Talk:Cattle Mutilations

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 00:10, 16 September 2011 by Barbarian216 (talk | contribs) (Comment provided by Hawaiian - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Cattle Mutilations <comments />

Mrnorm said ...

Billy doesnt know...but it probaly is a e t from some where are some kind doing a Bar b Q ya think ?

--Mrnorm 18:32, 15 September 2011 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

Billy just stated that these cattle manipulations are not caused by ET's but rather Earthly sources and furthermore ANY governmental classified projects will not be discussed by him or the Plejarens as it would threaten himself, the SSSC group and the mission.

Notice that the Plejarens will only comment on topics that appear to fall in this category BUT has been exposed publicly by Earthly media like in the case of remote viewing scandals, but if one studies the printed documents (books) by those that were involved, their stories appear quite differently and if applied logically to some aspects in these materials can be quite dangerous if not carefully monitored.

It is the public perception that "determines" which should be filtered out as fantasy or fact and FEAR has always been the most influential parameter throughout the ages that will be overcome by logical scientific analysis which is severely lacking in today's ignorant society often dominated by religious stupidity and self-centered egos that are further eroded by subconscious manipulation technology through computer and television media. “The whole thing extends not only to the religions and sects, but also to the politics and economy, namely in the manner that vibration impulses are emitted by the manipulated devices and apparatuses which are taken up by the people subconsciously and influence them.” Ptaath: “Then I can talk openly thus: Zafenatpaneach explained again that on the Earth a religious-sectarian organisation works together with a certain secret service to manipulate the people via television, computers and the Internet as they wish.”

The fear of cattle manipulations by ET's and massive abductions are designed to label all things ET's and UFO’s including the Plejarens as evil. The only time it is spoken as benevolent is when it serves their sinister agendas usually within some religious content as most members absolutely FEAR the wrath of god!

--Hawaiian 00:10, 16 September 2011 (BST)