Talk:Contact Report 424

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 21:08, 12 April 2010 by (talk) (Comment provided by john - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Contact Report 424 <comments />

interwake said ...

The explanation given for electro magnetic delusion of abductions is beneath even the intelligence of the Giza penis heads. Sorry the truth penetrates even the sphinxcter of the bottomless pyramids. Shame on you dear Aqurius with Moon in Scorpio. One simply must update to better technology from NASA if they cant tell one alien lie from another.

--interwake 16:54, 29 March 2010 (BST)

newinitiation said ...

Billy and the Plejarens talk about contacts outside of military and noncivilian kind. There exists many purported reports from Military sources alleging contacts with aliens (or is this the work of the shadowy group?). Because Billy and the plejarens cannot talk about contacts concerning the military sorts we can only assume that minute section of witness testimony from disclosure may just be true.

--newinitiation 11:54, 8 April 2010 (BST)

john said ...

This is very, VERY confusing. As why is Ptaah saying that what happened to the Hills was untrue and caused by delusions infered by the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Where as in Contact report 37, Semjase explains that they are beings from the Zeta Reticuli star system. ?????? This is the first real contradiction I've read in all these cantact reports. And furthermore, though not mentioned anywhere in the Contact reports, how could someone like Whitley Strieber not be considered to have a real experience very similar to the Hills as well as Travis Walton. I believe in all of this, but this puts a strain on my belief, only as it is such clear contridiction. Could someone please explain this glaring discrepancy!

--john 21:08, 12 April 2010 (BST)