Contact Report 467
From Billy Meier
Revision as of 19:37, 2 September 2012 by Mahigitam (talk | contribs) (→467th Contact, Monday, May 28 June 2008, Block 11, Page 372)
467th Contact, Monday, June 28, 2008, Block 11, Page 372
Original German
Billy: Also erfolgt keine Frontalkollision, sondern eher ein Vorgang eines langsamen Ineinanderschiebens. Quetzal sagte mir letzthin, dass eure neuesten Berechnungen in bezug auf die Planeten in unserer Milchstrasse eine Zahl von rund 431 Milliarden ergeben haben. Was ist denn die Zahl der Schwere hinsichtlich des Andromedanebels?
English Translation
Billy: So no head-on collision takes place but rather a process of a slow pushing together. Quetzal told me recently that your newest calculations, in reference to the stars in our Milky Way, have yielded a number of around 431 billion. What, then, is the number of severity, with regard to the Andromeda Nebula?
- Email from Ben Stevens via Mahesh Karumudi