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From Billy Meier
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<small><span style="color:red; font-weight:bold">Note to Webmasters: Please insert a link to your website on this page if it is related to Billy Meier in a neutral or neutral-positive sense. Thanks - FoM Webmaster</span></small>
<div style="float:right;">[[File:Nearby SSSC 085.jpg|thumb|380px|left|<small><small><div style="font-size:86%; line-height: 1.0;">The Zürcher Oberland ("Zurich highlands") in Switzerland, is the hilly south-eastern part of the canton of Zurich, bordering on the Toggenburg, including the districts of Uster, Hinwil, Pfäffikon as well as the Töss Valley as far as the district of Winterthur.</div></small></small>]]<br>[[File:Flowers_Edelweiss.jpg|thumb|380px|left|<small><small><div style="font-size:86%; line-height: 1.0;">A mountain flower belonging to the daisy or sunflower family, Asteraceae (Angiospermae). It prefers rocky limestone positions at about 1,800 - 3,000 metres (5,900–9,800 ft) altitude. The dense hair appears to be an adaptation to high altitudes, protecting the plant from cold, aridity, and ultraviolet radiation. Difficult to find and short-lived (hardy perennial). Leontopodium nivale, commonly called edelweiss (Edelweiß), a compound of edel "noble" and weiß "white". The scientific name is a latinisation of the Greek leontopódion, "lion's paw". According to folk tradition, giving this flower to a loved one is a promise of dedication. A crop from the original image taken by Martin Dürr CC2.0 in Reichenau an der Rax, Lower Austria, Austria on the 2nd of August‎‎, ‎2016.<br><br>There is a song named after the flower, which has been included on the [[Peaceful Music]] page, [https://youtu.be/-aogktWHQSY Richard Rodgers - Edelweiss (YouTube external link)]</div></small></small>]]</div>
<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold">Note to Webmasters: Please insert a link to your website on this page if it is related to Billy Meier in a neutral or neutral-positive sense. Thanks - FoM Webmaster</span>
Good day, goodbye and farewell.
==Official FIGU Sites==
==Official FIGU Sites==
* [http://www.figu.org/ FIGU Switzerland] - ([http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.figu.org%2Fch in English])
<small>Landesgruppe means national group.</small>
* [http://www.figu.org/ch/index/downloads/translations FIGU Switzerland's English Translations Page]
* [http://www.figu.org/ FIGU Switzerland (links page)] - [[FIGU]] Mother Centre, [[SSSC]] - ([http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.figu.org%2Fch in English <small>- google translate</small>])
* [http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi English FIGU Forum]
* [http://www.figu.org/ch/index/downloads/translations FIGU Switzerland's translation Page (English)]
* [http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/de/discus.cgi German FIGU Forum] - ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.figu.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fde%2Fdiscus.cgi%3Fpg%3Dtopics%26access%3Dguest in English as a "guest"])
* [http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/it/discus.cgi Italian FIGU Forum] - ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.figu.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fit%2Fdiscus.cgi%3Fpg%3Dtopics%26access%3Dguest in English as a "Guest"])
* [http://ca.figu.org/ FIGU Canada] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada]]
* [http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/1871.html?1295844244 FIGU Forum Thread - Your Questions to Billy Meier, Answered]  
* [http://au.figu.org/ FIGU Australia] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia]]
* [http://us.figu.org/ FIGU USA] - Taken offline until FIGU USA has been recommissioned by FIGU HQ (in Switzerland).
* [http://ca.figu.org/ FIGU Canada]
* [http://au.figu.org/ FIGU Australia]
* [http://dict.figu.org/ FIGU Dictionary Site]
* [http://dict.figu.org/ FIGU Dictionary Site]
* [http://beam.figu.org/ Eduard Albert Meier's personal website]
* [http://beam.figu.org/ BEAM Portal (German)] - Eduard Albert Meier's personal website.
===Official FIGU Interessengruppe===
<small>Interessengruppe means interest group, they are study groups.</small>
* [http://creationaltruth.org creationaltruth.org] (Schöpfungswahrheit) - [[United States Interessengruppe|FIGU-Interessengruppe United States]]
* [http://californiaforfigu.org/ californiaforfigu.org] - [[California Interessengruppe|FIGU-Interessengruppe California, USA]]
* [http://coloradoforfigu.org/ coloradoforfigu.org] - [[FIGU-Interessengruppe für die Missionswissen Colorado|FIGU-Interessengruppe Colorado, USA]]
* [http://figuohio.org/ figuohio.org] - [[Ohio Interessengruppe|FIGU-Interessengruppe Ohio, USA]]
* [http://www.figu-england.co.uk figu-england.co.uk] - [[Southern England Interessengruppe|FIGU-Interessengruppe England, UK]]
===Official Forums===
* [http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi English FIGU Forum] - [http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/1871.html?1295844244 FIGU Forum - Your Questions to Billy Meier, Answered]
* [http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/de/discus.cgi German FIGU Forum] - ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.figu.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fde%2Fdiscus.cgi%3Fpg%3Dtopics%26access%3Dguest in English (read-only) as a "Guest" <small>- google translate</small>])
* [http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/it/discus.cgi Italian FIGU Forum] - ([http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.figu.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fit%2Fdiscus.cgi%3Fpg%3Dtopics%26access%3Dguest in English (read-only) as a "Guest" <small>- google translate</small>])
==Other Billy Meier or FIGU-related Sites==
==Other Billy Meier or FIGU-related Sites==
* [http://www.theyfly.com/ TheyFly.com]
* [http://www.theyfly.com/ TheyFly.com] - ''[[Michael Horn]]''
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm gaiaguys.net (backup copy)]
* [http://www.theyflyblog.com/ TheyFlyblog.com] - ''[[Michael Horn]]'' (see [[FIGU News]])
* [http://meiercase.0x2a.info/meiercase/index.php Jeroen Jansen's The Meier Case] (Looks like this site is offline for now)
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm gaiaguys.net] - ''Gaiaguys website (archived)''
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Cnotes.html The Contact Reports of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: a topical listing - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Cnotes.html Mirror]]
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Cnotes.html chancede/Cnotes.html] - ''[[Contact Reports]] Topical listing - Courtesy David E. Chance (archive)''
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Answers.html Questions To Billy Meier Answered I - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Answers.html Mirror]]
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Answers.txt chancede/Answers.txt] - ''Questions To Billy Meier Answered - Courtesy David E. Chance (regularly updated)''
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Answers2.html Questions To Billy Meier Answered II - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Answers2.html Mirror]]
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Meier.html chancede/Meier.html] - ''"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier Bibliography - Courtesy David E. Chance (archive)''
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Meier.html "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: An English-Language Bibliography - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Meier.html Mirror]]
* [http://clemmm.googlepages.com/ clemmm.googlepages.com] - ''Clemmm's English Translations''
* [http://clemmm.googlepages.com/ Clemmm's English Translations]
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/www.tjresearch.info/ tjresearch.info] - ''James W. Deardorff's Research of [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]] website (archived)''
* [http://www.tjresearch.info James W. Deardorff's Research of The Talmud of Jmmanuel]
* [http://www.billymeiertranslations.com billymeiertranslations.com] - ''Billy Meier Translations''
* [http://www.billymeiertranslations.com Billy Meier Translations]
* [http://www.myspace.com/billymeiercontactreports myspace.com/billymeiercontactreports] - ''Billy Meier Contact Reports MySpace Blog''
* [http://www.myspace.com/billymeiercontactreports Billy Meier Contact Reports MySpace Blog]
* [http://www.ufofacts.me.uk/ ufofacts.me.uk] - ''UFO Facts by Stephen Moore''
* [http://www.ufofacts.co.cc/ UFO Facts by Stephen Moore]
* [http://www.thecircleforhumanity.net thecircleforhumanity.net] - ''The Circle For Humanity - Group dedicated to overpopulation problem''
* [http://www.thecircleforhumanity.net The Circle For Humanity - Group dedicated to the ever increasing overpopulation problem]
* [http://www.avilabooks.com/writings.htm avilabooks.com/writings.htm] - ''Dr. Dietmar Rothe's writings''
* [http://www.avilabooks.com/writings.htm Dr. Dietmar Rothe's writings]
* [http://revolutionoftruth.com/ revolutionoftruth.com] - ''Charles Page's The Revolution Of Truth''
* [http://revolutionoftruth.com/ Charles Page's The Revolution Of Truth]
* [http://wahrheit7x7.webs.com/ wahrheit7x7.webs.com] - ''Jose Barreto's Human Being of the Earth''
* [http://wahrheit7x7.webs.com/ Jose Barreto's Human Being of the Earth]
* [http://eir.forever.kz/ eir.forever.kz] - ''Eurasian Institute of research in “Billy” E.A. Meierology''
* [http://eir.forever.kz/ Eurasian Institute of research in “Billy” E.A. Meierology]
* [http://replay.web.archive.org/20020330122555/http://michaelhesemann.com/ michaelhesemann.com] - ''Michael Hesemann's Archived Website''
* [http://replay.web.archive.org/20020330122555/http://michaelhesemann.com/ Michael Hesemann's Archived Website]
* [http://www.facebook.com/groups/Nokodemion/ - facebook.com/groups/Nokodemion/] - ''Facebook Study Group''
* [http://www.facebook.com/groups/Nokodemion/ PLEJAREN FEDERATION BEAM NOKODEMION CREATION OM Facebook Study Group]
* [http://methimeier.wordpress.com/ methimeier.wordpress.com] - ''Methusalem Meier's Blog''
* [http://methimeier.wordpress.com/ Methusalem Meier's Blog]
* [http://www.towardthetruth.org/ towardthetruth.org] - ''Toward The Truth''
* [http://www.towardthetruth.org/ Toward The Truth]
* [http://ufoprophet.blogspot.in/ ufoprophet.blogspot.in] - ''Mahesh Karumudi's collection of Archives''
* [http://ufoprophet.blogspot.in/ Mahesh's collection of Billy Meier Archives]
* [http://www.billymeieruforesearch.com/ billymeieruforesearch.com] - ''Mahesh Karumudi's collection of Archives''
===For Young People===
* [https://billymeierhkresearch.org/en/ billymeierhkresearch.org] - ''Hong Kong based listing of links modeled on theyfly.com''
* [http://www.billyforkids.info Billy For Kids - Stories About Other Human Beings In The Universe]
* [http://www.exopoliticsohio.us/BillyMeier.html exopoliticsohio.us] - ''An arrangement of linked summaries and excerpts.'' (see [[Contact_Statistics#Book_Statistics|PPKB]])
* [http://www.theyfly.com/The-Adventures-of-Billy-Meier.html The Adventures of Billy Meier! - A Graphic Novel] | [http://www.theyfly.com/The-Adventures-of-Billy-Meier-4.html Episode Two] | [http://www.theyfly.com/The-Adventures-of-Billy-Meier-8.html Episode Three]
* [https://www.pinterest.com/stormin3/ufo-contactee-billy-meier/ pinterest...ufo-contactee-billy-meier] - ''Norm’s meme’s and info postcard pictures''
* [http://www.meiersaken.info/ meiersaken.info] - ''Kåre Bergheim's Website''
* [http://www.billymeiertranslations.com/ billymeiertranslations.com] - ''Benjamin Stevens translations''
* [http://beam2eng.blogspot.co.uk/?view=flipcard beam2eng.blogspot.co.uk] - ''Billy Meier Translations''
* [http://www.tjresearch.info/ tjresearch.info] - ''James Deardorff - Talmud Jmmanuel research''
* [https://billymeier.wordpress.com/ billymeier.wordpress.com] - ''Beam of light''
* http://goblet-of-the-truth.org/
* [https://gregdougall.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/we-came-from-the-stars-and-then-from-mars-ebook-giveaway/ gregdougall.wordpress.com] - ''Greg dougall's website''
* [http://www.creationaltruth.org/Library/Articles.aspx creationaltruth.org] (Schöpfungswahrheit) - ''Many FIGU articles and translations''
==Non-English Billy Meier Links==
==Non-English Billy Meier Links==
<small>You may add language relevant links here and additional languages, even if there are no URLs discovered for that language yet, if you would like to, but please no ancient languages even if that is interesting, there are other areas of the website for that. Please no strongly negative or for that matter strongly positive links, we're looking to present reasonably neutral website links here. If you discover broken links, dead links, inappropriate links etc., thank you for letting us know in the comments section - or logging in and amending them.</small>
<div style="column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2">
===Français <sup><small>(French)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:fr}} - {{#language:fr|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://fr.figu.org/ FIGU Francais] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe France]]
: [http://fr.figu.org/ufologie/ufo_billy La vérité sur Billy Meier --"UFO-BILLY"<br><small>La voix de l'ere du versau - WZ no 5- Février 1989</small>]
* [http://billymeiertraductionsfr.blogspot.co.uk/ billymeiertraductionsfr.blogspot.co.uk]
* [http://prophetiehenoch.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/la-prophetie.html prophetiehenoch.blogspot.co.uk]
* [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpl0APzJfh15i9Tv-l8GNDw BillyMeierInFrench Youtube Channel]
: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrNYPcMYdoQ BillyMeierInFrench TV: Les Contacts de Billy Meier (Youtube)<br><small>La Clé de notre Survie future</small>]
* [https://www.facebook.com/FiguBeamFrance/ Friends of Billy Meier and FIGU]
* [https://la-revolution-silencieuse-de-la-verite.xyz/ la-revolution-silencieuse-de-la-verite.xyz]
* [http://ovni007.tripod.com/id75.html Des Vérités secrètes et cachées au grand public sont ici<br><small>ovni007.tripod.com</small>]
* [https://www.mondenouveau.fr/5220-2/ www.mondenouveau.fr Le contacté Billy Meier]
===Español <sup><small>(Spanish)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:es}} - {{#language:es|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://es.figu.org/ FIGU Espanol] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Espana]]
* [http://www.pleyadescontacto.com pleyadescontacto.com]
* [http://pleyadescontacto.blogspot.com pleyadescontacto.blogspot.com]
* [http://www.informeovni.net/imagenes/foto7meier.html informeovni.net]
* [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Meier Billy Meier (Wikipedia)]
* [https://granmisterio.org/2014/01/11/la-camara-nunca-miente-las-curiosas-fotos-de-billy-meier/ granmisterio.org/2014/01/11/]
* [https://ufo.com.br/colunas/pedrodecampos/46-o-caso-billy-meier ufo.com.br]
===普通話 <sup><small>(Chinese) (Putonghua) (Mandarin)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:zh}}, {{#language:cmn}} - {{#language:zh|en}}</small></sup>
* [https://billymeier.org/zh-cn/ https://billymeier.org/zh-cn/]
* [http://billybooks.org/about-us.php?lang=zh-Hans BillyBooks: 比利叢書]<sup>HK</sup>
* [http://billymeierhkresearch.org BillyMeierHongKongResearchCentre (BEAMHK): 比利.邁爾香港研究中心]<sup>HK</sup> - [http://billymeierhkresearch.org/en/ English Version]
: [https://youtu.be/Jx3Xj4UpNiM 從七姊妹星人智慧看人類應該如何生活? (YouTube)]<sup>HK</sup>
: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z9gB4SwDbg 七姊妹星人的未來報告2018至2028年 (YouTube)]<sup>HK</sup>
* [https://saalome.com/ Saalome]
: [https://www.facebook.com/Billy.Meier.In.Oneness/ Facebook: 浩瀚宇宙之比利邁爾 - Billy Meier 現象 - James Hsu]
: [http://jameshsu2013.pixnet.net/blog/post/353659541/ Pixnet: 浩瀚宇宙之比利邁爾 - Billy Meier 現象 - James Hsu]
* [https://www.freundderwahrheit.de/petition_geburtenregelungen_in_chinesisch.html FreundderWahrheit: 地球患病的原因是:「人口過剩」,我們急需一個全球性的生育管制措施。]
* [https://www.change.org/p/weltweite-geburtenregelungen-verbindlich-einf%C3%BChren-introduce-obligatory-worldwide-birth-controls/u/23930230 中文简体 地球患病的原因是:「人口过剩」,我们急需一个全球性的生育管制措施。]
===广东话 <sup><small>(Cantonese)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:yue}} - {{#language:yue|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://billybooks.org/about-us.php?lang=zh-Hans BillyBooks: 比利叢書]
* [http://billymeierhkresearch.org BillyMeierHongKongResearchCentre (BEAMHK): 比利.邁爾香港研究中心] - [http://billymeierhkresearch.org/en/ English Version]
: [https://youtu.be/Jx3Xj4UpNiM 從七姊妹星人智慧看人類應該如何生活? (YouTube)]
: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z9gB4SwDbg 七姊妹星人的未來報告2018至2028年 (YouTube)]
===हिंदी <sup><small>(Hindi)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:hi}} - {{#language:hi|en}}</small></sup>
===Deutsch <sup><small>(German)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:de}} - {{#language:de|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://de.figu.org/ FIGU Deutschland] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Deutschland]]
* [http://www.freundderwahrheit.de freundderwahrheit.de] - ''Friend of Truth''
===Österreich <sup><small>(Austrian German)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:de}} - {{#language:de|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://at.figu.org/ FIGU Österreich] - [[FIGU-Studiengruppe Österreich]]
===Schweizer <sup><small>(Swiss German)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:de}} - {{#language:de|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://www.figu.org/ch FIGU Schweizer] - [[SSSC]]
===Česká republika <sup><small>(Czech)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:cs}} - {{#language:cs|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://cz.figu.org/ FIGU Ceska] - [[FIGU-Studiengruppe Ceska Republika]]
===Português <sup><small>(Portuguese)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:pt}} - {{#language:pt|en}}</small></sup>
<img border="0" src="https://portalmundoinvisivel.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/anos-luz-jpg.jpg" alt="Gary Kinder Anos Luz" width="60" height="80" style="float:right">
* [https://portalmundoinvisivel.wordpress.com/um-livro-sobre-billy-meier/ Um livro sobre Billy Meier<br><small>portalmundoinvisivel.wordpress.com</small>]
* [https://ufo.com.br/artigos/revista-ufo-visita-eduard-billy-meier.html ufo.com.br: Revista UFO visita Eduard Billy Meier]
* [http://members.tripod.com/der_beobachter.br/beam.htm members.tripod.com]
===Italiano <sup><small>(Italian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:it}} - {{#language:it|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://it.figu.org/ FIGU Italia] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Italia]]
* [https://www.tanogabo.it/i-pleiadiani-e-billy-meier/ tanogabo.it/i-pleiadiani-e-billy-meier/]
===Gàidhlig & Gaeilge <sup><small>(Scottish & Irish Gaelic)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:gd}} - {{#language:gd|en}} - {{#language:ga}} - {{#language:ga|en}}</small></sup>
* ''See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Scottish_Gaelic_and_Irish Comparison of Scottish Gaelic and Irish (Wikipedia)]''
===Cymraeg <sup><small>(Welsh) (Cambrian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:cy}} - {{#language:cy|en}}</small></sup>
===日本語 <sup><small>(Japanese)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:ja}} - {{#language:ja|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://jp.figu.org/ FIGU Japan] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Japan]]
: [http://jp.figu.org jp.figu.org]
: [https://shop.figu.org/bücher/プレアデス/プレヤール人とのコンタクト記録(3-)?language=en  <small>shop.figu.org:</small><br>プレアデス/プレヤール人とのコンタクト記録]
: [https://shop.figu.org/bücher/心?language=en <small>shop.figu.org:</small><br>心]
: [https://shop.figu.org/bücher/アラハト・アテルサータ?language=en <small>shop.figu.org:</small><br>アラハト・アテルサータ]
===العربية <sup><small>(Arabic)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:ar}} - {{#language:ar|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://the-lifeofvague.blogspot.com/2014/07/blog-post_90.html the-life of vague.blogspot.com]
===Pусский <sup><small>(Russian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:ru}} - {{#language:ru|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://ru.figu.org/ FIGU Pусскaя группа] - [[FIGU-Landesgruppe Russia]]
: [http://figu.ru figu.ru]
* [http://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Майер,_Билли Билли Майер (Википедия)]
===Polskie <sup><small>(Polish)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:pl}} - {{#language:pl|en}}</small></sup>
* https://eraintegracji.pl.tl/
* https://wolnemedia.net/kim-jest-eduard-albert-meier
===Yкраїнський <sup><small>(Ukrainian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:uk}} - {{#language:uk|en}}</small></sup>
===Dansk <sup><small>(Danish)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:da}} - {{#language:da|en}}</small></sup>
* [http://deersted.com/article/billy-meier deersted.com/article/billymeier]
===Norsk <sup><small>(Norwegian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:no}}, {{#language:nb}}, {{#language:nb}} - {{#language:no|en}}</small></sup>
===Svenska <sup><small>(Swedish)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:sv}} - {{#language:sv|en}}</small></sup>
<img border="0" src="http://se.figu.org/wpimages/wpa9a2fbc5_05_06.jpg" alt="se.figu.org" width="80" height="80" style="float:right">
* [http://se.figu.org FIGU Sverige] - [[FIGU-Studiengruppe Sverige]]
: [http://se.figu.org/ se.figu.org]
===Nederlands <sup><small>(Dutch)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:nl}} - {{#language:nl|en}}</small></sup>
===Magyar <sup><small>(Hungarian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:hu}} - {{#language:hu|en}}</small></sup>
===한국어 <sup><small>(Korean)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:ko}} - {{#language:ko|en}}</small></sup>
===မြန်မာ <sup><small>(Burmese)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:my}} - {{#language:my|en}}</small></sup>
===Kiswahili <sup><small>(Swahili)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:sw}} - {{#language:sw|en}}</small></sup>
* [[File:Swahili.pdf]]
* [http://www.aldalu.com/ Arabic]
===Afrikaans <sup><small>(Afrikaans)</small></sup>===
* http://www.pleyadescontacto.com
<sup><small>{{#language:af}} - {{#language:af|en}}</small></sup>
* http://pleyadescontacto.blogspot.com
* http://www.freundderwahrheit.de (Friend of Truth)
===Hայերեն <sup><small>(Armenian)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:hy}} - {{#language:hy|en}}</small></sup>
===ελληνικά <sup><small>(Greek)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:el}} - {{#language:el|en}}</small></sup>
* [https://ufotruth-gr.blogspot.com/2011/11/contactees.html ufotruth-gr.blogspot.com]
===اردو <sup><small>(Urdu)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:ur}} - {{#language:ur|en}}</small></sup>
===Türkçe <sup><small>(Turkish)</small></sup>===
<sup><small>{{#language:tr}} - {{#language:tr|en}}</small></sup>
* [https://figuturkiye.blogspot.com/ figuturkiye.blogspot.com]
==Overpopulation-concerned Sites==
==Overpopulation-concerned Sites==
* [http://populationmatters.org/ Population Matters]
* [http://populationmatters.org/ Population Matters]
* [http://www.overpopulation.org/ World Population Awareness]
* [http://www.overpopulation.org/ www.overpopulation.org - World Population Awareness]
* [http://www.everythingconnects.org/overpopulation.html www.everythingconnects.org - Overpopulation]
* [http://www.greenparty.org.uk/ The Green Party - UK]
* [http://www.greenparty.org.uk/ The Green Party - UK]
==Similar authors==
With nearing ten thousand million human beings on Earth you’d think we could find some similar individuals wouldn’t you, well we can’t.
* '''Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev''' has some similarities, often referred to simply as '''Sadhguru''', he is an Indian yogi, mystic, and author. Listen to him on YouTube.
* '''Ray Loveday''' has some interesting parallels, even if abstract. Ray is another word for BEAM in English, and [[BEAM]] wrote a book called [[Law of Love (book)]]. Ray has written a book called “Hikey Sprites: The Twilight of a Norfolk Tradition”, Ray's personal mission was to preserve the elusive Hikey Sprites, which are similar to [[Rods: Bio-organisms and Energy Objects]] which live in Norfolk and Suffolk, England, which have turned into folklore, and [[SSSC]] has gnomes in the garden. The flag of East Anglia is like the Swiss and Haute Savoie flag colour inverted.
Truth is there are no similar authors in the whole world and in all history, because [[BEAM]], [[FIGU]] and [[Plejaren]] have pointed out things that few ever saw or knew before.
==The Webmaster's Other Websites==
==The Webmaster's Other Websites==

Latest revision as of 00:49, 3 September 2021

Note to Webmasters: Please insert a link to your website on this page if it is related to Billy Meier in a neutral or neutral-positive sense. Thanks - FoM Webmaster

The Zürcher Oberland ("Zurich highlands") in Switzerland, is the hilly south-eastern part of the canton of Zurich, bordering on the Toggenburg, including the districts of Uster, Hinwil, Pfäffikon as well as the Töss Valley as far as the district of Winterthur.

A mountain flower belonging to the daisy or sunflower family, Asteraceae (Angiospermae). It prefers rocky limestone positions at about 1,800 - 3,000 metres (5,900–9,800 ft) altitude. The dense hair appears to be an adaptation to high altitudes, protecting the plant from cold, aridity, and ultraviolet radiation. Difficult to find and short-lived (hardy perennial). Leontopodium nivale, commonly called edelweiss (Edelweiß), a compound of edel "noble" and weiß "white". The scientific name is a latinisation of the Greek leontopódion, "lion's paw". According to folk tradition, giving this flower to a loved one is a promise of dedication. A crop from the original image taken by Martin Dürr CC2.0 in Reichenau an der Rax, Lower Austria, Austria on the 2nd of August‎‎, ‎2016.

There is a song named after the flower, which has been included on the Peaceful Music page, Richard Rodgers - Edelweiss (YouTube external link)

Good day, goodbye and farewell.

Official FIGU Sites

Landesgruppe means national group.

Official FIGU Interessengruppe

Interessengruppe means interest group, they are study groups.

Official Forums

Other Billy Meier or FIGU-related Sites

Non-English Billy Meier Links

You may add language relevant links here and additional languages, even if there are no URLs discovered for that language yet, if you would like to, but please no ancient languages even if that is interesting, there are other areas of the website for that. Please no strongly negative or for that matter strongly positive links, we're looking to present reasonably neutral website links here. If you discover broken links, dead links, inappropriate links etc., thank you for letting us know in the comments section - or logging in and amending them.

Français (French)

français - français

La vérité sur Billy Meier --"UFO-BILLY"
La voix de l'ere du versau - WZ no 5- Février 1989
BillyMeierInFrench TV: Les Contacts de Billy Meier (Youtube)
La Clé de notre Survie future

Español (Spanish)

español - español

普通話 (Chinese) (Putonghua) (Mandarin)

中文, cmn - 中文

從七姊妹星人智慧看人類應該如何生活? (YouTube)HK
七姊妹星人的未來報告2018至2028年 (YouTube)HK
Facebook: 浩瀚宇宙之比利邁爾 - Billy Meier 現象 - James Hsu
Pixnet: 浩瀚宇宙之比利邁爾 - Billy Meier 現象 - James Hsu

广东话 (Cantonese)

粵語 - 粵語

從七姊妹星人智慧看人類應該如何生活? (YouTube)
七姊妹星人的未來報告2018至2028年 (YouTube)

हिंदी (Hindi)

हिन्दी - हिन्दी

Deutsch (German)

Deutsch - Deutsch

Österreich (Austrian German)

Deutsch - Deutsch

Schweizer (Swiss German)

Deutsch - Deutsch

Česká republika (Czech)

čeština - čeština

Português (Portuguese)

português - português

<img border="0" src="anos-luz-jpg.jpg" alt="Gary Kinder Anos Luz" width="60" height="80" style="float:right">

Italiano (Italian)

italiano - italiano

Gàidhlig & Gaeilge (Scottish & Irish Gaelic)

Gàidhlig - Gàidhlig - Gaeilge - Gaeilge

Cymraeg (Welsh) (Cambrian)

Cymraeg - Cymraeg

日本語 (Japanese)

日本語 - 日本語


العربية (Arabic)

العربية - العربية

Pусский (Russian)

русский - русский


Polskie (Polish)

polski - polski

Yкраїнський (Ukrainian)

українська - українська

Dansk (Danish)

dansk - dansk

Norsk (Norwegian)

norsk, norsk bokmål, norsk bokmål - norsk

Svenska (Swedish)

svenska - svenska

<img border="0" src="wpa9a2fbc5_05_06.jpg" alt="se.figu.org" width="80" height="80" style="float:right">


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Nederlands - Nederlands

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magyar - magyar

한국어 (Korean)

한국어 - 한국어

မြန်မာ (Burmese)

မြန်မာဘာသာ - မြန်မာဘာသာ

Kiswahili (Swahili)

Kiswahili - Kiswahili

Afrikaans (Afrikaans)

Afrikaans - Afrikaans

Hայերեն (Armenian)

հայերեն - հայերեն

ελληνικά (Greek)

Ελληνικά - Ελληνικά

اردو (Urdu)

اردو - اردو

Türkçe (Turkish)

Türkçe - Türkçe

Overpopulation-concerned Sites

Similar authors

With nearing ten thousand million human beings on Earth you’d think we could find some similar individuals wouldn’t you, well we can’t.

  • Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has some similarities, often referred to simply as Sadhguru, he is an Indian yogi, mystic, and author. Listen to him on YouTube.
  • Ray Loveday has some interesting parallels, even if abstract. Ray is another word for BEAM in English, and BEAM wrote a book called Law of Love (book). Ray has written a book called “Hikey Sprites: The Twilight of a Norfolk Tradition”, Ray's personal mission was to preserve the elusive Hikey Sprites, which are similar to Rods: Bio-organisms and Energy Objects which live in Norfolk and Suffolk, England, which have turned into folklore, and SSSC has gnomes in the garden. The flag of East Anglia is like the Swiss and Haute Savoie flag colour inverted.

Truth is there are no similar authors in the whole world and in all history, because BEAM, FIGU and Plejaren have pointed out things that few ever saw or knew before.

The Webmaster's Other Websites