Difference between revisions of "Site News"

From Billy Meier
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This page contains information about new articles and media added to this wiki.
==28th April 2010==
* Added a [[Main_Page#Countdown_To_Next_Peace_Meditation|countdown]] to the next [[peace meditation]] onto the main page. This required installation of the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Countdown Countdown MediaWiki extension].
''James Moore''
==27th April 2010==
==6th December 2021==
* Integrated voice functionality into the same window as IRC chat.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 787]].
Voice(voxli) + Chat(irc), [http://www.c0mmand.co.uk/FutureOfMankind/chatIRC/voxliirc.html here].
==29th November 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 786]].
Chat(irc) only, [http://www.c0mmand.co.uk/FutureOfMankind/chatIRC/irc.html here].
==22nd November 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 785]].
==18th November 2021==
==26th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 784]].
Dear fellow enthusiasts you are cordially invited to join for an information sharing session on:
Wednesday April 28/29,2010 at 11pm GMT-8 time [7am CET time ; 6pm Auckland NZ time]
==15th November 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 783]].
and on Sunday May 2/3,2010 at 2pm GMT-8 time [10pm CET time ; 9am Auckland NZ time].
==14th November 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 782]].
(note=this schedule will change at fortnight)
==7th November 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 781]].
It will be a voice chat session twice a week on voxli - https://voxli.com/futureofmankind.
==29th October 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 780]].
==24th October 2021==
==24th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 779]].
* Added [[Death, Afterlife and Rebirth]] by Jacob Smits
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==10th October 2021==
==23rd April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 778]].
* Updated [[Contact Report 311]] to completion.
==14th September 2021==
==22nd April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 777]].
* Added [[The Original Prayer In German Created By Henoch]].
''James Moore''
==11th September 2021==
==20th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 767]].
* Added Michael Horn's article [[The Billy Meier 'Hoax' Exposed? The Wedding Cake UFO Controversy]]
''Jeroen Jansen''
==10th September 2021==
* Added [[Contact Report 306]]
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 766]].
==6th September 2021==
==17th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 776]].
* Added article [[Why Is It so Important for Us to Learn so Much, Especially in our Current Lifetime? Or How Can We Enable Ourselves to Spread the Teaching of Spirit, the Teaching of Life and the Teaching of Truth?]]
''James Moore''
==30th August 2021==
==13th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 774]].
* Added [[Contact Report 260]]
==29th August 2021==
==10th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 775]].
* Uploaded the audio recording of [[Michael_Horns_Q_And_A_10th_April_2010#Archived_Recording_of_Chat_Session|Michael Horn's Q and A Chat Session]].
''James Moore''
==24th August 2021==
==7th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 773]].
* Added [[Conception, Consciousness and Personality of the Human Being]].
* Added [[Thoughts about neutrality in everyday life]].
''James Moore''
==23rd August 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 765]].
==6th April 2010==
==22nd August 2021==
A new poll has been created on the [[Polls]] page. The previous poll has been converted to 3D pie charts and put on permanent display on the [[Poll Results]] page. Thank you to the 234 people that took part in the poll.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 772]].
''James Moore''
==20th August 2021==
==5th April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 771]].
Michael Horn has generously agreed to a Question and Answer chat session with the readers of the Future of Mankind. The chat session will take place on Saturday 10th April 2010 at 9am Pacific Standard Time (GMT -7) at the [http://express.paltalk.com/index.html?gid=1332479424 Future of Mankind Paltalk Chat Room].  
Only those who have signed up to be an active participant may ask Michael a question (using the keyboard or voice). To sign up please send an email to james@futureofmankind.co.uk and enter '''ACTIVE PARTICIPANT''' in the subject line. The active participants will be listed in the topic [[Michael Horns Q And A 10th April 2010]]. Everyone else will be able to observe as passive participants.
==27th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 752]].
A PIN will be required to enter the room and this PIN will also be displayed in the topic [[Michael Horns Q And A 10th April 2010]] '''1 hour before the event'''. To find out how to use Paltalk Express please visit http://www.paltalk.com/express/
==26th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 751]].
Michael may have time for an informal chat following the event.
==25th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 749]].
''James Moore''
==23rd July 2021==
==3rd April 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 748]].
*Added [[Existing Life in the Universe]] - excerpts from the book by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier 1978
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==22nd July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 746]].
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 747]].
==23rd March 2010==
==21st July 2021==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 248]].
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 745]].
* Added new translation [[The Pteranodon Photo]].
''James Moore''
==22nd March 2010==
==20th July 2021==
* Added Maurice Osborn's book, [[The Essence of the Notes]], to the [[Books]] section.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 744]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==19th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 742]].
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 743]].
==21st March 2010==
==17th July 2021==
In the last couple of days running the IRC channel I noticed that a lot of people had problems joining the channel, despite the extensive description. I therefore decided to set up an online IRC client which will directly connect you to the chat, only thing you need to do is enter your 'Nickname' and click 'connect' (Sorry, I really can't make it easier than that! =P).
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 741]].
This is not a flash chat room; the goal is to discuss the Meier Case or anything else appropriate. If interested you are very welcome to join.
Go to [http://www.c0mmand.co.uk/FutureOfMankind/chatIRC/irc.html chat]
==14th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 739]].
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 740]].
==13th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 738]].
==17th March 2010==
==12th July 2021==
Due to unfortunate closing down of the previous chat room (see announcement of 15 March 2010 by James) I have taken the liberty to create a new Channel for us all. You will need to use an IRC client or just connect through a website that supports that function.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 737]].
You will need the following information to connect to the chatroom:
==11th July 2021==
Server: irc.freenode.net (port: 6667)
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 736]].
channel: #FutureOfMankind
Or use this direct [irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/FutureOfMankind link] (irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/FutureOfMankind)
==11th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 735]].
Note that IRC is totally free and you can download different clients from the internet. The most popular is [http://www.mirc.com/ mIRC], but there are a lot of others which you can see a list and comparison of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients here].
==10th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 734]].
If you use Firefox as your browser you are also able to download an add-on called [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/16 ChatZilla] (also free) and chat through your browser by using the information stated above or by simply clicking [irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/FutureOfMankind here].
==9th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 733]].
Hopefully I gave enough information and discription on how to join the chat.
==8th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 732]].
==7th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 731]].
==16th March 2010==
==4th July 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 770]].
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 489]].
==29th June 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 730]].
''James Moore''
==28th June 2021==
==15th March 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 729]].
The web hosting subscription for this web site has been renewed for another year.
Our new chat room was against the terms and conditions of the host (hostpapa.co.uk).  
==25th June 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 728]].
We are trialling a new one at PalTalk.com which you can log into [http://express.paltalk.com/index.html?gid=1332479424 by clicking here]. You will need to register first but its free.
==21st June 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 727]].
Unfortunately it closes when the last person leaves the room and then presumably it won't reopen until one of the admins re-enters it.
==18th June 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 726]].
''James Moore''
==17th June 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 725]].
==14th March 2010==
==16th June 2021==
[http://www.theyfly.com Michael Horn] has agreed to take part in a question and answer session followed by an informal chat, both within our new [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/chat/ chat room]. Exact details such as the schedule and how it will be conducted to be announced at a later date. Start thinking about questions!
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 724]].
''James Moore''
==11th June 2021==
==11th March 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 723]].
* Updated [[Contact Report 238]]
* Added [[Contact Report 239]]
==18th May 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 722]].
==9th March 2010==
==4th May 2021==
* Added [[Polls|a poll with 5 questions]]. Please go there and take part. I appreciate your time.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 769]].
''James Moore''
==4th May 2021==
==8th March 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 721]].
* Installed a polling extension called [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:QPoll QPoll]
We'll have some interesting polls on the site soon to find out what people really think. Don't be so pessimistic now!
==30th April 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 720]].
''James Moore''
==28th April 2021==
==6th March 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 719]].
* Installed chat room software called ''AJAX Chat'' and configured a chat room at [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/chat/ Future Of Mankind Chat Room].
* Installed 3 MediaWiki extensions:
# StubManager
# HeaderFooter
# ArticleComments
This means that comments can now be easily added for any page/article using a form that appears at the bottom of every page. Comments appear on the ''Discussion'' tab for each page.
==27th April 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 718]].
All installed extensions and more information about them can read on the [[Special:Version]] page.
==26th April 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 768]].
''James Moore''
==24th April 2021==
==4th March 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 717]].
* Added [[Analysis_of_IIG%27s_Meier_Case_explanations]]. It's about their "Asket and Nera Photo Deconstruction" and also the flying dino picture.
''Jeroen Jansen''
==22th April 2021==
==1st March 2010==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 716]].
* Updated [[Contact Report 236]] to completion.
==20th April 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 715]].
*Added new translation [[Contact Report 386]] regarding the dangers of strong electromagnetic fields upon the human being.
==19th April 2021==
*Added new translation [[Contact Report 433]] regarding the disappearing objects at the [[SSSC]] and related events.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 714]].
''James Moore''
==18th April 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 713]].
==26th February 2010==
==16th April 2021==
*Added [[FIGU Bulletin 13‎]] - The Unknown Dangers of HAARP
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 712]].
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==15th April 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 711]].
==16th February 2010==
==12th April 2021==
* Added [[Contact Report 233]]
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 710]].
==28th March 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 709]].
* Added new translation [[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]] (Introduction only).  
==24th March 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 708]].
''James Moore''
==16th March 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 707]].
* Updated [[Self Responsibility – Being Responsible]]
==9th March 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 706]].
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==8th March 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 705]].
==12th February 2010==
==27th February 2021==
Added Audio/MP3 versions of Billy Meier's and FIGU materials to the [[Downloads]]:
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 704]].
* [[Downloads#Audio version: Sfath's Explanations and Asket's Explanations]]
==18th February 2021==
* [[Downloads#Audio version: Billy Meier - Contact Reports]]
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 703]].
* [[Downloads#Audio version: FIGU Bulletins and FIGU Special Bulletins]]
* [[Downloads#Audio version: FIGU forum: Your Questions to Billy Meier--Answered]]
* [[Downloads#Audio version: Goblet of Truth]]
==14th February 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 702]].
* Updated [[Contact Report 215]] to completion.
==11th February 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 701]].
''James Moore''
==11th February 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 700]].
==11th February 2010==
==9th February 2021==
* Added [[Self Responsibility – Being Responsible]] - by Stephen Moore
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 699]].
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==3rd February 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 698]].
* Updated [[Contact Report 214]] to completion.
==31st January 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 697]].
''James Moore''
==29th January 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 763]].
==7th February 2010==
==29th January 2021==
* Updated [[Contact Report 213]] to completion.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 696]].
''James Moore''
==27th January 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 695]].
==5th February 2010==
==24th January 2021==
* Added [[Florena]] - Plejaren contact woman.
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 694]].
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==19th January 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 693]].
==3rd February 2010==
==17th January 2021==
* Added new translation [[FIGU_Special_Bulletin_51#Readers_Questions]].
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 692]].
''James Moore''
==16th January 2021==
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 691]].
==31st January 2010==
==16th November 2020==
* Added new translation [[FIGU Special Bulletin 51]] (and also added a copy of it at [[Contact Report 482]]).
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 743]].
''James Moore''
==16th November 2020==
==29th January 2010==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 743]].
* Added [[Overpopulation Calculations 2009]] - calculations for 'current population' and 'times overpopulated' for the [[Population Table 2009]]
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==14th November 2020==
==28th January 2010==
* Added new sorted photo categories to the [[Photo Gallery]]<span style="position:absolute; right: 24px;">[[File:OLYMPUS35ECR.gif|link=Photo Gallery]]</span>
* Added new translation [[Contact_Report_481#Regarding_A_Planetary_Oxygen_Collapse]].
==18th October 2020==
==25th January 2010==
* Completed and updated the official human translation of [[Contact Report 544]].
* Uploaded "2006 - International UFO Congress (on Billy Meier Case)"
Link: [http://www.youtube.com/user/RussianSU#grid/user/A5859DAFE02EEE3B Youtube]
==4th March 2020==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 724]].
==29th February 2020==
==21st January 2010==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 722]].
* Added [[Contact Report 209]] using [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/convertben.php convertben].
==29th October 2019==
* Added [[Contact Report 210]].
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 715]].
* Added [[Contact Report 211]].
* Added [[Contact Report 212]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==18th August 2019==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 712]].
==19th January 2010==
==8th February 2019==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 711]].
* Added [[Contact Report 204]].
==7th February 2019==
* Added [[Contact Report 205]].
* Added a new full translation of [[Contact Report 546]].
* Added [[Contact Report 206]].
* Added [[Contact Report 207]].
* Added [[Contact Report 208]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==6th January 2019==
==10th January 2010==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 710]].
* Updated [[Goblet of Truth]] to include the latest release of the first nine Chapters from FIGU
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==18th December 2018==
* Updated [[Downloads]] with additional information and links.
==2nd January 2010==
==13th December 2018==
* Added [[To the People of Earth!]] by Atlant Bieri, Switzerland
* Added a full translation of [[My first UFO sighting and the first subsequent contact]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Introduction and backstory.''</font>
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==12th December 2018==
* Updated [[Prophecies and Predictions]] with information and links.
==30th December 2009==
==11th December 2018==
* Added [[Faith (Belief) and God]]
* Added German to [[Contact Report 001]], revised existing translation and had authorised.
''Benjamin & Sanjin''
==8th December 2018==
* Changed default skin to "timeless" to improve readability on mobile and tablet devices. The menu side-bar now drops down from the top on smaller screens (to save screen space) and appears on the left (as before) on larger screens. Ipad users may struggle selecting items lower down on the menu, to get around this scroll up close against left side of screen or use the search box at the top which is autocomplete and extra navigation links have been variously added.
==26th December 2009==
==16th November 2018==
* Added [[Interpretation of the Population Table 2009]] - Summery of the Population Table 2009
* Updated [[Peaceful Music‎‎]] with related contact report excerpts and music.
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==11th November 2018==
* Updated [[Beamship]] with additional information and images.
==24th December 2009==
==7th November 2018==
* Added [[Contact Report 183]].
* Completed translation of [[Contact Report 498]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt, details of Christian Church’s cruel destruction of majority of scientific handwritings in 4th and again 15th century in library of Alexandria and libraries of Roman empire and it's ramifications for speed of scientific discovery and social development; future's proper safeguards and protections against the build up of mass gathering agglomerations in dense form; looming impact on Earth of our sun’s slow dying, EMP and series of very cold winters; still undiscovered inner-earth extremophile organisms''</font>
* Added [[Contact Report 184]].
* Added [[Contact Report 185]].
* Added [[Contact Report 186]].
* Added [[Contact Report 187]].
* Added [[Contact Report 188]].
* Added [[Contact Report 189]].
* Added [[Contact Report 190]].
* Added [[Contact Report 191]].
* Added [[Contact Report 192]].
* Added [[Contact Report 193]].
* Added [[Contact Report 194]].
* Added [[Contact Report 195]].
* Added [[Contact Report 196]].
* Added [[Contact Report 197]].
* Added [[Contact Report 198]].
* Added [[Contact Report 199]].
* Added [[Contact Report 200]].
* Added [[Contact Report 201]].
* Added [[Contact Report 202]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==12th October 2018==
* Added a new partial preliminary translation of [[Contact Report 704]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''The politics of USA, EU, NATO and Russia''</font>
==13th December 2009==
==4th September 2018==
Added new translation [[Fluidal Energy]].
* Added a new partial preliminary translation of [[Contact Report 709]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">'''Reich Citizens Movement' phenomenon, governmental collusion with refugee smugglers, Plejaren stand regarding sanctions''</font>
Added new encyclopedia article [[UFO]].
==26th August 2018==
* Added a new partial preliminary translation of [[Contact Report 679]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Bashar al-Assad, Khan Shaykhun incident, Donald Trump''</font>
''James Moore''
==16th August 2018==
* Added a new partial preliminary translation of [[Contact Report 706]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Novichok ex-spy poisoning, Donald Trump, secret services, partial-democracy, government, military, incredibly passionate quantity of wealth, religious experiments, 11 decade investigation, comprehensive economic evaluation''</font>
==8th December 2009==
==15th August 2018==
Added new translation [[Human being of the Earth]].
* Added a new full translation of [[Contact Report 245]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Inactivity of UN and NATO regarding war cruelties in former Yugoslavia; peace-fighting troops according Henoch’s system for lasting peace on Earth''</font>
''James Moore''
==14th August 2018==
==3rd December 2009==
* Added a new full translation of [[Contact Report 243]].
Added 3 new articles [[Human Beings Without Work Or Other Valuable Activity Go to Seed]], [[To Be of Equal Value]] and [[Sects: Main Religions as Mother Sects and their “Advisors on Sects”]].
''James Moore''
==13th August 2018==
==29th November 2009==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 680]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''French Presidency election fraud 2017; true tipping point for permafrost; climate research ignoring origin aspect; pole shift''</font>
Added [[Population Table 2009]].
''James Moore''
==12th August 2018==
==23rd November 2009==
* Added a new full translation of [[Contact Report 242]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Worsening refugees/migrants crisis; lack of effective UN peace-fighting troops; disregard for valid warnings due to parallel dissemination of nonsense by sects''</font>
Added new articles [[Ignorance, Problems, Frustration and Gewalt]] and [[Ideas of Partnership]] translated by Clemmm (Clemmm if you're reading this please [mailto:james@futureofmankind.co.uk contact me] to let me know your real name?)
Added new article [[FIGU_Bulletin_028#Should_One_Always_Tell_The_Truth_No_Matter_What.3F|Should One Always Tell The Truth No Matter What?]] translated by [[gaiaguys]].
==11th June 2018==
* Updated the [[Index‎‎]].
''James Moore''
==10th May 2018==
* Updated [[External Links]] with additional information and links.
==21st November 2009==
==9th March 2018==
Added new article [[How To Create Peace And Harmony On Earth]]
* Updated [[FIGU‎‎]] with additional information and links.
''James Moore''
==18th January 2018==
==16th November 2009==
* Updated [[Overpopulation‎]] with additional information and links.
Added more arguments to [[Best evidence article, Internet, January 2009]].
''Jeroen Jansen''
==17th June 2017==
* Updated [[Photo Gallery]] with additional information and links.
==12th November 2009==
==2nd February 2017==
* Added [[Contact Report 168]].
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 522]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''About motivation and why currently so few people study the spiritual teaching''</font>
* Added [[Contact Report 169]].
* Added [[Contact Report 170]].
* Added [[Contact Report 171]].
* Added [[Contact Report 172]].
* Added [[Contact Report 173]].
* Added [[Contact Report 174]].
* Added [[Contact Report 175]].
* Added [[Contact Report 176]].
* Added [[Contact Report 177]].
* Added [[Contact Report 178]].
* Added [[Contact Report 179]].
* Added [[Contact Report 180]].
* Added [[Contact Report 181]].
''James Moore''
==21st December 2016==
==11th November 2009==
*Added a [[Contact Report Index]] using the MHRA style guide for indexing.
* Created a tool to speed up the creation of contact report articles on Future Of Mankind from separated English and German-langauge versions of the same contact report. Benjamin Stevens has produced many of these translations. You can find it [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/convertben.php here].
==29th November 2016==
* Added [[Contact Report 165]].
* Added [[Southern England Interessengruppe]]
* Added [[Contact Report 166]].
* Added [[Contact Report 167]].
''James Moore''
==6th November 2016==
* Added a new full translation of [[Contact Report 071]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''Prophecies and probability calculations for the year 1977 but which is applicable beyond this specific year''</font>
==9th November 2009==
==24th September 2016==
* Added [[Contact Report 162]].
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 655]]. <br><font color="#A0B59C">''EU, European Union, USA, Canada, Dictatorship, Hegemony, CETA, TTIP, TPP, Brussels, Policy toxic pollution damage, Population welfare and health, Brexit, United Kingdom, Political independence, England, Scotland''</font>
* Added [[Contact Report 163]].
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 52]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Giza Pyramids, Pharoah's curse''</font>
* Added [[Contact Report 164]].
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 447‎]]
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 464‎]]
* Added original German language source to [[Sfath%27s Explanation]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''see link on page''</font>
''Reece Stiller''
==27th August 2016==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 34]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Bermuda triangle, dimension-gates, time-flows, sea pirates, rising up seabed-gases, sunk continent inhabited by highly advanced race, spaceflight-capable aircrafts able to navigate in water and dive to great depths, Devil's Sea, South Atlantic Anomaly, Lake Anjikuni, dimensions-barrier, transformation layer
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 556]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''UFO sightings and photos which militaries, police and pilots substantiate, machines from terrestrial future, secret technological machinery, clarification and observation tasks only.''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 557]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Overpopulation, unrestricted, catastrophes, irreparable damages, profit-greedy companies, services, water treatment, distribution facilities''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 576]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Consciousness, fine-fluidalness, fine-spiritual perceptions, telepathy, levitation, teleportation, spiritual realm, Gemut, polarity principle, coarse matter, force field, binary opposition, penetrates all matter, human percieves it''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 653]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''History of the Plejaren, ancient records, extraterrestrial governments, resettling another planet in another star system, extraterrestrial traditions, home planet of emigrants, dictators, democracy, planetary catastrophe, might-obsessed rulers, long struggle for peace, spirit-leadership, democratically charactered folk.</font>
* Added [[Genesis (the book)]]
==14th February 2016==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 579]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Plejaren spiritual leaders, spiritual teaching explanations, word sense of the term 'spirit', ‘Geist’, 'Gheist’, Ghost, ‘pneuma’, ‘spiritus’, ‘shiver’, ‘frighten’, ‘arouse’, ‘holy ghost’, faith, creative spirit vibrations and impulses of energy, expressions of life, beyond plane, universe wide, material reality plane, finest material, alleged supernatural creatures, human brain, cycle of reincarnation, Nokodemion storage banks.''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 585]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Methodical attentively surveyed hypnotic developmental impulsation transmissions world action, invigoration of multitudinous diverse specialist microeconomic macroeconomic fields and markets, comprehensive computer knowledge and internet technology engendered stimulus, mission fulfillment, counterfeit religious documentation, Arahat Athersata assertations, High Council concessions, circumvention of very gradual advancements, extreme negatively malicious factors proceeding a very accelerated evolutionary development, psychopathy, rapid terrestrial population increases, advancement of inexorable afflictions, multiplex problematic adaptation to the creative-natural laws and guidelines.''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 623]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Overpopulation specific complex unwelcome frantically paced consequences, education induced asociality, authorities monetary child benefits, parental incapacity, societal burden, climatic order, mightful ones of state undertaking nothing, despotic regime, fundamental human rights, personal freedom, rejected rigorous measures, readjusting to a very greatly changed reality, reduced for the good of a continued existence.''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 625]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Islamistische Staat, very badly out of the control of the good human nature, misplaced appropriations, identity of market and economic industrial factors, imperialism, mendaciously disdains human life paradoxical selfless saver of freedom mentality, underhandedly provoking war, ocean based wild shootout, morbid gung-ho psychotically ill paranoiacs, irrational conspiracy theories, paranoid modes of behaviour, vengeance and retribution craving strikes, historical diverse religious sectarianism criminal lives, multinational strike force for peace, EU dictatorship-led fire-stoking confrontations framework, reality-estranged-naivety, false inflated self-worth delusion, great unknowledge in professional fields.''</font>
==21st August 2015==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 531]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Psychology, compulsion, pseudologia fantastica, mythomania, psychological educational material of terrestrial teaching institutes''</font>
==15th August 2015==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 297]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Animal hunting, farming, synthetic meat, gamekeeping, evolution, minority influence, information cascades, reactance''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 390]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Homeopathy, consciousness self healing, telepathically-suggestive transmissions, mental energy wave oscilations, superficially reading without real interest''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 611]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Ubiquitous effects of music on civilizations, harmony, disharmony, structuralism, hypnosis, impulsations, existentialism, ancient high cultures, fashion, cognitive, mental, emotional, social capabilities, decisiveness, excitation, inspiration, elation, self-perception, dictatorship, nationalism, conflict''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 616]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''EU probability calculation, Self fulfilling prophecy, various Germany histories, democracy, fanaticism, radicalism, free thinking people, rapid changes of planet Earth''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 618]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Prophet position, historical religious sectarian interpretations, truth, spirit, life, reality, evolution, time, progress''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 620]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Historical warnings, decisive valueful preparations, industrialized wealth, prevelent injustices, widespread confusion, civilization, knowingly wrong ideas, modes of behavior, mismanagement, illogical decisions. Regulations, profit, corporations and organisations''</font>
==8th November 2009==
==7th August 2015==
* New translation [[Contact Report 434]] added.
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 583]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Health, psyche, consciousness, disharmonious music, EU dictatorship, Earth affairs discussion''</font>
* Added [[Contact Report 161]].
==6th August 2015==
* New translation [[The Truth About Merlin, King Arthur And The Excalibur]] added.
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 582]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Commemoration, celebration, festivities, traditions, democracy, globalization, government of worlds''</font>
''Luis Badano''
==31st July 2015==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 540]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Earth's magnetism, polarity reversal, might-potential of adversaries, hard rocky road to honesty and modesty''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 541]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Terrestrial air space, newly-appearing foreigners, diverse Federation, larger groupings''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 577]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Flying devices, shielding, protection, observation, one sector of vision''</font>
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 578]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''International space station devices, foreign-to-Earth grouping, 5000 year ascertations, protection''</font>
''Luis Badano''
==6th July 2015==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 589]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Overpopulation, destruction of nature, jet-stream changes, mega-storms, administrated by Earth's human beings''</font>
==22nd December 2014==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 476]] - by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg.<br><font color="#A0B59C">''2012, Mayan calender, Akart, Sun activity, changes to Earth's climate, weight of thoughts''</font>
''James Moore''
==17th December 2014==
* Added a new translation of [[Contact Report 72‎]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Future earthquake map, incarnation, internal group members, 800 year mission schedule''</font>
* Added a new partial extract translation of [[Contact Report 592]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Dark matter, universal gravitational force, expansion substance, far leading destructive weapon manufacturers''</font>
* Added a new partial extract translation of [[Contact Report 593]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''ISIS Syria conflict, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Arab spring''</font>
* Added a new partial extract translation of [[Contact Report 498]].<br><font color="#A0B59C">''Ancient Rome, Asia Minor and Greece, loss of 1,341,700 scientific scrolls due to religious revolution''</font>
==6th November 2014==
* Revised [[Planets]]
==27th September 2014==
* Added [[Psychology]]
==3rd August 2014==
* Added [[What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!]] as copied from FIGU Canada website.
==29th July 2014==
* Added a new partial translation of [[Contact Report 486]] regarding the advice to FIGU to cease any further attempts to welcome enquiries that throw the truth of their contacts into question.
==27th July 2014==
* Added a new translation of [[What I Have To Say]], regarding the account and photos from a former sceptic now witness of [[Beamship]]s.
==26th July 2014==
* Added new partial translation of [[Contact Report 529]] about weather weapons.
==25th July 2014==
* Added [[Concentration]] from the book [[The Psyche]].
==22nd July 2014==
*Added a partial translation of [[Contact Report 304]].
==15th July 2014==
*David Guerra added [[Contact Report 5]].
==14th July 2014==
*Added [[Attacking questions from Japan]].
==5th May 2014==
*Revised [[Evolution]]
*Added [[Consciousness Evolution]]
*Added [[Instinct Evolution]]
==23rd March 2014==
*The entire book ''[[Goblet of the Truth (book)|Goblet of the Truth]]'' is now available in English. The announcement is [http://www.figu.org/ch/newsletter/14/03/23 here]
''Reece Stiller''
==8th March 2014==
* Added [[Contact Report 567]], a new translation by Dyson Devine.
==6th March 2014==
Created book samples:
*[[A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom (book)|A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom]]
*[[Meditation from Clear Visibility (book)|Meditation from Clear Visibility]]
==7th November 2009==
==3rd March 2014==
* Added [[Contact Report 160]].
*New and improved [[Books]] category.
*(in retrospect) Added book sample [[Law of Love (book)|Law of Love]]
''Reece Stiller''
==28th February 2014==
*Added new category [[Booklets]] with freely available booklets from FIGU, as well as the original pdf files.
*Added the German side by side original text to any [[Booklets | booklet]] that did not have it.
*Added the relevant links to the sources of translations of [[Booklets|booklets]] as well as links to their original.
*Placed a header at the top of each booklet to be consistent to say whether it’s an authorised/unauthorised official/unofficial translation.
*Modified [[Template:Officialauthorised]], [[Template:Unofficialauthorised]], [[Template:Unofficialunauthorised]] to be more clear, informative and to render well on mobile.
*Added [[HOW TO READ THE TEACHING]], an introduction sample from the book [[The Psyche (book)|The Psyche]]
*Started work on category [[Books]]
*Added extraction script samples to [[User:Prunc]] used in converting html to wikitext in order to avoid manual editing and copy/paste.
*Did other things I didn't remember at the time of this writing...
==31st October 2009==
==25th February 2014==
* New translation [[Asket's Explanations - Part 8]] added.
*Added an excerpt of [[FIGU Special Bulletin 75]] translated by Larry Driscoll.
*Other pages were added recently and they are listed at [[Special:NewPages]]
''James Moore''
==20th February 2014==
*Added [[Supernatural]]
==11th February 2014==
*Added [[Phaeton]], links to main article [[Malona]].
==8th February 2014==
*Added [[Vegetarianism]], links to [[Vegans_and_Vegetarians|Vegans and Vegetarians]]
==6th February 2014==
*Added [[Venus]]
==27th January 2014==
*Added contact reports [[Contact Report 104|104]] and [[Contact Report 106|106]]. Some new translations by Larry Driscoll.
''James Moore''
''James Moore''
==16th January 2014==
*Revised [[Atlantis]]
*Added [[Atlant]]
*Added [[Arus]]
*[[Jschrjsch]] and [[Jschwjsch]] now mirror one another.
*Revised [[Beamship]]
*Added [[Planets]]
*Added [[Aura]]
==17th October 2009==
==15th January 2014==
* [[Contact Report 151]] added.
*Added a new translation of [[Contact Report 563]], the first to be translated by the [http://duolingo.com Duolingo.com community] (for free too)! May more be forthcoming from Duolingo.com. Its a great free learning system that I personally recommend to anyone wanting to learn a new language.
* [[Contact Report 152]] added.
''James Moore''
* [[Contact Report 153]] added.
==4th January 2014==
* [[Contact Report 158]] added.
*Added 9 new works. You can see them listed in the upload log here: [[Special:Log/upload]]
* [[Contact Report 159]] added.
''James Moore''
''Reece Stiller''
==13th October 2009==
* Lengthy [[Contact Report 150]] added.
''Reece Stiller''
==11th October 2009==
* New translation [[Asket's Explanations - Part 7]] added.
==1st January 2014==
*Added an old partial translation of [[Contact Report 275]] by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg that I had overlooked several years ago but only just "found" once again about Mother Theresa.
''James Moore''
''James Moore''
* New translation [[Arahat Athersata Overpopulation]] added.
==Older News==
==10th October 2009==
New translation [[Contact Report 480]] added.
''Reece Stiller''
==8th October 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 148]].
* Added [[Contact Report 149]].
''Reece Stiller''
==7th October 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 145]].
* Added [[Contact Report 146]].
* Added [[Contact Report 147]].
''Reece Stiller''
==29th September 2009==
* Added [[FIGU Special Bulletin 49]]
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==28th September 2009==
* New translation [[Contact Report 475]] added.
* Added [[Contact Report 144]].
''Reece Stiller''
==27th September 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 142]].
* Added [[Contact Report 143]].
''Reece Stiller''
==26th September 2009==
* Updated [[Asket's Explanations - Part 6]] with new translation of lines 68 - 139
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==22nd September 2009==
* New translation [[Life And Death Are Inherent To Each Other]] added.
==18th September 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 140]].
* Added [[Contact Report 141]].
''Reece Stiller''
==17th September 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 137]].
* Added [[Contact Report 138]].
* Added [[Contact Report 139]].
''Reece Stiller''
==12th September 2009==
* New translation [[Contact Report 476]] added.
''Reece Stiller''
==9th September 2009==
* Updated [[Contact Report 136]] for a full translation of the contact.
''Reece Stiller''
==8th September 2009==
* Added [[Goblet of Truth]]
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
* Added [[Contact Report 135]]
''Reece Stiller''
==5th September 2009==
* Added [[Homosexuality - What is its Cause?]]
''Reece Stiller''
* Added [[To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:]] by Billy Meier - January 30th 2003, 11:54 am
* Added [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel - The Human Being and Creation]]
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==1st September 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 133]].
* Lengthy and intriguing [[Contact Report 134]] added.
''Reece Stiller''
==31st August 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 156]].
* Added [[Contact Report 157]].
* Added [[Short Bibliography]].
==30th August 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 155]].
''Reece Stiller''
==29th August 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 154]].
''Reece Stiller''
==28th August 2009==
* New translation [[Contact Report 402]] added.
* Updated [[FIGU Bulletin 056]] for new translation: [http://futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/FIGU_Bulletin_056#FIGU_Bulletin_56_Translation_-_Readers.27_Questions Readers' Questions].
* New translation [[Contact Report 400]] added.
* New translation [[Contact Report 267]] added.
''Reece Stiller''
==25th August 2009==
* New translation [[Asket's Explanations - Part 6]] added.
==13th August 2009==
* Updated [[Open Letter To All Fellow Men]] the english translation was completed.
==7th August 2009==
* Added [[Contact Report 471]]
''Reece Stiller''
==2nd August 2009==
* Updated [[Downloads]]. Uploaded Christians picture of Plejaren Alphabet.
* Added [[Thoughts about "Power" - What we think it is, and the illusion behind.]]
==1st August 2009==
* Just wanted to mention that The first four chapters of "Goblet of Truth" ("Kelch der Wahrheit") are now available as a freely downloadable PDF file on [http://us.figu.org/portal/Portals/0/FIGU-Texts/GobletTruth1-4.pdf us.figu.org].
* A new translation called [[Asket's Explanations - Part 5]] has been added.
==24st July 2009==
* Updated [[Downloads]] (Added video links)
==23rd July 2009==
* Added new translation of Kanon 42 of [[OM#Kanon_42|OM]] regarding ''the psyche''.
==21st July 2009==
* Updated [[Contact Statistics]] (Sfath and Ptaah's titles as Sruts, 6 more contact persons added)
''Reece Stiller''
==18th July 2009==
* Added [[Sensible, Dignified, Valuable]] translated excerpts from Billy Meier's book
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==15th July 2009==
* Added [[Asket's Explanations - Part 4]]
==14th July 2009==
* Added several more articles to the [[Meier Encyclopedia]]. See [[Special:RecentChanges]] for details.
==11th July 2009==
* Added the following new topics to the [[Meier Encyclopedia]]:
** [[Cattle Mutilations‎]]
** [[Dalai Lama]]
** [[Human Spiritform‎]]
** [[Menara]]
** [[Tuesday Lobsang Rampa]]
** [[The Great Pyramid]]
* Modified [[Jmmanuel]].
==10th July 2009==
* Added the following new topics to the [[Meier Encyclopedia]]:
** [[Absolute Void]]
** [[Afterlife]]
** [[Evil Spirits]]
** [[Hypnosis]]
** [[Nostradamus]]
** [[Petale]]
** [[Quetzalcoatl]]
** [[Time Travel]]
==9th July 2009==
* Added selected excerpts to [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]].
==5th July 2009==
* Added [[Why is it so Important for Us to Learn so Much?]] by Mariann Uehlinger Mondria
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
* Added [[Malona]] and [[The Destroyer]]
==2nd July 2009==
* Added [[Asket's Explanations - Part 3]]
* Added [[And there shall be peace on earth...]] by Billy Meier, 14th December 2002
* Added [[Peace, Death and Ruin]] by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==1st July 2009==
* Added new page [[Where are you going humanity?]] - FIGU permitted unofficial translation by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==30th June 2009==
Added Larry Driscoll & Hans Koenig, with minor refinements by Dyson Devine & Vivienne Legg, translation of Kanon 52 to [[OM]] page
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==29th June 2009==
Added new page [[FIGU - related terms]] by Jacob Smits, March 5th 2006
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==28th June 2009==
* Added Dyson Devine's and Vivienne Legg's FIGU permitted unofficial translations of Kanon 09 and Kanon 49 to [[OM]] page
* Added Dyson Devine's and Vivienne Legg's FIGU permitted unofficial translations of pages 132-134 and pages 149-150 from Billy Meier's book Arahat Athersata to [[Arahat Athersata]] page
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
* Added [[Open Letter To All Fellow Men]] by Nicholas Weis.
==19th June 2009==
I recently added the following articles:
* [[The Metal Alloy]] - includes a video extract from the 1982 documentary "Contact" - Adobe Flash 9 player required.
* [[The Oval-Shaped Laser Hole]] - including relevant images.
==21st May 2009==
Jeroen added the following pages:
* [[Beyond great UFO photos: an inquiry into the Billy Meier case, UFO magazine, March 1999]]
* [[Articles by Bruce Maccabee]]
* [[Pendulum-Like motion of an unidentified object (UO) filmed by Billy Meier, Maccabee, Bruce, Internet, February 2002]]
* [[Articles by Neil. M. Davis]]
* [[Photo analysis report, Davis, Neil M., published in Stevens' 1982 book, March 1978]]
* [[Web site files pointing out shortcomings in Korff's Spaceships of the Pleiades, Internet, January 2003]]
Jeroen modified the following page:
* [[Summary of Contents for Stevens' Preliminary Investigation Report, Internet, January 2003]]
==20th May 2009==
James Moore standardised headings and subheadings of all [[FIGU Bulletins]]. Added more ''quotes of the day'' by Billy Meier as seen from the [[Main Page]].
Jeroen Jansen added the following pages:
* [[Witness Account Summaries]]
* [[Articles by Gary Kinder]]
* [[An Open Letter to the UFO Community, Kinder, Gary, MUFON UFO Journal , No. 228, pp. 3-8, April 1987]]
* [[Articles by By James Deardorff]]
* [[The Meier Case and Its Spirituality (English), Deardorff, James, Wildfire Magazine , January 1989]]
* [[A refutation of false claims and distortions by Korff (English), Deardorff, James, Internet , January 1996]]
* [[Articles by Peter Brookesmith]]
* [[The camera never lies?, Brookesmith, Peter, UFO updates mailing list, internet, January 1997]]
* [[Articles by Michael Hesemann]]
* [[The Meier Case: UFO Contactee Revealed?, Hesemann, Michael, Magazin 2000plus, Vol. 10, pp. 64-71, October 1998]]
Adam Izak-Sunna resolutely sent the [[Special:Petition|Birth Stop Petition]] to yet more government and NGO people.
==13th May 2009==
Added [[Witness Testimony Part Two]], [[Witness Matrix]], [[Photographic Evidence]] and [[Beamship Sounds]].
==7th May 2009==
Added [[The Witnesses]] and the first subsection, [[Witness Testimony Part One]].
==6th May 2009==
Added [[What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively]].
Added [[Asket's Explanations - Part 2]]. [[The Asket Contact Reports]] was renamed to be [[Asket's Explanations - Part 1]]. See both parts listed [[Contact_Reports#Contact_reports_with_no_sequential_number|here]] (and [[Asket's Acquaintanceship]] is also already there for your digestion or study).
Added [[Arahat Athersata]].
==5th May 2009==
Installed the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Collection Collection] extension which allows anyone to create and manage their individual selection of wiki pages. Selected wiki pages can be converted into pdf format for offline reading. Great for those lates nights in a cozy bed, or lunch times with restricted Internet access!
See [[Help:Collections]] for more information.
Please don't abuse the extension because it uses a pdf convertor server that is meant for low traffic wiki's such as this one. ''Low'' is a relative word. More about the pdf server can be read [http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/wiki/ToolServer here]. I hope we do not get blacklisted by the pdf server administrators.
==4th May 2009==
Categorised all pages. See [[Special:Categories]].
==3rd May 2009==
Edited all contact reports to achieve the following goals:
* Inserted one of three templates to signify whether they were official and authorised by FIGU, or unofficial/authorised or unofficial and unauthorised.
* Inserted a template for all gaiaguys' translations to refer the reader to information about the accuracy of the translations and other related information.
* Ensured that the source section was called Source rather than References or any other word.
* Ensured that all links led somewhere valid.
* Categorise the contact report. See [[Special:Categories]].
I also unprotected all pages as it is unnecessary to lock / protect pages because changes can be easily rolled back anyway.
==2nd May 2009==
Excellent artwork by [http://jimnicholsufo.com Jim Nichols] has been uploaded and shown in several areas of the Wiki to spice the site up. See [[Special:NewFiles]].
==8th April 2009==
Added [[Petition Distribution]] to the left-hand navigation menu. We will use this new topic to record the details of those to whom we send the humane birth stop petition.
If you are reading this and haven't signed the [[Special:Petition|petition]] then please read the it and sign it if you agree that overpopulation really is the root cause of the world's ills.
==3rd March 2009==
Added a new way of managing the ''Quote of the Day'' section on the front page. I have installed the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RandomInclude RandomInclude] MediaWiki extension.
Now all that needs to be updated is the [[Template:QuotesFromBillyMeier]] page ensuring that each quote is a single paragraph separated from the previous paragraph by four dashes and a new line. A random paragraph or quote is then displayed on the main page. For the main page to actually display a new paragraph or quote, each and every day, the main page needs to be edited with a simple Edit then Save action, every day.
This ''random quote'' feature can now be easily inserted into any page.
==28th February 2009==
Updated [[Petition For Controlled Birth Stop (In Farsi)|Farsi version]] of Birth Stop Petition with a new version from Zhila. I used Open Office 3.0 to export Zhila's original Word document of the petition as MediaWiki markup (Open Office can export in MediaWiki markup).
Added [[Petition For Controlled Birth Stop (In Deutsch)|Deutsch version]] provided by Adam.
==22nd February 2009==
Added José Barreto Silva's unofficial translation of [[Contact Report 469]].
==18th February 2009==
Added gaiaguys' translation of [[Asket's Acquaintanceship]] to the [[Contact Reports]] section.
==2nd February 2009==
Added [[Dekalog Dodekalog]] and [[Creation's Love]].
Sorry about the lack of updates. It is due to other non-Meier related commitments.
== 4th January 2009 ==
Added [[Downloads]] section and uploaded the Plejaren Alphabet created in Illustrator.
== 4th January 2009 ==
Added [[Akart]], [[Event Timeline]], [[Giza Intelligences]], [[Hill, Betty and Barney]], [[Human Being]].
== 31st December 2008 ==
Added translations of pages 472 to 478 of [[Contact Report 228]].
Happy new year to all of us. Lets hope some real and significant positive progress is made towards achieving global awareness of the overpopulation issue which is the root of all evil (it is not money).
== 27th December 2008 ==
Migrated database to a new database server so hopefully there will be less "server error 500" messages appearing on screen.
== 26th December 2008 ==
Added contact reports [[Contact Report 218|218]] and [[Contact Report 219|219]].
== 20th December 2008 ==
Added a [[Special:Guestbook|guest book]] for visitors to sign if they like.
I've also started work on a petition to support the call for a global controlled birth stop in an attempt to encourage mankind to take the easier path towards living within the natural laws of Creation and reduce the population of the planet to less than 529,000,000 which is the natural predetermined number of humans our planet is designed to support given the amount of arable land available. If we are successful, we will finally be able to make reality ''a world with a population of average proportions, where all ills, problems and misery become relatively small and normal. A world that is not ruled by hunger and misery. A world in which the fear of war, and all evil, are reduced to the point where the likelihood of a world-unifying peace is actually feasible. This condition would bring about an end to the constant fear of the future and would pave the way to a life of love, logic and reason, among others. - Billy''
This petition was an idea that was sent to myself from a man called Adam, alias ''Phenix'' of the FIGU Forum USA.
You can see the petition [[Special:Petition|here]], edit it [[Petition For Controlled Birth Stop|here]] and discuss it [[Talk:Petition For Controlled Birth Stop|here]].
All pessimism is not welcome here.
== 15th December 2008 ==
Added [[Mars]]!
== 14th December 2008 ==
Updated the ''Quote of the Week'' section on the [[Main Page#Quote_of_the_Week|main page]].
Added some info about the living quarters and languages on [[Erra#Living_Quarters|Erra]].
== 17th November 2008 ==
I've noticed that almost everytime I try to save a page I receive an ''Internal Server Error 500'' but the page saves correctly. This is annoying and am going to fix this. I just don't yet know how. I may have to move the website to another server.
I've also noticed that since enabling the page caching, the website has increased speed with regards to page downloads read errors have reduced but the visit count at the bottom of the pages is no longer working. There is no alternative but to use [[Website Statistics|Google Analytics]] to obtain an accurate report of visitor data.
Added the [[Roadmap]].
== 12th November 2008 ==
Added [[A Prediction]].
== 7th November 2008 ==
Inserted [[Contact_Report_230#Contact_Report_230_Part_2|Contact Report 230 Part 2]] (and shifted the subsequent parts downwards). It's nice to hear that the Loch Ness monster is alive and has a family. Well at least it was in 1989 and probably still is if its track record of surviving is logical evidence of its survival skills.
== 31st October 2008 ==
Uploaded 3 new photos that I scanned from a copy of the book ''And Still They Fly (2nd Edition)''. See [[Special:Imagelist]].
== 26th October 2008 ==
Added [[Contact Report 424]].
== 27th September 2008 ==
Added [[Contact Report 182]] and a new extract to [[Contact Report 230]] (see part 1).
Also see the new [[Main_Page#Quote_of_the_Week|Quote of the Week]].
== 9th September 2008 ==
Added [[Is there an inhabited planet within 5 light-years of Earth?]]
== 29th August 2008 ==
Categorised most pages. See new navigation menu item ''Categories'' on the left.
== 28th August 2008 ==
Added [[Contact Report 311]] from the FIGU Forum.
== 26th August 2008 ==
I have added the articles [[Sadness]], [[In Praise of Love, Truth and Wisdom]] and [[Doubt as a Shortcoming]] which were received today from the generous Dyson and Vivienne.
== 23rd August 2008 ==
I have added the article [[Interview with Billy (1998)]]. Thanks to Johnny Sun of Monash University, Australia for providing this extremely interesting article.
== 14th July 2008 ==
Added [[Plejaren and Hebrew Alphabet Comparison]].
== 11th June 2008 ==
The navigation menu has been optimised for human utilisation. It's been a long time coming...
== 9th June 2008 ==
Apart from corrections and cleaning up of vandalism I have created the following new pages:
* [[Christianity]]
* [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]]
* [[Anti-Logos]]
== 31st May 2008 ==
Added the following articles:
* [[The Laws and Directives of Creation]]
* [[The Twelve Commandments]]
* [[Spiritual Development]]
== 28th May 2008 ==
Added [[FIGU Special Bulletin 35]] and [[FIGU Special Bulletin 37|37]].
== 25th May 2008 ==
Added [[FIGU Special Bulletin 36]].
== 22nd May 2008 ==
gaiaguys have kindly translated more of [[FIGU Special Bulletin 44]] and so I've uploaded the translated passage which is called [[FIGU_Special_Bulletin_44#UFO_Observation|UFO Observation]].
== 21st May 2008 ==
Changed the header of several contact reports which were copied from the Message of the Pleiades books to indicate that they are unofficial and unauthorised translations. See [[Special:Recentchanges]].
Added [[FIGU Special Bulletin 44]].
== 15th May 2008 ==
Installed the [http://recaptcha.net/plugins/mediawiki/ reCAPTCHA MediaWiki Extension] to prevent bots from vandalising this website as recently experienced.
This will require visual identification of a string of characters when creating an account.
== 12th May 2008 ==
Added [[Contact Report 55]] from [[Message from the Pleiades Volume 2]].
== 7th May 2008 ==
Added [[FIGU Special Bulletin 34]].
== 6th May 2008 ==
Added [[FIGU Special Bulletin 33]].
[[User:J jansen|Jeroen]] has added [[Summary of Contents for Kinder's Light Years, Internet, January 2003]].
== 5th May 2008 ==
Recently, an extract of [[Contact Report 35]] was copied from the book [[Message from the Pleiades, Volume 1]] and added to this Wiki. It concerns an inhabited planet only 5 light years from Earth where the inhabitants are more advanced than us and actually visit Earth for collection of foodstuffs.
I've also converted gaiaguys' translations of [[FIGU Special Bulletins]] [[FIGU Special Bulletin 30|30]] and [[FIGU Special Bulletin 31|31]] into Wiki format.
And finally I've uploaded [[Articles from Magazines|4 old magazine articles]] kindly provided to the [http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/863/8867.html?1209926271#POST32950 FIGU English Forum] by Norm.
Thank you Norm. These articles are very interesting.
== 2nd May 2008 ==
News regarding Billy's recent health problem and a discussion with Ptaah on Tibet, China and the Dalai Lama can be found in the new [[FIGU Special Bulletin 43]].
== 29th April 2008 ==
I have started to assign articles or pages to categories. You can see the current list of categories at [[Special:Categories]].
The benefit of categories is that they provide automatic indexes that are useful as tables of contents. Together with links and templates they structure a project.
Aside from this I have also added a new philosophical article called [[The Seven Steps of Education]].
== 27th April 2008 ==
[[Gilgamesh]] is an interesting being don't you think? Imagine the stories he can tell, just like [[Billy]], he must be a walking encyclopedia.
== 23rd April 2008 ==
I have continued to expand the [[Meier Encyclopedia]] and also added some important questions to the [[Main_Page#Welcome_To_The_Future_Of_Mankind_-_A_Billy_Meier_Wiki|main page]]. Once this main page has been reindexed by Google it will attract more visitors from around the world who are using the Internet to try and find answers to these common questions.
The answers are of course here to a certain extent but can be found in greater detail within [[FIGU]]'s library if sought.
== 21st April 2008 ==
I have continued to expand the [[Meier Encyclopedia]], make some corrections to existing pages and started assigning pages to [[Special:Categories|categories]].
== 20th April 2008 ==
Today I have added the following material to the Wiki:
* [[Predictions of the Prophet Jeremia]].
* [[Predictions of the Prophet Elia]].
* A new section entitled [[Prophecies and Predictions]] and grouped relevant articles there.
* A new page to the [[Meier Encyclopedia]]: [[Henoch]].
== 19th April 2008 ==
Recently I have :
* Made some additions to the [[Meier Encyclopedia]]
* Added [[FIGU Special Bulletins]] 16, 22, 26 and 27
* Uploaded [[Main_Page#Image_Gallery|18 new images]] taken from the new DVD [[The Silent Revolution of Truth]]
== 13th April 2008 ==
Dave from the Canary Islands has kindly created two new articles [[Meditation Basics]] and [[Concentration Exercises]].
Thanks Dave!
I've added a new page that allows anyone to see who has been visiting this Wiki within the last hour. Check it out [[Who's Online|here]].
== 9th April 2008 ==
Added all of Clemm's excellent translations from [http://clemmm.googlepages.com his website] and moved some existing articles into a new section entitled [[Philosophy, Spirituality and Meditation]] in order to clean up the [[Main Page|main page]].
I realised that I need help expanding the [[Meier Encyclopedia]] which is interesting since it is both creative and informative. I've not protected any of these articles yet. If anyone wants to help please just do it, you don't need my permission.
The [[FIGU Special Bulletins]] from the [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm gaiaguys.net (backup copy)] also need adding too.
== 8th April 2008 ==
I could enable avi, mpeg and wmv uploads however I recently downgraded the web hosting package due to financial difficulties and recent hosting renewal which means I no longer have unlimited web space any longer. The limit is now 750 MB. I will re-upgrade soon enough. It only costs another GBP15 for the next year.
Current usage is about 150MB.
== 7th April 2008 ==
I've enabled the following additional file types to be uploadable to the Wiki:
* tif
* pdf
* tex
* bib
The default was png, gif, jpg and jpeg
== 3rd April 2008 ==
Between the 26th and 31st March an exchange of words took place between myself and another reader of a national newspaper of Scotland during which BEAM was mentioned among other things.
You can read the exchange by viewing the following images from left to right.
<gallery caption="Metro newspaper letters page 26th to 31st March" widths="100px" heights="100px" perrow="4">
Please note that I live near Glasgow in Scotland.
== 1st April 2008 ==
Freddy Peralta of New York suggested that I add a hyperlink to the PDF file on FIGU.org regarding the Chalice of Truth. Of course I complied. See the [[Main_Page|main page]].
== 25th March 2008 ==
I wrote to Member of British Parliament [http://www.georgegalloway.com George Galloway] the following e-mail:
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="50%"
From: James Moore [mailto:webmaster@futureofmankind.co.uk]<br />
Sent: 25 March 2008 23:39<br />
To: 'georgegallowaydotcom@gmail.com'<br />
Subject: Another man who is not afraid to speak the cold harsh truth<br />
<br />
Dear George,<br />
<br />
I am an admirer of your work who would like to inform you about another man like yourself who speaks the obvious truth in many matters of life on this Earth.<br />
<br />
His name is Eduard Albert Meier and he is a 71 year old Swiss farmer who has led a very interesting life indeed to say the least.<br />
<br />
The main similarity that strikes me is what he says about the current political leadership of our world which rings the same notes as yourself. You can read what he said in 2003 at: http://www.theyfly.com/PDF/TotheStatesmeninPower.pdf<br />
<br />
For further information you are advised to start with www.theyfly.com and then www.figu.org and my own website www.futureofmankind.co.uk. <br />
<br />
Mr Meier has not been proven to be a liar or deceiver thus far in over 50 years of his work.<br />
<br />
You will require an open mind and some time. I have no desire to convince you of anything in particular. I only wanted to give you an opportunity to see this information and possibly use it in some way in your work. I would be interested to hear any opinion you may have of course though.<br />
<br />
Yours sincerely<br />
<br />
James Moore<br />
Webmaster www.futureofmankind.co.uk
You can see how George speaks plain truth at http://www.georgegalloway.com/page.php?page=content/video.html
He's a very refreshing MP to say the least and we need more people like him in power.
== 23rd March 2008 ==
I finally received a response from FIGU regarding the acceptability of this website:
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="50%"
From: FIGU - Christian Frehner<br />
Sent: 23 March 2008 18:38<br />
To: webmaster@futureofmankind.co.uk<br />
Cc: Marc Juliano<br />
Subject: Billy Meier Wiki page<br />
<br />
Dear James,<br />
<br />
Your request was forwarded to us. I'm sorry for the delay.<br />
<br />
Last week I've shown paperprints of your website to Billy. Even though he did not read the content he is not against your work or, in other words, you can continue with your work in favour of the Billy Meier case.<br />
<br />
However, English translations from Billy's and FIGU's texts done by FIGU members will be published via  http://us.figu.org.<br />
<br />
Thank you and best regards,<br />
<br />
Christian Frehner<br />
of FIGU Switzerland<br />
== 8th March 2008 ==
Yesterday the website went down because my ISP decided to upgrade the version of PHP to version 5.2.3. I have now upgraded the version of MediaWiki from 1.6.10 to 1.11.2. This seems to have fixed it. Release notes are [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Important_Release_Notes here].
== 5th March 2008 ==
I've decided to use this [[Current events]] section for keeping track of the changes made to this website from now on.
Tonight I inserted the translation of pages 397 to 402 of volume 6 of the [[Contact Reports]] which was [[Contact Report 238]]. It concerned a prediction that Ptaah made of an impending discovery of a mummy of so-called the ''Iceman'', high in the Austrian Alps in 1991. But even more important than Meier's having first published the information about the discovery, in May of 1991, months before it occurred, is the irrefutable fact that he published specific information about exactly how the man died ten years before scientists discovered it using modern CT scan equipment.
The translation and above description was taken from [http://www.theyfly.com/newsflash91/5100_year_old_man.htm TheyFly.com].
== 28th February 2008 ==
Around the 15th of February I asked FIGU for their opinion regarding the usefulness of this website. I received a response from Dee Hanson on the 16th February as follows:
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="50%"
From: Dee & Eddie Hanson<br />
Sent: 16 February 2008 23:21<br />
To: webmaster@futureofmankind.co.uk<br />
Subject: website<br />
<br />
Hi James Moore,<br />
<br />
Your email was forwarded to Christian Frehner of the Core Group.  He is aware of your website but he doesn't know if Billy is.  He says your website will have to be discussed at the next meeting of the CG49.<br />
<br />
I will let you know as soon as we get a response.<br />
<br />
Dee Hanson<br />
== 28th January 2008 ==
I have finally uploaded all Meier-related content from a copy of the www.gaiaguys.net website which was recently taken offline on the 13th of December 2007.
In addition to it being the most recent version of the old gaiaguys website, I have also corrected all internal hyperlinks and removed any irrelevant material.
You can visit the splash page [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm here].
For older news click [[Archived News January 2013 To December 2013|here]].
<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>

Latest revision as of 21:51, 6 December 2021

This page contains information about new articles and media added to this wiki.

Monday, 17 March 2025

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16th January 2021

16th November 2020

16th November 2020

14th November 2020

18th October 2020

4th March 2020

29th February 2020

29th October 2019

18th August 2019

8th February 2019

7th February 2019

6th January 2019

18th December 2018

  • Updated Downloads with additional information and links.

13th December 2018

12th December 2018

11th December 2018

8th December 2018

  • Changed default skin to "timeless" to improve readability on mobile and tablet devices. The menu side-bar now drops down from the top on smaller screens (to save screen space) and appears on the left (as before) on larger screens. Ipad users may struggle selecting items lower down on the menu, to get around this scroll up close against left side of screen or use the search box at the top which is autocomplete and extra navigation links have been variously added.

16th November 2018

11th November 2018

  • Updated Beamship with additional information and images.

7th November 2018

  • Completed translation of Contact Report 498.
    Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt, details of Christian Church’s cruel destruction of majority of scientific handwritings in 4th and again 15th century in library of Alexandria and libraries of Roman empire and it's ramifications for speed of scientific discovery and social development; future's proper safeguards and protections against the build up of mass gathering agglomerations in dense form; looming impact on Earth of our sun’s slow dying, EMP and series of very cold winters; still undiscovered inner-earth extremophile organisms

12th October 2018

  • Added a new partial preliminary translation of Contact Report 704.
    The politics of USA, EU, NATO and Russia

4th September 2018

  • Added a new partial preliminary translation of Contact Report 709.
    'Reich Citizens Movement' phenomenon, governmental collusion with refugee smugglers, Plejaren stand regarding sanctions

26th August 2018

  • Added a new partial preliminary translation of Contact Report 679.
    Bashar al-Assad, Khan Shaykhun incident, Donald Trump

16th August 2018

  • Added a new partial preliminary translation of Contact Report 706.
    Novichok ex-spy poisoning, Donald Trump, secret services, partial-democracy, government, military, incredibly passionate quantity of wealth, religious experiments, 11 decade investigation, comprehensive economic evaluation

15th August 2018

  • Added a new full translation of Contact Report 245.
    Inactivity of UN and NATO regarding war cruelties in former Yugoslavia; peace-fighting troops according Henoch’s system for lasting peace on Earth

14th August 2018

13th August 2018

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 680.
    French Presidency election fraud 2017; true tipping point for permafrost; climate research ignoring origin aspect; pole shift

12th August 2018

  • Added a new full translation of Contact Report 242.
    Worsening refugees/migrants crisis; lack of effective UN peace-fighting troops; disregard for valid warnings due to parallel dissemination of nonsense by sects

11th June 2018

10th May 2018

9th March 2018

  • Updated FIGU‎‎ with additional information and links.

18th January 2018

17th June 2017

2nd February 2017

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 522.
    About motivation and why currently so few people study the spiritual teaching

21st December 2016

29th November 2016

6th November 2016

  • Added a new full translation of Contact Report 071.
    Prophecies and probability calculations for the year 1977 but which is applicable beyond this specific year

24th September 2016

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 655.
    EU, European Union, USA, Canada, Dictatorship, Hegemony, CETA, TTIP, TPP, Brussels, Policy toxic pollution damage, Population welfare and health, Brexit, United Kingdom, Political independence, England, Scotland
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 52.
    Giza Pyramids, Pharoah's curse
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 447‎
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 464‎
  • Added original German language source to Sfath's Explanation.
    see link on page

27th August 2016

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 34.
    Bermuda triangle, dimension-gates, time-flows, sea pirates, rising up seabed-gases, sunk continent inhabited by highly advanced race, spaceflight-capable aircrafts able to navigate in water and dive to great depths, Devil's Sea, South Atlantic Anomaly, Lake Anjikuni, dimensions-barrier, transformation layer

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 556.
    UFO sightings and photos which militaries, police and pilots substantiate, machines from terrestrial future, secret technological machinery, clarification and observation tasks only.
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 557.
    Overpopulation, unrestricted, catastrophes, irreparable damages, profit-greedy companies, services, water treatment, distribution facilities
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 576.
    Consciousness, fine-fluidalness, fine-spiritual perceptions, telepathy, levitation, teleportation, spiritual realm, Gemut, polarity principle, coarse matter, force field, binary opposition, penetrates all matter, human percieves it
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 653.
    History of the Plejaren, ancient records, extraterrestrial governments, resettling another planet in another star system, extraterrestrial traditions, home planet of emigrants, dictators, democracy, planetary catastrophe, might-obsessed rulers, long struggle for peace, spirit-leadership, democratically charactered folk.
  • Added Genesis (the book)

14th February 2016

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 579.
    Plejaren spiritual leaders, spiritual teaching explanations, word sense of the term 'spirit', ‘Geist’, 'Gheist’, Ghost, ‘pneuma’, ‘spiritus’, ‘shiver’, ‘frighten’, ‘arouse’, ‘holy ghost’, faith, creative spirit vibrations and impulses of energy, expressions of life, beyond plane, universe wide, material reality plane, finest material, alleged supernatural creatures, human brain, cycle of reincarnation, Nokodemion storage banks.
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 585.
    Methodical attentively surveyed hypnotic developmental impulsation transmissions world action, invigoration of multitudinous diverse specialist microeconomic macroeconomic fields and markets, comprehensive computer knowledge and internet technology engendered stimulus, mission fulfillment, counterfeit religious documentation, Arahat Athersata assertations, High Council concessions, circumvention of very gradual advancements, extreme negatively malicious factors proceeding a very accelerated evolutionary development, psychopathy, rapid terrestrial population increases, advancement of inexorable afflictions, multiplex problematic adaptation to the creative-natural laws and guidelines.
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 623.
    Overpopulation specific complex unwelcome frantically paced consequences, education induced asociality, authorities monetary child benefits, parental incapacity, societal burden, climatic order, mightful ones of state undertaking nothing, despotic regime, fundamental human rights, personal freedom, rejected rigorous measures, readjusting to a very greatly changed reality, reduced for the good of a continued existence.
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 625.
    Islamistische Staat, very badly out of the control of the good human nature, misplaced appropriations, identity of market and economic industrial factors, imperialism, mendaciously disdains human life paradoxical selfless saver of freedom mentality, underhandedly provoking war, ocean based wild shootout, morbid gung-ho psychotically ill paranoiacs, irrational conspiracy theories, paranoid modes of behaviour, vengeance and retribution craving strikes, historical diverse religious sectarianism criminal lives, multinational strike force for peace, EU dictatorship-led fire-stoking confrontations framework, reality-estranged-naivety, false inflated self-worth delusion, great unknowledge in professional fields.

21st August 2015

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 531.
    Psychology, compulsion, pseudologia fantastica, mythomania, psychological educational material of terrestrial teaching institutes

15th August 2015

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 297.
    Animal hunting, farming, synthetic meat, gamekeeping, evolution, minority influence, information cascades, reactance
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 390.
    Homeopathy, consciousness self healing, telepathically-suggestive transmissions, mental energy wave oscilations, superficially reading without real interest
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 611.
    Ubiquitous effects of music on civilizations, harmony, disharmony, structuralism, hypnosis, impulsations, existentialism, ancient high cultures, fashion, cognitive, mental, emotional, social capabilities, decisiveness, excitation, inspiration, elation, self-perception, dictatorship, nationalism, conflict
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 616.
    EU probability calculation, Self fulfilling prophecy, various Germany histories, democracy, fanaticism, radicalism, free thinking people, rapid changes of planet Earth
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 618.
    Prophet position, historical religious sectarian interpretations, truth, spirit, life, reality, evolution, time, progress
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 620.
    Historical warnings, decisive valueful preparations, industrialized wealth, prevelent injustices, widespread confusion, civilization, knowingly wrong ideas, modes of behavior, mismanagement, illogical decisions. Regulations, profit, corporations and organisations

7th August 2015

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 583.
    Health, psyche, consciousness, disharmonious music, EU dictatorship, Earth affairs discussion

6th August 2015

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 582.
    Commemoration, celebration, festivities, traditions, democracy, globalization, government of worlds

Luis Badano

31st July 2015

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 540.
    Earth's magnetism, polarity reversal, might-potential of adversaries, hard rocky road to honesty and modesty
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 541.
    Terrestrial air space, newly-appearing foreigners, diverse Federation, larger groupings
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 577.
    Flying devices, shielding, protection, observation, one sector of vision
  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 578.
    International space station devices, foreign-to-Earth grouping, 5000 year ascertations, protection

Luis Badano

6th July 2015

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 589.
    Overpopulation, destruction of nature, jet-stream changes, mega-storms, administrated by Earth's human beings

22nd December 2014

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 476 - by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg.
    2012, Mayan calender, Akart, Sun activity, changes to Earth's climate, weight of thoughts

James Moore

17th December 2014

  • Added a new translation of Contact Report 72‎.
    Future earthquake map, incarnation, internal group members, 800 year mission schedule


  • Added a new partial extract translation of Contact Report 592.
    Dark matter, universal gravitational force, expansion substance, far leading destructive weapon manufacturers
  • Added a new partial extract translation of Contact Report 593.
    ISIS Syria conflict, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Arab spring
  • Added a new partial extract translation of Contact Report 498.
    Ancient Rome, Asia Minor and Greece, loss of 1,341,700 scientific scrolls due to religious revolution

6th November 2014

27th September 2014

3rd August 2014


29th July 2014

  • Added a new partial translation of Contact Report 486 regarding the advice to FIGU to cease any further attempts to welcome enquiries that throw the truth of their contacts into question.


27th July 2014


26th July 2014


25th July 2014


22nd July 2014


15th July 2014


14th July 2014


5th May 2014

23rd March 2014


8th March 2014


6th March 2014

Created book samples:


3rd March 2014


28th February 2014


  • Added new category Booklets with freely available booklets from FIGU, as well as the original pdf files.
  • Added the German side by side original text to any booklet that did not have it.
  • Added the relevant links to the sources of translations of booklets as well as links to their original.
  • Placed a header at the top of each booklet to be consistent to say whether it’s an authorised/unauthorised official/unofficial translation.
  • Modified Template:Officialauthorised, Template:Unofficialauthorised, Template:Unofficialunauthorised to be more clear, informative and to render well on mobile.
  • Added HOW TO READ THE TEACHING, an introduction sample from the book The Psyche
  • Started work on category Books
  • Added extraction script samples to User:Prunc used in converting html to wikitext in order to avoid manual editing and copy/paste.
  • Did other things I didn't remember at the time of this writing...


25th February 2014

James Moore

20th February 2014

11th February 2014

8th February 2014

6th February 2014

27th January 2014

  • Added contact reports 104 and 106. Some new translations by Larry Driscoll.

James Moore

16th January 2014

15th January 2014

  • Added a new translation of Contact Report 563, the first to be translated by the Duolingo.com community (for free too)! May more be forthcoming from Duolingo.com. Its a great free learning system that I personally recommend to anyone wanting to learn a new language.

James Moore

4th January 2014

James Moore

1st January 2014

  • Added an old partial translation of Contact Report 275 by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg that I had overlooked several years ago but only just "found" once again about Mother Theresa.

James Moore

Older News

For older news click here.