychology''' involves a complicated field of scientific study of the mental functions and behaviours of the human being of a [[Consciousness Evolution]]. The field has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases.  

Revision as of 14:13, 8 November 2014

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Psychology involves a complicated field of scientific study of the mental functions and behaviours of the human being of a Consciousness Evolution. The field has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases.

Psychology in the Contact Reports

In Contact Report 134 during a 3 way conversation, Ptaah confronts Semjase upon Billys revelation that the mission begins to bear fruit due to something being understood about the Earth human. Revealing that she (Semjase) had with Billy, private conversations, related to the behavioural patterns of the earth people. Which Ptaah explains goes completely against all they are taught and know.


...everything finally comes to order and the mission begins to bear fruit and to fulfill itself. That's why Semjase and I seized upon the psychological basis of the conspiracy.


191. I must admit to you, my daughter and you understand a great deal regarding the psychological treatment of people.

192. Already, the specific psychological actions have already come about from your conspiracy idea, which is a peculiarity of your thinking.

193. Such behaviors are not given to us, which is why I am very surprised that my daughter has also come to this idea and implemented this with you.


35. You should not be surprised about this, father, because I had an excellent teacher in our dear friend.

36. He has shown me in past years, in purely private conversations again and again, the behavior patterns of the earth people and has taught me how they should be treated.

37. And because one of my fields is psychology, I got used to working during all of those years in a psychological manner, which I learned from Billy.

38. So in the end, it was clear to me as to what way we had and have to go, in order to let everything still thrive and bloom.

Quetzal during the 208th contact reveals he is a scholar of the field of Psychology, and lays out a number of controversial, because they are factual, explanations about underdeveloped deficient earthly psychology industry practices. That IQ tests convey a wrong and incorrect assessment of the facts of the real Psychology field of study. The release of criminals based on various Psychology tests is of itself criminal, where the criminal then commit the same crimes again as a result of these practices.


For my part, Sfath taught me that there are various forms of human intelligence and, thus, not just one type. Thus, he explained that there is an emotional intelligence, a thought-feeling intelligence, and a creative intelligence, along with a musical intelligence, an intellectual intelligence, an individual intelligence, and a general intelligence. Further, he also mentioned idea intelligence, fantasy intelligence, and character intelligence, as well as consciousness intelligence, but these are not all of the manifestations. All forms of intelligence taken together, namely in their full value, result in the actual intelligence quotient. The higher the quotient is, the more intense and the higher the speed of thought is, with the maximum speed of thought being the speed of light. And the higher the person’s speed of thought and combination is, the higher his intelligence should be. This all seems clear and also logical to me, in complete contrast to the so-called IQ tests, which are made by pompous earthly psychologists, etc. As to the question, what is to be made of these tests?


11. The use of these intelligence-quotient tests among the earthly psychology-practitioners is well-known to me.

12. Unfortunately, I must describe these tests as extremely deficient and as just as wrong as the psychology that is applied by the psychologists, which, for the most part, does not truly correspond to such but rather only to illusions and false diagnoses, by which entirely wrong analyses and attestations are very often made.


Which very often leads to the fact that, for example, rapists and murderers, etc. are released from penal institutions or insane asylums as being cured and are released upon humanity again, after which they then commit similar new and often even worse crimes.


13. Unfortunately, that is a word of truth, which also proves the actual inability of those who presumptuously call themselves psychologists and who are of the crazy belief that they, with their underdeveloped knowledge of psychology, would stand above others and would be able to judge these psychologically.


A harsh word.


14. But it corresponds to the truth.


I think that you, as a doctor and scholar of psychology, are able to judge very well.


15. That is correct.


Of course. Your explanations are consistent with those of Sfath and Ptaah, who also spoke so well as you. Sfath was, among other things, a physician and, thus, an excellent doctor and scholar of psychology, as well as Ptaah – his son, that is. Through Sfath’s outstanding medical knowledge, I was preserved from death by him at the age of six months. Also, his knowledge of psychology was always extremely valuable and useful for me.


16. That is known to me.

During the 251st contact conversation between Billy and Ptaah. Billy explains how presenting negative things positively, as a way demonstrating, teaching their wrongness, is counter-productive, because the Earth human reacts in the opposite way, whereby more negativity occurs rather than what was aimed for, that they act like what they see in other methods of wording. That it is therefore best not to say anything at all against such things, not to drag up the horrendous scenes of the past in images and not to explain to people that we should not repeat history, by showing people over and over again, unpleasant pieces of history. To maintain a position of neutrality.

It is my personal opinion which is based on my knowledge of the human-psychologic reactions, that all of those people who shout "anti" and "contra" against torture and capital punishment, concentration camps, crime, wars in any form by showing those gruesome and horrifying pictures shown in newspapers, magazines, as well as on TV and in the cinemas of people getting massacred, tortured and murdered, of cemeteries being violated, houses burned among other things, are doing others a great disservice. They have no clue about the human psyche and psychology. If they knew anything about this, they would realize that their actions achieve exactly the opposite to what they intend because numerous misled, erroneous-thinking individuals feel attracted to such purported anti-propaganda. These people see that idiotic anti-propaganda and are then triggered toward the opposite effect, whereupon they want to act in the manner they are shown.

Following on, In contact 441 Ptaah explains how angst, horror, terror, hate and revenge always sell well, while the truth appears too banal and therefore appears uninteresting as well as not worth knowing to the Earth human being. Ptaah additionally reinforces these perspectives and the subject of Psychology by talking with Billy about a series of secret groups that operate worldwide on Earth (Also see Globalisation). That has gained ground especially during the last century due to various culminating factors. Some of these reasons being connected with the Earth human beings wrongly founded ideas, being carried and explored extensively to the point where they now appear right and correct. Ptaah goes some way to illustrating with specifics, the Earth human condition, Psychology as well as Cause-Effect Evolution.

It has also occurred many times that premeditated "abductions" of Earth humans by "extraterrestrials", and the massacre of animals, has been and is faked by this group.

That stands partly also in connection with those illusionary and schizophrenic visions and apparent experiences of those who believe that they have had, or have, these kinds of real experiences.

Also wrong information and falsified pictures of alleged extraterrestrial flying devices is strategically circulated worldwide, whereby according to our investigations, about 98% of all false pictures, films, videos and false information is directed at moving the Earth humans to angst and terror of extraterrestrials and to engender hate and thoughts of revenge in the Earth humans.

Therefore, in this way, angst, terror and hate is stirred up against all life foreign to Earth.

Especially films for cinema and television serve this purpose, as also, however, do many books which are constructed on lies and untruths and are written partly by "experts" in psychology and psychiatry.

All this nonsense sells very well to the Earth humans because many on the search for the effective truth trust and believe this false information, and these films and pictures.

Angst, horror, terror, hate and revenge always sell well, while the truth appears too banal and therefore appears uninteresting as well as not worth knowing.

Only the fantastic and unreal find a place in the interests of Earth humans.

However, precisely that is the launching platform for the infamous machinations of the worldwide group, because, through disinformation and fear-mongering in regard to the malicious foreigners to Earth, the entire group, which reaches right around the world, derives horrendous advantages of a financial, governmental-power, military-power as well as an economic form.

The entire war, electronics and weapons industries, and so forth, thereby gain an enormous boost.

Yet, in the worldwide group, secret paramilitary units also exist as smaller groups which carry out the same kind of operations which, however, are mostly controlled by the worldwide group.

Read the entire report 441

We have a situation here where an extraterrestrial is speaking peacefully with a terrestrial friend about how 98% of information related to extraterrestrials is false information, directed at moving the Earth humans to angst and terror of extraterrestrials. Again to reiterate what you have just read, this is a situation where an extraterrestrial is speaking peacefully with a terrestrial about terrestrial human being welfare.

Psychology in the OM book

In Kanon 49 of the OM book. Semjase delivers an exceptional, unrivalled piece of literature, which holds great, imporant and useful information for human development. About Spiritual and Psychological development and the importance of realism, realistic and realist expectations and the importance of identifying the effective truth to solve the effective problem, in a spledidly brilliant motivational way.

84. Life is a spiritual teaching for the spirit.

85. The correct behavior of the family, and the administration of the countries and society, forms a part of the universal determination which has equipped the totality of the being with severe impartial laws.

86. The human lives because the Creation exists, and his life must be as balanced and perfect as the Creation itself is balanced and perfect.

87. The human lives in Creation’s BEING. It breathes and is suspended in him.

88. The lack of the spiritual, because of its value to life, or the requirement of a practical life philosophy and life psychology of the current time, is manifoldly responsible for the crisis in the life of people, and in their concerns.

89. Already for a long time the human, abused with the name “modern”, has undertaken great striving to find peace and freedom, yet, but until now, all his efforts have fruitlessly blown away and escaped.

90. Lacking real knowledge and the truth about a healthy reasonable lifestyle, which would give him inner, and real, balance and tranquility, he has devoted himself to abnormal ideologies and corrupting, dangerous and damaging religious philosophies that lead him into yet greater poverty of consciousness, and distance him from actual life.

91. The natural human understanding indeed defends itself against the pressing into the square of required truth of the cycle of unsuitable, unreal religious dogmas, that quite especially would be brought to flourishing existence through the new time of the Aquarius era, by new religious fanatics and deceivers, yet, at the present time, however, the religious delusion is still too strongly spread to be able to construct, in great measure, a useful defense.

92. The erroneous religious philosophies, with their colossal confusions and delusional claims, degrade the inner power in the human, which the spirit of the human would hold upright and which could help him, in his striving, to surpass himself, to bring to bloom, and make possible for him to obtain, inner growth and peace, which stand in the correct proportions with the external acquisitions and conditions.

93. As an answer to a long perceived need, here and there, Earth people, who have wrongly been labeled as leading thinkers, have undertaken personal, but dangerously unreal, strivings to take the alleged best out of the religions and bring them into a unity with modern thinking in order to work out a new philosophy of life and new psychology of life for today’s humanity.

94. Yet these alleged, and unreal, thinkers do not notice that they thereby, once again, increase the religious delusion, out of ignorance of the fact that they themselves are very badly imprisoned in unreal religions, and, subsequently, may only think corresponding to them, and behave in unreal ways: unreal, delusional, delusionally-believing, murderous and poor in consciousness.

95. Out of closely related grounds their success is repeatedly equal to nothing.

96. Yet the human of the new time, the human of the Aquarius era, now stands opposite an easily solvable problem, because if he now lays the foundation stone of the truth, then he obtains a completely new structure of philosophical and psychological values for a happy, free and peaceful spiritual life in the future.

97. A free spiritual life, which is based on everything that describes the best in the cultural and spiritual inheritance of the Earth: the spiritual truth.

98. If the Earth human now finally recognises and acknowledges this truth, makes himself fully free from all of the religions and their delusional imaginations and finally directs himself after the spiritual and creational laws, than he has been victorious.

99. Only the truth is serviceable and brings the human progress; but religion is unserviceable to the human and throws him back into the deepest darkness.

Read the entire Kanon 49 section of the OM book

Further Reading

How to read the teaching
