Talk:The Great Pyramid

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 08:50, 8 October 2010 by Tk (talk | contribs) (Comment provided by Tk - via ArticleComments extension)
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Comments on The Great Pyramid <comments />

Tk said ...

The answer given that is said to come from Billy is hard to belieave.The answer states that the Pyramids were built for protection and a shelter. Any person that has visited Egypt like i have or know of there history will know that that answer is Ridiculous !! I have been in the Pyrimids and its almost entirely stone and only have small passages that leads to the burial chamber which can only hold about 60 people plus the Hieroglyphics in the Pyrimids tell you that it was built as a tomb for the Pharaohs so its No way possible it could have been built as a shelter. Its obvious that someone other than Billy gave that answer and whom every posted that answer should never post again because mistakes like that makes people believe that all of the information on the website is untrue. Please explain this answer with proof it was answered by Billy. My email address is Also the part where the person who asked the question says the Pyrimids were built 73,000 years ago is also very untrue. Please explain !

--Tk 08:50, 8 October 2010 (BST)