Difference between revisions of "Talk:Asket and Nera Photos"

From Billy Meier
(Comment provided by Neckel - via ArticleComments extension)
(Comment provided by DRN - via ArticleComments extension)
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--[[User:Neckel|Neckel]] 09:20, 16 June 2010 (BST)
--[[User:Neckel|Neckel]] 09:20, 16 June 2010 (BST)
== DRN said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Couple things I don't understand. These are not in any certain order.
1. You sell these photos. So Wouldn't any copy predating 1984 be of the original photo? And if so, how similar to the forgery are they?
2. How did you find out Mr. S was working for the MIB and when?
3. If Mr. S disappeared one day without a trace, how did his organization learn of his death?
4. If Billy was told in 1984 these were forgeries, but yet forgot due to amnesia sustained in 1982, how was he able to recollect the origin of his nickname and the first and last name of the woman who gave it to her during an interview in 1982? Was it selected amnesia or partial?
5. If you have a photo of Mr. S and factual evidence he worked for MIB, why not release that info? seems it would clear some up some of the misconceptions.
--DRN 18:21, 11 July 2010 (BST)

Revision as of 19:21, 11 July 2010

Comments on Asket and Nera Photos <comments />

david said ...

i wondered why he would take a photo of tv screen when he had so much other undeniable evidence, this seems like an unlikely but rational explanation as it would be seem very out of character 2 forge the photo, ive read alot of know it all debunkers on youtube and beyond with there silly rational explanation, the miniture trees etc! i get angry at people like that but i guess they are on there on path. i just dont know why they go to the bother if they rnt interested!

--david 05:32, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

zameen said ...

People go to such lengths to cover up and or try to falsify the truth in order to keep profit streams alive. A disgusting practice but a reality nonetheless

--zameen 23:32, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

TCFelon said ...

Why can't Ptaah and or somebody who has the know how, intercept in someway with the m.i.b. or whomever, so the people who are trying to help Billy with his real unedited pics. and other unique proofs and have them circulate safely around the world as, Billy, his associates, on ground and above and I would like.. I guess I inadvertently lied to a few of my friends about some of the photos. I hope one day soon we ,(all of us around the world) can get together without any uncomfortable thoughts/feelings of deceit or any prejudged feelings of hate, jealously and anger towards next man 'and or entity.' Peace/Wisdom/Love/Truth. To the Plejaren Fed. and their wonderful associates.

William C.

--TCFelon 18:56, 29 March 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

I agree TCFelon but if they had to capture everybody who falsifies Billy's work and those that lack sincerity and genuineness it would probably take all eternity. They will probably only stop the most heinous pretenders. :) The photos are rather interesting because they say that Asket and Nera are from another universe thus they don't mind there photos being here. Due to the creativity and level of lowness some beings can reach they altered it so they are dancers on a talk show. That calls for a Billy uppercut to the nose. j/k

--Mark 22:28, 29 March 2010 (BST)

tom said ...

Próby zamachów na Zycie Billego świadczą o niczym innym tylko o tym, że mówi on prawdę. To samo tyczy sie zafalszowywania jego zdjęć. Ci którzy znają temat szaraków i replitalian wiedzą kto to są "ludzie" w czerni... im najmniej zależy na poznaniu przez ludzi prawdy, prawdy, która przecież wyzwala, wyzwala z więzów zniewolenia.. Meier od samego początku, jak zapoznałem się z jego osobą, wyzwala we mnie zaufanie... Jest zupełnie niepodobnym do tych co gonią za władzą i towarzyszącą jej ułudą pieniądza. Zna wiele praw duchowych i sam żyje wedle nich, więc mało prawdopodobne jest to, że próbowałby robić jakiekolwiek fałszerstwa, a tym bardziej, jak niektóre źródła jemu zarzucają, w celu zdobycia sławy lub majątku. Bardziej mają powody ku temu ci, którzy obawiają się zaistnienia tych praw w ludzkich sercach i umysłach, bo to rujnuje ich starania o zniewolenie gatunku ludzkiego. Więcej niczego chyba nie trzeba tu dodawać. Przynajmniej ode mnie to wszystko.

--tom 15:15, 11 April 2010 (BST)

tom said ...

tom ist from Poland ;)

--tom 15:18, 11 April 2010 (BST)

human being said ...

BEAM is awesome, thank you ! controlledfollymaker@gmail.com

--human being 00:08, 10 June 2010 (BST)

Matt C. said ...

This guy is a Fraud. His website is down, and he's far from credible. This is the person who would says that the aliens sent the blueprints for their (trashcan lid looking) UFO's to the wrong people who ended up making them into trash can lids... seriously? David doesn't know the difference between There and Their, so his opinion is out. Is it harder to cover up the "truth" or to fall into the cross hairs of a conman? I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. This solution is the simplest, obvious, one; this man is a fraud. This post will probably be deleted. Just saying...

--Matt C. 08:49, 16 June 2010 (BST)

Neckel said ...

no your comment won't get deleted.......... haha it is always interesting to see people who come with information from second or even third hand and make judgments about others without having a clue of the person itself...... this is present in almost everyones life and i bet some judge you also in the same way. I bet you come after me when i do a "spelling" error like David did...... if one has nothing else to offer then one goes after the small and unimportant things, right ;)). If you find sth. with a higher ethic and a higher sense of moral then we can talk again. (Do not come with religions, most of them preach love and make war.) I wish you good luck in your search for the truth.


--Neckel 09:20, 16 June 2010 (BST)

DRN said ...

Couple things I don't understand. These are not in any certain order. 1. You sell these photos. So Wouldn't any copy predating 1984 be of the original photo? And if so, how similar to the forgery are they? 2. How did you find out Mr. S was working for the MIB and when? 3. If Mr. S disappeared one day without a trace, how did his organization learn of his death? 4. If Billy was told in 1984 these were forgeries, but yet forgot due to amnesia sustained in 1982, how was he able to recollect the origin of his nickname and the first and last name of the woman who gave it to her during an interview in 1982? Was it selected amnesia or partial? 5. If you have a photo of Mr. S and factual evidence he worked for MIB, why not release that info? seems it would clear some up some of the misconceptions.

--DRN 18:21, 11 July 2010 (BST)