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== The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki ==
<span style="float: left; text-align: left; font-size: 360%; font-variant: small-caps; box-sizing:border-box; padding: 0 0.75em 0 0; line-height: 0.8; color: #001133; font-family: 'Linux Libertine','Times New Roman',serif;">Budúcn [[File:FIGU.png|link=Photo_Gallery|76%]]sť ľudstva</span>
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<div id="mf-welcome" title="Introduction" style="float:left; align="justify" line-height:1.3em; font-size:1.1em; padding:0 20px 0 0;">'''Vitajte na stránkach [[Billy Meier:About|Budúcnosť ľudstva - Future Of Mankind]]''', najväčšieho slovensky písaného informačného zdroja, ktorého hlavným autorom je [[Eduard Albert Meier|Billy Meier]], kontaktér [[Plejaren Federation|Federácie Plejaren]] a zakladateľ [[FIGU]].<br />
Cieľom tejto stránky je napomáhať [[The Mission|misii]] zlepšovania kvality života všetkých ľudí na Zemi poskytovaním [[Main_Page#Impressum_.2F_Copyright_.2F_Disclaimer|<span style="color:black;">voľne dostupných</span>]] slovenských prekladov článkov FIGU. Na to, aby sme nášmu svetu priniesli mier, je potrebné uvedomiť si veľkú múdrosť a následne ju uviesť do praxe. Múdrosť je dosiahnuteľná len vtedy, keď sa skutočné vedomosti spoja s úprimnosťou.
<br /><br />
Vďaka FIGU a [[Plejaren Federation|Federácii Plejaren]], sú teraz každému na Zemi [[Main_Page#Impressum_.2F_Copyright_.2F_Disclaimer|<span style="color:black;">voľne dostupné</span>]] predtým neznáme vedomosti pokrývajúce rôzne témy v rámci ich [[Contact Reports|Kontaktných správ]], z ktorých mnohé sú umiestnené na tejto webovej stránke. Vysvetľujú sa v nich mnohé vedecké a duchovné skutočnosti, ktoré boli dlho utajované a verejnosti popierané tými, ktorí sú pri moci. Medzi takéto témy patrí [[Where do we come from?|náš skutočný pôvod]], problémy [[What the Plejaren Wish for Earth Humans|na Zemi]] a [[Where are you going humanity?|v nás]], [[How did our universe and our world come into existence?|fakty o vesmíre]], [[Spirit Teaching|zákony Stvorenia]] a mnohé ďalšie. <br /><br />
The largest online resource of information produced by [[Eduard Albert Meier|Billy Meier]], the well known contactee of the [[Plejaren Federation]] and [[Prophets|prophet]] of the New Age.  
Ak potrebujete dôkazy, ktoré potvrdzujú pravdivosť týchto informácií, potom ich nájdete na tejto webovej stránke (Pozri časť ''Dôkazy'' v menu naľavo), napríklad na stránke [[The Witnesses|Svedkovia]] a na stránkach [[Spirit Teaching|Duchovné učenie]].
There are zero advertisements and you will not be required to pay for any of the information in this [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki Wiki].
Toto nie je oficiálna webová stránka [[FIGU]].
This [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki Wiki] is also entirely in the English language (UK English) with the original High German source text included where available for public verification of translation accuracy.
[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk UK Server] | [http://www.futureofmankind.info Singapore Server] <small>(mirror server)</small>
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== Galéria Lúčová ľod (Beamship) ==
Galéria skenov fotografií darovaných anonymom, ktorý ich kúpil na ebay.
<gallery mode="nolines" widths="140" heights="600">
This [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki Wiki] aims to become the definitive resource of all known English-language translations of information originally in German produced by [[Eduard Albert Meier|Billy Meier]] (pictured top-left corner).
File:03 03 1975 Ober-Zelg 1659.jpg|<small>03 03 1975 Ober-Zelg 1659</small>
File:03 03 1975 Ober-Zelg 1700.jpg|<small>03 03 1975 Ober-Zelg 1700</small>
File:08 03 1975 Hintere, Sadelegg Schmidruti 494.jpg|<small>08 03 1975 Hintere, Sadelegg Schmidruti 494</small>
File:09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 57.jpg|<small>09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 57</small>
File:09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 64.jpg|<small>09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 64</small>
File:09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 65.jpg|<small>09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 65</small>
File:09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 69.jpg|<small>09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 69</small>
File:09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 71.jpg|<small>09 07 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 71</small>
File:27 02 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 5.jpg|<small>27 02 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 5</small>
File:27 02 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 47.jpg|<small>27 02 1975 Fuehsbuhl-Hofhalden 47</small>
File:27 02 1975 Zurich 26.jpg|<small>27 02 1975 Zurich 26</small>
File:29 03 1976 Hasenbol-Langenberg 176.jpg|<small>29 03 1976 Hasenbol-Langenberg 176</small>
Mnoho ďalších fotografií nájdete na [[Gallery]].
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All are encouraged to contribute and collaborate here.
== Mierová meditácia ==
Každý môže prispieť k prineseniu mieru do nášho sveta, na Zem, tým, že bude vykonávať [http://ca.figu.org/peace-meditation.html Mierovú meditáciu].
Within these pages you will find answers to the many questions you have regarding life and the universe including:
== Kontaktné údaje správcu webu ==
* ''[[Where do we come from?]]''
Email: [mailto:jamesgtmoore@gmail.com James Moore]
* ''[[Does God really exist?]]''
* ''[[Where are we going?]]''
* ''[[What is the true cause of climate change?]]''
* ''[[What are the Creative Commandments?]]''
* ''[[Is there an inhabited planet within 5 light-years of Earth?]]''
Pošlite mi e-mail o čomkoľvek, čo sa vám páči. Nehryziem a ste mi rovní!
If you desire only to read about Billy Meier please see the navigation menu in the left-hand column. To see a list of all updates made to this Wiki it is recommended that you use the [[Special:Recentchanges|recent changes]] link in the left-hand navigation menu. The [[Billy_Meier:Current_events|current events]] page is also another good source of updates and is presented in a typical news-oriented format for easier reading.
== Impressum / Autorské práva / Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti ==
Upozorňujeme, že "Budúcnosť ľudstva" a "Future of Mankind" nie sú oficiálnou webovou stránkou FIGU, avšak majiteľ a niektorí prispievatelia sú členmi FIGU. Kontakt s FIGU môžete nadviazať prostredníctvom [http://www.figu.org webovej stránky FIGU: www.figu.org]. Informácie na tejto webovej stránke sú voľne dostupné, ale zostávajú chránené autorskými právami <span class="mw-customtoggle-FIGUcopyrightbit"><small><small>[show / hide]</small></small></span>
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If you desire to contribute to this Wiki or help [[The_mission|Billy's mission]] please read [[How can I help?]].
== Quote of the Week ==
== Navigačný zoznam ==
'''Extract from the [[Contact Report 426|426nd contact]], July 8th, 2006; a few days before the last Israeli-Lebanese war'''
'''Billy''' However, the way the situation appears between the irresponsible power-greedy ones on our world, the possibility exists, still long into the distant future, that a third world war disastrously draws over the Earth.
The fact alone, that criminal power-greedy ones always again make an opportunity for wars and other acts of terror in diverse countries - as do also actual terror organizations and individual terrorists with their criminal terror-attacks - shows therein that, sooner or later, one day it can come to a new world war.
Something that would be hindered if humanity finally would stop sanctifying the criminal power-greedy ones, and voting them in as their leaders, instead of already chasing them to the devil before they even only have the possibility of coming to the rudder.
Yet many of the people are stupid and idiotic and scream in support of the power-greedy ones and are themselves of the same criminal attitude as them.
As a matter of fact there is only one possibility to stop the entirety of the worldwide war lunacy, if, according to Henok's principle, a worldwide multinational troop, fighting for peace, would be created which is subordinate to a pure peace-government in which no power-greedy ones would have any kind of power.
The worldwide peace-government must be concerned with acting according to Henok's scheme, in that their troops, fighting for peace, destroy and eliminate all weapons of mass destruction, respectively, all kinds of weapons of war, in all countries, and so a worldwide peace would be brought about and be preserved.
If the people, on one hand, have no power-greedy ones at the rudder any more, and no weapons of war at their disposal any more, and they could also no longer manufacture or buy such, with which they can attack and force down other people, then the chance of a worldwide peace really exists.
Yet such an action requires a proper portion of intelligence which, as a rule, is just as absent in the criminal and irresponsible power-leaders as it is in all the people who are their followers, and who support the state criminals.
As a matter of fact there are only very few individual cases with governments of which it can be said that these lead the people correctly and are actually also concerned about the wellbeing of the people.
== Latest News ==
[[News|See the news in full here]]
=== 15th December 2008 ===
Added [[Mars]]!
=== 14th December 2008 ===
Updated the ''Quote of the Week'' section on the [[Main Page#Quote_of_the_Week|main page]].
Added some info about the living quarters and languages on [[Erra#Living_Quarters|Erra]].
=== 17th November 2008 ===
I've noticed that almost everytime I try to save a page I receive an ''Internal Server Error 500'' but the page saves correctly. This is annoying and am going to fix this. I just don't yet know how. I may have to move the website to another server.
I've also noticed that since enabling the page caching, the website has increased speed with regards to page downloads read errors have reduced but the visit count at the bottom of the pages is no longer working. There is no alternative but to use [[Website Statistics|Google Analytics]] to obtain an accurate report of visitor data.
Added the [[Roadmap]].
=== 12th November 2008 ===
Added [[A Prediction]].
=== 7th November 2008 ===
Inserted [[Contact_Report_230#Contact_Report_230_Part_2|Contact Report 230 Part 2]] (and shifted the subsequent parts downwards). It's nice to hear that the Loch Ness monster is alive and has a family. Well at least it was in 1989 and probably still is if its track record of surviving is logical evidence of its survival skills.
=== 31st October 2008 ===
Uploaded 3 new photos that I scanned from a copy of the book ''And Still They Fly (2nd Edition)''. See [[Special:Imagelist]].
== Articles ==
* [[Articles by Christian Frehner]]
* [[Articles by Jeroen Jansen]]
* [[Articles by Michael Horn]]
* [[Articles by gaiaguys]]
* [[Articles from Magazines]]
* [[Contact Reports]]
* [[FIGU Bulletins]]
* [[FIGU Special Bulletins]]
* [[Letters to Governments]]
* [[Philosophy, Spirituality and Meditation]]
* [[Prophecies and Predictions]]
== Meier Encyclopedia ==
* [[Meier Encyclopedia]] - based upon [[official]] information.
== Image Gallery ==
Choose from either of the following two options:
* See a [[Special:Imagelist|list of all images]] on this Wiki.
* View the [[Gallery]] (thumbnails).
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# ''The easiest way to create a new page is to create a link to a new page then click on that link.''
# ''You can now use the new [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm gaiaguys]-article-to-Wiki-table convertor [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/meier/convertgaiaguys.php here] which is not perfect but helps save some editing time.''
== Wiki Rules ==
When submitting new articles you '''must''' ensure that:
* the article was obtained from one of the following websites
** [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm gaiaguys.net (backup copy)]
** [http://www.theyfly.com theyfly.com]
** [http://www.figu.org FIGU.org]
** Any other FIGU-authorised source, e.g. books authorised by FIGU or Billy Meier.
'''No other sources are currently permitted'''. This is to reduce the possibility of incorrect translations which can do more harm to [[ Sfath's Explanation | The Mission ]] than good. If you are a translator feel free to post your translation first to the [http://forum.figu.org/us FIGU Forum] so that it can be verified and validated.
* the translation includes the original German text, if available, which must be exact to the character.
* the line numbering should also be included in the article if it existed in the original text and if available.
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* [http://www.theyfly.com/ TheyFly.com]
* [http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/gaiaguys/Meier.htm gaiaguys.net (backup copy)]
* [http://meiercase.0x2a.info/meiercase/index.php Jeroen Jansen's The Meier Case]
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Cnotes.html The Contact Reports of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: a topical listing - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Cnotes.html Mirror]]
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Answers.html Questions To Billy Meier Answered I - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Answers.html Mirror]]
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Answers2.html Questions To Billy Meier Answered II - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Answers2.html Mirror]]
* [http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Meier.html "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: An English-Language Bibliography - Courtesy David E. Chance] [[http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/chancede/Meier.html Mirror]]
* [http://clemmm.googlepages.com/ Clemmm's English Translations]
* [http://www.tjresearch.info James W. Deardorff's Research of The Talmud of Jmmanuel]
==Translation Tools==
If you want to translate some German text for '''personal use''', it is advisable to use the online translators provided by Google and Altavista which are some of the best ones available.
* [http://world.altavista.com/ Altavista Translator]
* [http://www.google.com/translate_t Google Translator]
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== Website Statistics ==
Everyone now has view-only access to the Google Analytics reports for this website so you
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Click [[Website Statistics|here]] for more information on how to access the website statistics.
== Who is Online? ==
Click [[Who's Online|here]] to see who is online!
== Roadmap ==
Many articles require a little tidying up, i.e. :
* the layout of all pages needs to be consistent
* the UK English spelling double checked
* the header at top needs to be consistent to say whether it’s an authorised/unauthorised official/unofficial translation etc.
The [[Meier Encyclopedia]] is pretty sparse in content and needs a lot of work. Its just a different way to digest the info in the rest of the website.
The front page could be changed in the following ways to make it more interesting for the average type of visitor:
* The news should be moved from [[Current Events]] page to the front/main page.
* Some additional questions relevant to [[Sfath's Explanation|The Mission]] could be inserted.
* Perhaps a section presenting the case for the truth of Meier could be inserted.
== Webmaster Contact Details ==
Email: [mailto:webmaster@futureofmankind.co.uk James Moore]
== References ==

Latest revision as of 18:00, 2 January 2022

Budúcn 76%sť ľudstva

Vitajte na stránkach Budúcnosť ľudstva - Future Of Mankind, najväčšieho slovensky písaného informačného zdroja, ktorého hlavným autorom je Billy Meier, kontaktér Federácie Plejaren a zakladateľ FIGU.

Cieľom tejto stránky je napomáhať misii zlepšovania kvality života všetkých ľudí na Zemi poskytovaním voľne dostupných slovenských prekladov článkov FIGU. Na to, aby sme nášmu svetu priniesli mier, je potrebné uvedomiť si veľkú múdrosť a následne ju uviesť do praxe. Múdrosť je dosiahnuteľná len vtedy, keď sa skutočné vedomosti spoja s úprimnosťou.

Vďaka FIGU a Federácii Plejaren, sú teraz každému na Zemi voľne dostupné predtým neznáme vedomosti pokrývajúce rôzne témy v rámci ich Kontaktných správ, z ktorých mnohé sú umiestnené na tejto webovej stránke. Vysvetľujú sa v nich mnohé vedecké a duchovné skutočnosti, ktoré boli dlho utajované a verejnosti popierané tými, ktorí sú pri moci. Medzi takéto témy patrí náš skutočný pôvod, problémy na Zemi a v nás, fakty o vesmíre, zákony Stvorenia a mnohé ďalšie.

Ak potrebujete dôkazy, ktoré potvrdzujú pravdivosť týchto informácií, potom ich nájdete na tejto webovej stránke (Pozri časť Dôkazy v menu naľavo), napríklad na stránke Svedkovia a na stránkach Duchovné učenie.

Toto nie je oficiálna webová stránka FIGU.

UK Server | Singapore Server (mirror server)

Galéria Lúčová ľod (Beamship)

Galéria skenov fotografií darovaných anonymom, ktorý ich kúpil na ebay.

Mnoho ďalších fotografií nájdete na Gallery.

Mierová meditácia

Každý môže prispieť k prineseniu mieru do nášho sveta, na Zem, tým, že bude vykonávať Mierovú meditáciu.

Kontaktné údaje správcu webu

Email: James Moore

Pošlite mi e-mail o čomkoľvek, čo sa vám páči. Nehryziem a ste mi rovní!

Impressum / Autorské práva / Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti

Upozorňujeme, že "Budúcnosť ľudstva" a "Future of Mankind" nie sú oficiálnou webovou stránkou FIGU, avšak majiteľ a niektorí prispievatelia sú členmi FIGU. Kontakt s FIGU môžete nadviazať prostredníctvom webovej stránky FIGU: www.figu.org. Informácie na tejto webovej stránke sú voľne dostupné, ale zostávajú chránené autorskými právami [show / hide]


© FIGU 1975-2025, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti, ZH, Switzerland. © COPYRIGHT / Copyright 1975-2025, FIGU, Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien (FIGU, Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies) / FIGU, Freie Interessengemeinschaft Universell (FIGU, Free Interests Group Universal) Verein für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und UFOlogiestudien (Society for Border- and Spiritual-Sciences and Ufological Studies), Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti ZH, Switzerland. All rights reserved. No part of this work, photographs, films, slides, etc., may be reproduced or processed, duplicated or distributed in any form (photocopy, microfilm or any other process) without the written consent of the copyright holder.
http://www.figu.org/ch/impressum (Swiss German)

Online files can be digitally signed by the FIGU. This ensures integrity on the one hand and authenticity on the other. The public OpenPGP key ("public key") of the FIGU can be found here (Swiss German)


The association FIGU expressly declares that it has no influence on the design and content of linked sites. Therefore the association FIGU expressly distances itself from all contents of all linked pages. The Future Of Mankind is linked to by the FIGU and associated sub-domain websites and referenced in the publications. The website has been granted permission and written consent from the copyright holder to present certain copyrighted works under those terms and conditions agreed. FIGU are not responsible for the content on The Future Of Mankind website, including but not limited to; the presentation of their books, articles, periodicals, journals, images, videos, translations, information etc., -visit the official website http://www.figu.org for the original presentation. The content of the documents is the sole responsibility of the respective author.
http://www.figu.org/ch/impressum (Swiss German)

Contents of the FIGU which are under the Creative Commons license and therefore are freely available, are marked separately and individually.
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Navigačný zoznam

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