Talk:Contact Report 443

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 20:19, 22 May 2010 by (talk) (Comment provided by Mark - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Contact Report 443 <comments />

Reginald said ...

The comments of Ptaah are a bit harsh are they not? History was my favourite subject at school. And I have been reading Eich von Däniken and Zacharia Sitchin. The first Von Däniken's are interesting mindblowing conceptions. At least they made people aware and think, that history might have been differently from what we have learned at school. So the more i browse the contactreports the more i get the impression Ptaah has turned into an older and frustrated man. Sorry to say. Nothing a nice vacation in holland could not cure.

--Reginald 14:56, 2 May 2010 (BST)

Lorita said ...

I find that a fair amount of the comments regarding humans/potentials, etc rather harsh but we were warned we might not like all we read/hear. This isn't a fairy tale.

--Lorita 05:27, 22 May 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

I presume they are referring to the V series on TV. :) I would rather be taken over by large dinosaurs, rather than disguised reptiles who pose as humans. j/k It's all about the money with these storytellers. One thing our dear planet Earth has is storytellers. If you want to hear the most untrue stories in the universe. Come one, come all beings of Dern or any other universe. I wouldn't be surprised if other beings from space trying to take over Earth, overall I would give our defense a rating of clumsical. We are improving though.

--Mark 20:19, 22 May 2010 (BST)