Difference between revisions of "Books"

From Billy Meier
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61 Years of Poems, Sayings, Aphorisms
61 Years of Poems, Sayings, Aphorisms
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Aphorisms, Poem
Topics:<br><small>Aphorisms, Poems.</small>
Format: DIN A5, 416 pages.
Format:<br><small>DIN A5, 416 pages.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/61-jahre-gedichte-spr%C3%BCche-aphorismen?language=en FIGU Shop - 61 Jahre Gedichte, Sprüche, Aphorismen]
Source:<br><small> [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/61-jahre-gedichte-spr%C3%BCche-aphorismen?language=en FIGU Shop - 61 Jahre Gedichte, Sprüche, Aphorismen]
Sample: [https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/leseproben/61_jahre_gedichte_0.pdf Sample PDF]
Sample:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/leseproben/61_jahre_gedichte_0.pdf Sample PDF]
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
<small>Sixty-one years of Billy's very eventful life, summarized in a book of poems, sayings, and aphorisms! A true treasure trove of personal thoughts, experiences, lessons learned, joys, sorrows, and also loneliness, paired with compassion, effective love, respectful creational love and knowledge and wisdom - and, of course, a further indication of Billy's great talent for writing and composing and his fine to primitive humour.</small>
<small>Sixty-one years of Billy's very eventful life, summarized in a book of poems, sayings, and aphorisms! A true treasure trove of personal thoughts, experiences, lessons learned, joys, sorrows, and also loneliness, paired with compassion, effective love, respectful creational love and knowledge and wisdom - and, of course, a further indication of Billy's great talent for writing and composing and his fine to primitive humour.</small>
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Arahat Athersata
Arahat Athersata
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Religion, Politics, Science, Life-conduct, Belief,  Behaviour, Thinking
Topics:<br><small>Religion, Politics, Science, Life-conduct, Belief,  Behaviour, Thinking.</small>
Edition: 1975, 1989, 2004
Edition:<br><small>1975, 1989, 2004</small>
Format: 216 pages, A5, thread-bound.
Format:<br><small> 216 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/arahat-athersata?language=en FIGU Shop - Arahat Athersata]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/arahat-athersata?language=en FIGU Shop - Arahat Athersata]</small>
Sample: [https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/leseproben/arahat_athersata.pdf Sample PDF] and [[Arahat Athersata]]
Sample:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/leseproben/arahat_athersata.pdf Sample PDF] and [[Arahat Athersata]]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>Message to those of earthly humanity of a high spiritual form: explanatory facts of human behaviour in religion, politics, and sciences, etc.<br>The earthly human race has entered a phase of testimony of a tremendous cosmic upheaval, a new age that is appearing clearer and clearer before the very eyes of spiritual people. But nevertheless, the majority of humanity still lies in the abyss of ignorance and spiritual enslavement, so it has become necessary to get to the bottom of the causes of their descent and to show them these in a message. But similarly, it is also necessary to show new ways that lead to a future of spiritual understanding and spiritual harmonizing. Hence, the earth human being opens his eyes and ears, he tears his enslaved thoughts away from false teachings, lies, and all evil, and he opens his spiritual senses to recognize the truth.</small>
<small>Message to those of earthly humanity of a high spiritual form: explanatory facts of human behaviour in religion, politics, and sciences, etc.<br>The earthly human race has entered a phase of testimony of a tremendous cosmic upheaval, a new age that is appearing clearer and clearer before the very eyes of spiritual people. But nevertheless, the majority of humanity still lies in the abyss of ignorance and spiritual enslavement, so it has become necessary to get to the bottom of the causes of their descent and to show them these in a message. But similarly, it is also necessary to show new ways that lead to a future of spiritual understanding and spiritual harmonizing. Hence, the earth human being opens his eyes and ears, he tears his enslaved thoughts away from false teachings, lies, and all evil, and he opens his spiritual senses to recognize the truth.</small>
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Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Novel, Poetry and Fiction
Topics:<br><small>Novel, Poetry and Fiction.</small>
Edition: 1999
Format: 282 pages, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small>282 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>Atlanta is an educated, intelligent, self-responsible, and strong woman, on whom an unfortunate stroke of fate plays a dirty trick, in consequence of which she would fall apart, if not for the shining hero Gelion of the darkness of hell, which she must pass through, broken and defeated. - Novel, Volume 3 of an adventure/thriller trilogy by Billy.</small>
<small>Atlanta is an educated, intelligent, self-responsible, and strong woman, on whom an unfortunate stroke of fate plays a dirty trick, in consequence of which she would fall apart, if not for the shining hero Gelion of the darkness of hell, which she must pass through, broken and defeated. - Novel, Volume 3 of an adventure/thriller trilogy by Billy.</small>
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From the Depths of Outer Space
From the Depths of Outer Space
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Ufology, Extraterrestrials, Universe
Topics:<br><small>Ufology, Extraterrestrials, Universe.</small>
Edition: 1997
Format: 393 pages, including 16 pages of 4-color photos, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small>393 pages, including 16 pages of 4-color photos, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/aus-den-tiefen-des-weltenraums-kontakte-mit-den-plejadiern-plejaren?language=en Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums ... Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren]
Source:<br><small> [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/aus-den-tiefen-des-weltenraums-kontakte-mit-den-plejadiern-plejaren?language=en Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums ... Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>Billy tells the story of his contacts from the beginning to the present time. Wisdom is light, and wherever the light flashes, there darkness and ignorance disappear. Ignorance is the essence of the darkness and can only be overcome by the light of wisdom.</small>
<small>Billy tells the story of his contacts from the beginning to the present time. Wisdom is light, and wherever the light flashes, there darkness and ignorance disappear. Ignorance is the essence of the darkness and can only be overcome by the light of wisdom.</small>
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'''Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen und Journalen über Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren'''
'''Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen und Journalen über Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Newspaper cuttings, Journals, Ufology, Story, Plejaren
Topics:<br><small>Newspaper cuttings, Journals, Ufology, Story, Plejaren.</small>
Format: Special format
Format:<br><small>Special format.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/ausschnitte-aus-zeitungen-und-journalen-%C3%BCber-billy-eduard-albert-meier-beam-und-seine-kontakte-mit-den-plejaren?language=en Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen und Journalen über Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/ausschnitte-aus-zeitungen-und-journalen-%C3%BCber-billy-eduard-albert-meier-beam-und-seine-kontakte-mit-den-plejaren?language=en Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen und Journalen über Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren.</small>
<small>Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren.</small>
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The Phantom / White-slave Trader
The Phantom / White-slave Trader
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Novel, Poetry and Fiction
Topics:<br><small>Novel, Poetry and Fiction.</small>
Edition: 2002
Format: 226 pages, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small> 226 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/das-phantom-m%C3%A4dchenh%C3%A4ndler?language=en Das Phantom - Mädchenhändler]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/das-phantom-m%C3%A4dchenh%C3%A4ndler?language=en Das Phantom - Mädchenhändler]</small>
Sample: [https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/leseproben/das_phantom__der_maedchenhaendler.pdf das_phantom__der_maedchenhaendler.pdf (German)]  
Sample:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/leseproben/das_phantom__der_maedchenhaendler.pdf das_phantom__der_maedchenhaendler.pdf (German)]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>The double novel tells of the adventures of Gelion, which he had to go through before he met Atlanta. - Novel, Volume 1 of an adventure/thriller trilogy by Billy.</small>
<small>The double novel tells of the adventures of Gelion, which he had to go through before he met Atlanta. - Novel, Volume 1 of an adventure/thriller trilogy by Billy.</small>
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Dekalog Dodekalog
Dekalog Dodekalog
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Religion, Creation, Recommendations, Laws, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching
Topics:<br><small>Religion, Creation, Recommendations, Laws, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching.</small>
Edition: 1975, 1993
Edition:<br><small>1975, 1993</small>
Format: 138 pages, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small> 138 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/dekalog-dodekalog?language=en Dekalog - Dodekalog]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/dekalog-dodekalog?language=en Dekalog - Dodekalog]</small>
Sample: [[Dekalog Dodekalog]]
Sample:<br><small>[[Dekalog Dodekalog]]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>The TEN Commandments in their original form, including two other commandments suppressed from humanity until now.<br>May the human being recognize every law and commandment of the Creation, and thus, may he know them, grasp them, and live by them, for the laws and commandments of the Creation are the greatest wisdom.</small>
<small>The TEN Commandments in their original form, including two other commandments suppressed from humanity until now.<br>May the human being recognize every law and commandment of the Creation, and thus, may he know them, grasp them, and live by them, for the laws and commandments of the Creation are the greatest wisdom.</small>
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The Rose-red Crystal
The Rose-red Crystal
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Fairy tale, Short stories, Poetry and Fiction
Topics:<br><small>Fairy tale, Short stories, Poetry and Fiction.</small>
Edition: 1980, 1993
Edition:<br><small>1980, 1993.</small>
Format: 194 pages, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small>194 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/der-rosarote-kristall?language=en Der rosarote Kristall]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/der-rosarote-kristall?language=en Der rosarote Kristall]</small>
Sample: [[The Pink Crystal (book)|The Pink Crystal]]
Sample:<br><small>[[The Pink Crystal (book)|The Pink Crystal]]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>11 stories with instructive contents for children and adults - with many illustrations<br>From the contents:<br>The Wise Old Man in India...<br>The Date God...<br>The Invisible Kingdom...<br>The Wish Crystal...<br>The Fairytale Princess...<br>The Snowflake Mill...<br>The Cherry Tree from the Wishful Dream...<br>The Little Girl... etc.</small>
<small>11 stories with instructive contents for children and adults - with many illustrations<br>From the contents:<br>The Wise Old Man in India...<br>The Date God...<br>The Invisible Kingdom...<br>The Wish Crystal...<br>The Fairytale Princess...<br>The Snowflake Mill...<br>The Cherry Tree from the Wishful Dream...<br>The Little Girl... etc.</small>
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The Way of Living
The Way of Living
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Life-conduct, Being human in the real and true sense, Self-responsibility, Consciousness, Spiritual Teaching, Thinking, Character, Deference, Feeling, Conscience
Topics:<br><small>Life-conduct, Being human in the real and true sense, Self-responsibility, Consciousness, Spiritual Teaching, Thinking, Character, Deference, Feeling, Conscience.</small>
Edition: 1997
Format: 210 pages, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small>210 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/the-way-to-live-die-art-zu-leben?language=en The Way to Live/Die Art zu leben German and English], [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/die-art-zu-leben?language=en Die Art zu leben]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/the-way-to-live-die-art-zu-leben?language=en The Way to Live/Die Art zu leben German and English], [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/die-art-zu-leben?language=en Die Art zu leben]</small>
Sample: [[The Way to Live (book)|The Way to Live]]
Sample:<br><small>[[The Way to Live (book)|The Way to Live]]</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>In 500 verses, in sections and explanations, the human being, in his life and aspirations, is brought near to the reader. It is explained to him how he can and should shape his life, if he is willing to align himself to the creative truth, and he also learns that he can recognize the ways of living and ways of thinking of other people and their character. If the human being harms his neighbour, then he primarily harms himself, for his own evolution is inhibited by this. Progress, however, is the effective commandment of life, in order to grow in knowledge, love, peace, wisdom, and harmony, by what means the law of the creative plan and way becomes fulfilled, on which the sense of human life should be focused, in order to evolve, to become knowing and wise, to one day enter into the highest attainable form in the Creation in this regard, and to become one with her.</small>
<small>In 500 verses, in sections and explanations, the human being, in his life and aspirations, is brought near to the reader. It is explained to him how he can and should shape his life, if he is willing to align himself to the creative truth, and he also learns that he can recognize the ways of living and ways of thinking of other people and their character. If the human being harms his neighbour, then he primarily harms himself, for his own evolution is inhibited by this. Progress, however, is the effective commandment of life, in order to grow in knowledge, love, peace, wisdom, and harmony, by what means the law of the creative plan and way becomes fulfilled, on which the sense of human life should be focused, in order to evolve, to become knowing and wise, to one day enter into the highest attainable form in the Creation in this regard, and to become one with her.</small>
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The Psyche
The Psyche
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Consciousness, Consciousness-formation, Thinking, Thoughts, Power of thought, Spiritual Teaching, Gemüt, Habits, Life-conduct, Self-responsibility
Topics:<br><small>Consciousness, Consciousness-formation, Thinking, Thoughts, Power of thought, Spiritual Teaching, Gemüt, Habits, Life-conduct, Self-responsibility.</small>
Edition: 1973, 1979, 1994
Edition:<br><small>1973, 1979, 1994.</small>
Format: 109 pages, A5, thread-bound
Format:<br><small>109 pages, A5, thread-bound.</small>
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/die-psyche?language=en Die Psyche]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/b%C3%BCcher/die-psyche?language=en Die Psyche].</small>
Sample: [[The Psyche (book)|The Psyche]]
Sample:<br><small>[[The Psyche (book)|The Psyche]].</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
Synopsis:<br><small>Life-help for human beings. The present teaching is intended for study, so for practice. It is your goal to create health, life-success, and self-confidence. The way that this teaching goes, in order to reach this goal, is the way of cognitions and their practical utilization. Cognitions and their resulting knowledge alone have a practical value, as only they bring an appropriate view for right, nature-lawful thinking and acting, for a right life philosophy and worldview, all of which determine the basic behavior of human beings. However, a complete success through the cognitions can only be achieved when these are transferred to the whole of life and, thus, also to everyday life.</small>
<small>Life-help for human beings. The present teaching is intended for study, so for practice. It is your goal to create health, life-success, and self-confidence. The way that this teaching goes, in order to reach this goal, is the way of cognitions and their practical utilization. Cognitions and their resulting knowledge alone have a practical value, as only they bring an appropriate view for right, nature-lawful thinking and acting, for a right life philosophy and worldview, all of which determine the basic behavior of human beings. However, a complete success through the cognitions can only be achieved when these are transferred to the whole of life and, thus, also to everyday life.</small>
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'''Die Wahrheit über die Plejaden'''
'''Die Wahrheit über die Plejaden'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Extraterrestrials, Pyramid, Telepathy, Beaming, Ufology, Plejaren
Topics:<br><small> Extraterrestrials, Pyramid, Telepathy, Beaming, Ufology, Plejaren
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Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Cleanliness, Health, Nutrition, Life-conduct, Discipline, Thinking, Drugs
Topics:<br><small>Cleanliness, Health, Nutrition, Life-conduct, Discipline, Thinking, Drugs.</small>
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'''Ein offenes Wort'''
'''Ein offenes Wort'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Religion, Belief, Christianity, Church, Sects, God-delusion, God
Topics:<br><small> Religion, Belief, Christianity, Church, Sects, God-delusion, God.</small>
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'''Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit'''
'''Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Personality, Nature, Creation, Virtue, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Deference
Topics:<br><small>Personality, Nature, Creation, Virtue, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Deference.</small>
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'''Einführung in die Meditation'''
'''Einführung in die Meditation'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Meditation, Consciousness-formation, Knowledge-clarity, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Discipline, Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, Thoughts, Gemüt, Pyramid
Topics:<br><small>Meditation, Consciousness-formation, Knowledge-clarity, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Discipline, Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, Thoughts, Gemüt, Pyramid.</small>
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Education of children, adolescents and adults
Education of children, adolescents and adults
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Self-responsibility, Life-conduct, Education, Children, Parents, Discipline, Character, Thinking, Development
Topics:<br><small>Self-responsibility, Life-conduct, Education, Children, Parents, Discipline, Character, Thinking, Development.</small>
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Existent Life in the Universe
Existent Life in the Universe
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Life, Creation, Universe, Extraterrestrials, Ufology, Reincarnation
Topics:<br><small>Life, Creation, Universe, Extraterrestrials, Ufology, Reincarnation.</small>
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'''Fahr zur Hölle, Gelion und Kraft des Gesetzes'''
'''Fahr zur Hölle, Gelion und Kraft des Gesetzes'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Novel, Poetry and Fiction
Topics:<br><small>Novel, Poetry and Fiction.</small>
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Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Deference, Eternity, Existence, Story, Nature, Creation, BEING, Universal Consciouness
Topics:<br><small>Deference, Eternity, Existence, Story, Nature, Creation, BEING, Universal Consciouness.</small>
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'''Gesetz der Liebe'''
'''Gesetz der Liebe'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Love, Swinging-waves, Bond, Partnership, Life-conduct, Equal rights, Equal value
Topics:<br><small>Love, Swinging-waves, Bond, Partnership, Life-conduct, Equal rights, Equal value.</small>
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'''Gesetze und Gebote des Verhaltens'''
'''Gesetze und Gebote des Verhaltens'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Attentiveness, Everyday life, Aging, Requirements, Modesty, Thinking, Discipline, Venerability, Involvement, Family planning, Error, Freedom of thoughts, Equanimity, Mentality, Harmony, Ideology, Youth, Contemplation, Life-conduct, Life-school, Human rights, Partnership
Topics:<br><small>Attentiveness, Everyday life, Aging, Requirements, Modesty, Thinking, Discipline, Venerability, Involvement, Family planning, Error, Freedom of thoughts, Equanimity, Mentality, Harmony, Ideology, Youth, Contemplation, Life-conduct, Life-school, Human rights, Partnership.</small>
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God Delusion and God Delusion Disease
God Delusion and God Delusion Disease
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Belief, Religion, God, Tin-gods, Creation, Church, God-delusion, Thinking, Christianity
Topics:<br><small>Belief, Religion, God, Tin-gods, Creation, Church, God-delusion, Thinking, Christianity.</small>
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Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Calender tables, Leap years, Story
Topics:<br><small>Calender tables, Leap years, Story.</small>
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'''Kelch der Wahrheit'''
'''Kelch der Wahrheit'''
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Truth, Spiritual Teaching, Creation-laws, Human being, Life-conduct, Story, Deference, Character, Equal value, Fairness
Topics:<br><small>Truth, Spiritual Teaching, Creation-laws, Human being, Life-conduct, Story, Deference, Character, Equal value, Fairness.</small>
{{pdf|Goblet-of-the-truth.pdf|Goblet of the Truth}}
{{pdf|Goblet-of-the-truth.pdf|Goblet of the Truth}}
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Life and Death
Life and Death
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Death, Incarnation, Creation-laws, Life-conduct, Reincarnation, Spirit-form
Topics:<br><small>Death, Incarnation, Creation-laws, Life-conduct, Reincarnation, Spirit-form.</small>
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'''Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens'''
'''Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Spiritual Teaching, Consciousness, Creation
Topics:<br><small>Spiritual Teaching, Consciousness, Creation.</small>
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'''Macht der Gedanken'''
'''Macht der Gedanken'''
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Consciousness-formation, Thinking, Discipline, Emotions, Existence, Thoughts, Spiritual Teaching, Gemüt, Conscience, Life-conduct, Death
Topics:<br><small>Consciousness-formation, Thinking, Discipline, Emotions, Existence, Thoughts, Spiritual Teaching, Gemüt, Conscience, Life-conduct, Death.</small>
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'''Meditation aus klarer Sicht'''
'''Meditation aus klarer Sicht'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Meditation, Attentiveness, Life-conduct, Consciousness, Spiritual Teaching, Thinking, Development, Character, Discipline, Habits
Topics:<br><small>Meditation, Attentiveness, Life-conduct, Consciousness, Spiritual Teaching, Thinking, Development, Character, Discipline, Habits.</small>
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''My Legacy: Human of the Earth, I wish you ...''
''My Legacy: Human of the Earth, I wish you ...''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Life-sense, Life-destination, Life-wishes, Life-conduct
Topics:<br><small>Life-sense, Life-destination, Life-wishes, Life-conduct.</small>
Line 511: Line 502:
Book of Names
Book of Names
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Names, Significances, Story
Topics:<br><small>Names, Significances, Story.</small>
Line 523: Line 514:
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Truth, Creation, Story, Mission, Spiritual Teaching, OM, Character, Deference, Eternity, Equal value
Topics:<br><small>Truth, Creation, Story, Mission, Spiritual Teaching, OM, Character, Deference, Eternity, Equal value.</small>
Line 534: Line 525:
Through Space and Time aka. Photo Book
Through Space and Time aka. Photo Book
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Extraterrestrials, Plejaren, UFO-Photos, UFO-sighting, Ufology, Photographs, Contact Reports
Topics:<br><small>Extraterrestrials, Plejaren, UFO-Photos, UFO-sighting, Ufology, Photographs, Contact Reports.</small>
Line 546: Line 537:
Prophecies and Predictions
Prophecies and Predictions
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Prophecy, Prediction, Future, Religion, Story, Belief, Thinking
Topics:<br><small>Prophecy, Prediction, Future, Religion, Story, Belief, Thinking.</small>
Line 555: Line 546:
'''Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge'''
'''Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Thoughts, Feeling, Spiritual Teaching, Aura, Swinging-waves, Life-conduct, Fluidal powers, Fluidal swinging waves
Topics:<br><small>Thoughts, Feeling, Spiritual Teaching, Aura, Swinging-waves, Life-conduct, Fluidal powers, Fluidal swinging waves.</small>
Format: 416 pages, DIN A5
Format:<br><small> 416 pages, DIN A5
Source: [https://shop.figu.org/bücher/rund-um-die-fluidalenergie-resp-fluidalkräfte-und-andere-dinge?language=en Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge]
Source:<br><small>[https://shop.figu.org/bücher/rund-um-die-fluidalenergie-resp-fluidalkräfte-und-andere-dinge?language=en Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge].</small>
Sample: [[Fluidal Energy]]
Sample:<br><small>[[Fluidal Energy]].</small>
Synopsis, abridgement and outline:<br>
<small>Fluidal forces - what a mysterious, unknown world hides behind this word! Here in the FIGU, these were often a topic - and raised questions about questions. The answers to our questions, once they were thought about, led to new questions again, and thus, countless pages arose on this extremely interesting and fascinating range of topics in our "kitchen conversations.</small>
<small>Fluidal forces - what a mysterious, unknown world hides behind this word! Here in the FIGU, these were often a topic - and raised questions about questions. The answers to our questions, once they were thought about, led to new questions again, and thus, countless pages arose on this extremely interesting and fascinating range of topics in our "kitchen conversations.</small>
Line 576: Line 567:
'''Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles'''
'''Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Dignity, Humaneness, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Character, Spirit-form
Topics:<br><small>Dignity, Humaneness, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Character, Spirit-form</small>
Line 587: Line 578:
Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching - A Companion Guide
Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching - A Companion Guide
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Topics: Spiritual Teaching, Symbol, Life-conduct
Topics:<br><small>Spiritual Teaching, Symbol, Life-conduct</small>
Line 599: Line 590:
The Talmud of Jmmanuel
The Talmud of Jmmanuel
Available in English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
English: <span style="color:darkgreen">'''Yes'''</span>
Line 610: Line 601:
Directory of Numbers and Legends of the FIGU-Photos
Directory of Numbers and Legends of the FIGU-Photos
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Photo-description, Legends, Ufology
Topics:<br><small>Photo-description, Legends, Ufology</small>
Line 620: Line 611:
'''Warum der Mensch das wird, was er ist und Kampf den Depressionen'''
'''Warum der Mensch das wird, was er ist und Kampf den Depressionen'''
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics:<br><small>Thoughts, Power of thought, Deed, Psyche, Zwischenmenschlichkeit</small>
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Thoughts, Power of thought, Deed, Psyche, Zwischenmenschlichkeit
Line 633: Line 622:
Reincarnation, life, dying, death and mourning
Reincarnation, life, dying, death and mourning
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Death, Other world, Sorrow, Reincarnation, Life-conduct, Eternity, Anxiety, Spirit-form
Topics:<br><small>Death, Other world, Sorrow, Reincarnation, Life-conduct, Eternity, Anxiety, Spirit-form</small>
Line 645: Line 634:
[[Book of Witnesses]]
[[Book of Witnesses]]
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Ufology, Evidence, Attacks, Billy Meier, Story, Plejaren
Topics:<br><small>Ufology, Evidence, Attacks, Billy Meier, Story, Plejaren</small>
Line 654: Line 643:
'''Zur Besinnung'''
'''Zur Besinnung'''
Available in English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
English: <span style="color:crimson">Not yet</span>
Topics: Spiritual Teaching, Truth, Consciousness, Life-conduct, Thoughts, Habits
Topics:<br><small>Spiritual Teaching, Truth, Consciousness, Life-conduct, Thoughts, Habits</small>

Revision as of 13:14, 28 July 2018

Over 40 books about it all and the mission, outside the Contact Report books, have been written by Eduard Meier himself or by those who know him. Listed here are (eventually) all books (with samples) written by BEAM and other relevant books by FIGU and non-FIGU members, that promote the evolution of the Mission. Most of Eduard Meiers books are currently available only as written, originally published, and in their indigenous German language.

The descriptions included within the following listing of such books were translated into English by Benjamin Stevens in; Other Books about Meier and His Mission (External), who translated the information found in FIGU Switzerland's web shop (External). [continue reading]

The book "Goblet of the Truth" represents the last book that the FIGU mother centre in Switzerland has translated or will ever translate into English again, however this doesn't necessarily mean others won't take up the task in the future. As of 2010, the last 8 chapters are being translated. This book is downloadable in PDF format and provided under creative commons free. There's another link in the Downloads section.

Prior to the Goblet of the Truth, the last book translated completely into English was the "Talmud Jmmanuel".

The FutureofMankind website allows readers to read excerpts of the TJ and other books. However it's recommended that you learn German in order to read these books for important reasons. Websites like Duolingo can get this going, making the learning fun, addictive and later lessons with local tutors can be followed up.

These books are purchasable from FIGU in person and from the FIGU shop by mail delivery. Sporadic translations of books and new books and articles into English is conducted by FIGU Canada FIGU Australia in a known ongoing basis (2018), Benjamin Stevens is another who is known to translate and a few of the books are available from other websites such as theyfly.com. There's also several old archived and partial translations (and bits and pieces) available in the External Links, TJResearch and Gaiaguys Web areas as well as other linked areas of the site.

List of Books by Billy Eduard Albert Meier

61 Jahre Gedichte Front.jpg

61 Jahre Gedichte, Sprüche, Aphorismen

61 Years of Poems, Sayings, Aphorisms

English: Not yet

Aphorisms, Poems.

DIN A5, 416 pages.

FIGU Shop - 61 Jahre Gedichte, Sprüche, Aphorismen

Sample PDF

Sixty-one years of Billy's very eventful life, summarized in a book of poems, sayings, and aphorisms! A true treasure trove of personal thoughts, experiences, lessons learned, joys, sorrows, and also loneliness, paired with compassion, effective love, respectful creational love and knowledge and wisdom - and, of course, a further indication of Billy's great talent for writing and composing and his fine to primitive humour.

Arahat Athersata Front.jpg

Arahat Athersata

Arahat Athersata

English: Not yet

Religion, Politics, Science, Life-conduct, Belief, Behaviour, Thinking.

1975, 1989, 2004

216 pages, A5, thread-bound.

FIGU Shop - Arahat Athersata

Sample PDF and Arahat Athersata

Message to those of earthly humanity of a high spiritual form: explanatory facts of human behaviour in religion, politics, and sciences, etc.
The earthly human race has entered a phase of testimony of a tremendous cosmic upheaval, a new age that is appearing clearer and clearer before the very eyes of spiritual people. But nevertheless, the majority of humanity still lies in the abyss of ignorance and spiritual enslavement, so it has become necessary to get to the bottom of the causes of their descent and to show them these in a message. But similarly, it is also necessary to show new ways that lead to a future of spiritual understanding and spiritual harmonizing. Hence, the earth human being opens his eyes and ears, he tears his enslaved thoughts away from false teachings, lies, and all evil, and he opens his spiritual senses to recognize the truth.

Atlanta Front.jpg



English: Not yet

Novel, Poetry and Fiction.


282 pages, A5, thread-bound.

Atlanta is an educated, intelligent, self-responsible, and strong woman, on whom an unfortunate stroke of fate plays a dirty trick, in consequence of which she would fall apart, if not for the shining hero Gelion of the darkness of hell, which she must pass through, broken and defeated. - Novel, Volume 3 of an adventure/thriller trilogy by Billy.

Aus den Tiefen Front.jpg

Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums ... Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren

From the Depths of Outer Space

English: Not yet

Ufology, Extraterrestrials, Universe.


393 pages, including 16 pages of 4-color photos, A5, thread-bound.

Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums ... Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren


Billy tells the story of his contacts from the beginning to the present time. Wisdom is light, and wherever the light flashes, there darkness and ignorance disappear. Ignorance is the essence of the darkness and can only be overcome by the light of wisdom.

Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen Front.jpg

Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen und Journalen über Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren

English: Not yet

Newspaper cuttings, Journals, Ufology, Story, Plejaren.

Special format.

Ausschnitte aus Zeitungen und Journalen über Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren


Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) und seine Kontakte mit den Plejaren.

Das Phantom Front.jpg

Das Phantom - Mädchenhändler

The Phantom / White-slave Trader

English: Not yet

Novel, Poetry and Fiction.


226 pages, A5, thread-bound.

Das Phantom - Mädchenhändler

das_phantom__der_maedchenhaendler.pdf (German)

The double novel tells of the adventures of Gelion, which he had to go through before he met Atlanta. - Novel, Volume 1 of an adventure/thriller trilogy by Billy.

Dekalog Front.jpg

Dekalog - Dodekalog

Dekalog Dodekalog

English: Yes

Religion, Creation, Recommendations, Laws, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching.

1975, 1993

138 pages, A5, thread-bound.

Dekalog - Dodekalog

Dekalog Dodekalog

The TEN Commandments in their original form, including two other commandments suppressed from humanity until now.
May the human being recognize every law and commandment of the Creation, and thus, may he know them, grasp them, and live by them, for the laws and commandments of the Creation are the greatest wisdom.

Der Rosarote Kristall Front.jpg

Der rosarote Kristall

The Pink Crystal

The Rose-red Crystal

English: Not yet

Fairy tale, Short stories, Poetry and Fiction.

1980, 1993.

194 pages, A5, thread-bound.

Der rosarote Kristall

The Pink Crystal

11 stories with instructive contents for children and adults - with many illustrations
From the contents:
The Wise Old Man in India...
The Date God...
The Invisible Kingdom...
The Wish Crystal...
The Fairytale Princess...
The Snowflake Mill...
The Cherry Tree from the Wishful Dream...
The Little Girl... etc.

Die Art zu Leben Front.jpg

The Way to Live

Die Art zu leben

The Way to Live

The Way of Living

English: Yes

Life-conduct, Being human in the real and true sense, Self-responsibility, Consciousness, Spiritual Teaching, Thinking, Character, Deference, Feeling, Conscience.


210 pages, A5, thread-bound.

The Way to Live/Die Art zu leben German and English, Die Art zu leben

The Way to Live

In 500 verses, in sections and explanations, the human being, in his life and aspirations, is brought near to the reader. It is explained to him how he can and should shape his life, if he is willing to align himself to the creative truth, and he also learns that he can recognize the ways of living and ways of thinking of other people and their character. If the human being harms his neighbour, then he primarily harms himself, for his own evolution is inhibited by this. Progress, however, is the effective commandment of life, in order to grow in knowledge, love, peace, wisdom, and harmony, by what means the law of the creative plan and way becomes fulfilled, on which the sense of human life should be focused, in order to evolve, to become knowing and wise, to one day enter into the highest attainable form in the Creation in this regard, and to become one with her.

Die Psyche Front.jpg

The Psyche

Die Psyche

The Psyche

English: Yes

Consciousness, Consciousness-formation, Thinking, Thoughts, Power of thought, Spiritual Teaching, Gemüt, Habits, Life-conduct, Self-responsibility.

1973, 1979, 1994.

109 pages, A5, thread-bound.

Die Psyche.

The Psyche.

Life-help for human beings. The present teaching is intended for study, so for practice. It is your goal to create health, life-success, and self-confidence. The way that this teaching goes, in order to reach this goal, is the way of cognitions and their practical utilization. Cognitions and their resulting knowledge alone have a practical value, as only they bring an appropriate view for right, nature-lawful thinking and acting, for a right life philosophy and worldview, all of which determine the basic behavior of human beings. However, a complete success through the cognitions can only be achieved when these are transferred to the whole of life and, thus, also to everyday life.

Die Wahrheit ueber die Plejaden Front.jpg

Die Wahrheit über die Plejaden

English: Not yet

Extraterrestrials, Pyramid, Telepathy, Beaming, Ufology, Plejaren

Direktiven Front.jpg



English: Not yet

Cleanliness, Health, Nutrition, Life-conduct, Discipline, Thinking, Drugs.

Ein offenes Wort Front.jpg

Ein offenes Wort

English: Not yet

Religion, Belief, Christianity, Church, Sects, God-delusion, God.

Ein Quentchen Wissen Front.jpg

A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom

Ein Quentchen Wissen, Sinn und Weisheit

English: Not yet

Personality, Nature, Creation, Virtue, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Deference.

Einfuehrung in die Meditation Front.jpg

Einführung in die Meditation

English: Not yet

Meditation, Consciousness-formation, Knowledge-clarity, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Discipline, Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, Thoughts, Gemüt, Pyramid.

Erziehung der Kinder Front.jpg

Erziehung der Kinder, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen

Education of children, adolescents and adults

English: Not yet

Self-responsibility, Life-conduct, Education, Children, Parents, Discipline, Character, Thinking, Development.

Exsistentes Leben Front.jpg

Existentes Leben im Universum

Existent Life in the Universe

English: Not yet

Life, Creation, Universe, Extraterrestrials, Ufology, Reincarnation.

Fahr zur Hölle, Gelion und Kraft des Gesetzes

English: Not yet

Novel, Poetry and Fiction.

Genesis Front.jpg


English: Not yet

Deference, Eternity, Existence, Story, Nature, Creation, BEING, Universal Consciouness.

Gesetz der Liebe Front.jpg

Law of Love

Gesetz der Liebe

English: Not yet

Love, Swinging-waves, Bond, Partnership, Life-conduct, Equal rights, Equal value.

Gesetze gebote des verhaltens vorne.jpg

Laws and Recommendations of the Behaviour

Gesetze und Gebote des Verhaltens

English: Not yet

Attentiveness, Everyday life, Aging, Requirements, Modesty, Thinking, Discipline, Venerability, Involvement, Family planning, Error, Freedom of thoughts, Equanimity, Mentality, Harmony, Ideology, Youth, Contemplation, Life-conduct, Life-school, Human rights, Partnership.

Gotteswahn und Gotteswahnkrankheit Front.jpg

Gotteswahn und Gotteswahnkrankheit

God Delusion and God Delusion Disease

English: Not yet

Belief, Religion, God, Tin-gods, Creation, Church, God-delusion, Thinking, Christianity.




English: Not yet

Calender tables, Leap years, Story.

Kelch der Wahrheit Front.jpg

Goblet of the Truth (Free eBook)

Kelch der Wahrheit

English: Yes

Truth, Spiritual Teaching, Creation-laws, Human being, Life-conduct, Story, Deference, Character, Equal value, Fairness.

Pdf_icon.gif Goblet of the Truth Info_icon.png

Zip_icon.gif GOTT Sample Book Printing Spec Info_icon.png

Leben und Tod Front.jpg

Leben und Tod

Life and Death

English: Not yet

Death, Incarnation, Creation-laws, Life-conduct, Reincarnation, Spirit-form.

Lehrschift fuer die Lehre der Wahrheit Front.jpg

Lehrschrift für die Lehre der Wahrheit, Lehre des Geistes, Lehre des Lebens

English: Not yet

Spiritual Teaching, Consciousness, Creation.

Macht der Gedanken Front.jpg

Might of the Thoughts

Macht der Gedanken

English: Yes

Consciousness-formation, Thinking, Discipline, Emotions, Existence, Thoughts, Spiritual Teaching, Gemüt, Conscience, Life-conduct, Death.

Meditation aus klarer Sicht Front.jpg

Meditation from Clear Visibility [1]

Meditation aus klarer Sicht

English: Not yet

Meditation, Attentiveness, Life-conduct, Consciousness, Spiritual Teaching, Thinking, Development, Character, Discipline, Habits.

Mensch der Erde Front.jpg

Mein Vermächtnis: Mensch der Erde, ich wünsche dir ...

My Legacy: Human of the Earth, I wish you ...

English: Not yet

Life-sense, Life-destination, Life-wishes, Life-conduct.



Book of Names

English: Not yet

Names, Significances, Story.

OM Front.jpg



English: Not yet

Truth, Creation, Story, Mission, Spiritual Teaching, OM, Character, Deference, Eternity, Equal value.

Photobuch Front.jpg


Through Space and Time aka. Photo Book

English: Yes

Extraterrestrials, Plejaren, UFO-Photos, UFO-sighting, Ufology, Photographs, Contact Reports.

Prophetien Front.jpg

Prophetien und Voraussagen

Prophecies and Predictions

English: Not yet

Prophecy, Prediction, Future, Religion, Story, Belief, Thinking.

Rund um die Fluidalenergie Front.jpg

Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge

English: Not yet

Thoughts, Feeling, Spiritual Teaching, Aura, Swinging-waves, Life-conduct, Fluidal powers, Fluidal swinging waves.

416 pages, DIN A5

Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge.

Fluidal Energy.

Fluidal forces - what a mysterious, unknown world hides behind this word! Here in the FIGU, these were often a topic - and raised questions about questions. The answers to our questions, once they were thought about, led to new questions again, and thus, countless pages arose on this extremely interesting and fascinating range of topics in our "kitchen conversations.

Sinnvolles Wuerdefolles Front.jpg

Something Meaningful, Dignified, Valuable

Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles

English: Not yet

Dignity, Humaneness, Life-conduct, Spiritual Teaching, Character, Spirit-form

Symbole der Geisteslehre Front.jpg

Symbole der Geisteslehre

Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching - A Companion Guide

English: Yes

Spiritual Teaching, Symbol, Life-conduct

Talmud Jmmanuel Front.jpg

Talmud Jmmanuel

The Talmud of Jmmanuel

English: Yes


Photo Verzeichnis.jpg

Verzeichnis der Nummern und Legenden der FIGU-Photos

Directory of Numbers and Legends of the FIGU-Photos

English: Not yet

Photo-description, Legends, Ufology

Warum der Mensch-Depressionen US.jpg

Warum der Mensch das wird, was er ist und Kampf den Depressionen

English: Not yet

Thoughts, Power of thought, Deed, Psyche, Zwischenmenschlichkeit

Wiedergeburt Front.jpg

Wiedergeburt, Leben, Sterben, Tod und Trauer

Reincarnation, life, dying, death and mourning

English: Not yet

Death, Other world, Sorrow, Reincarnation, Life-conduct, Eternity, Anxiety, Spirit-form

Zeugenbuch Front.jpg


Book of Witnesses

English: Not yet

Ufology, Evidence, Attacks, Billy Meier, Story, Plejaren

Zur Besinnung Front.jpg

Zur Besinnung

English: Not yet

Spiritual Teaching, Truth, Consciousness, Life-conduct, Thoughts, Habits