FIGU Special Bulletin 027

From Billy Meier
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This is an authorised but unofficial preliminary translation of FIGU material. It has been approved for this website by Jamesm


  • FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 27
  • FIGU Special Bulletin Date: August 2006
  • Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
  • Date of Translation: Unknown
  • Corrections and improvements made: Unknown

FIGU Special Bulletin 27 Translation

An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift

We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of have been given permission by Billy Meier ( to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Please read this explanatory word about our translations.

Translators Note

The below excerpt from Special FIGU Bulletin #27 represents the response to a series of questions (not translated due to time constraints) from a reader, who also sent an article (provided here in English) written by an Israeli dissident about his country's most recent war. The reader notes that, unlike here on Earth, myriad entities throughout the universe enjoy peace .. so "WHY NOT US TOO?" Billy is asked the same familiar question as to why our powerful friends the Plejaren don't simply remove and punish the miscreants in the same way they did in 1978 when they routed the Bafath (a.k.a. Giza Intelligences) from their secret redoubt under Cairo's Great Pyramid of Giza (and banished the lot of them to a lonely prison planet to contemplate their crimes for the rest of their misspent lives).

Billy also takes the opportunity to again stress that only by fighting evil will we ever overcome it.

Page 16

English German
The directives of the Plejaren say unambiguously that they may not intervene in the quarrels of foreign peoples and humanities if these do not belong to their federation and if support, and so forth, is not requested by their relevant leadership positions. Die Direktiven der Plejaren besagen eindeutig, dass sie sich nicht in fremder Völker und Menschheiten Händel einmischen dürfen, wenn diese nicht zu ihrer Föderation gehören und wenn nicht von deren entsprechenden Führungsstellen eine Hilfestellung usw. verlangt wird.
In regard to foreign planets and their humanities, who are not yet capable of higher space travel and a higher development of consciousness, they may likewise not intervene, take up any official contact, and therefore also are permitted to perform no other support, other than of a telepathic-impulse nature, which serves the general peaceful progress. In bezug auf fremde Planeten und deren Menschheiten, die noch nicht der höheren Raumfahrt und einer höheren Bewusstseinsentwicklung fähig sind, dürfen sie sich ebenfalls nicht einmischen, keine offiziellen Kontakte aufnehmen und also auch keine anderen Hilfestellungen leisten als telepathisch-impulsmässige, die dem allgemeinen friedlichen Fortschritt dienen.
Regarding the removal of the Giza Intelligences, this directive was not violated because these belonged to traditional Lyran-Vegan-Plejaren groupings who caused much harm among the Earth humans for which reason they were deported and banished. Hinsichtlich der Entfernung der Gizeh-Intelligenzen wurde diese Direktive nicht verletzt, denn diese gehörten zu altherkömmlichen lyranisch-weganisch-plejarischen Gruppierungen, die viel Unheil unter den Erdenmenschen anrichteten, weshalb sie deportiert und in Verbannung geschickt wurden.
Therefore the Plejaren are only permitted to intervene in this case, without violating their directives, because the moronic Giza halfwits corresponded to a Plejaren peoples. Also durften die Plejaren, ohne ihre Direktiven zu verletzten in diesem Fall nur eingreifen, weil die Gizeh-Heinis zu plejarischen Völkern belangten.
The humans of the Earth can therefore in no way at all expect any help from the Plejaren against the criminal machinations of the state powers, as well as their vassals and the people who acclaim them, in regard to an end to wars, murder and manslaughter, torture, rape, the death penalty, criminality, destruction and annihilation, because first there must be a certain degree of consciousness evolution present which could allow an intervention of the Plejaren in line with their directives. Die Menschen der Erde können also in keinerlei Weise Hilfe von den Plejaren gegen die verbrecherischen Machenschaften der Staatsmächtigen sowie deren Vasallen und der ihnen zujubelnden Völker in bezug auf ein Beenden von Kriegen, Mord und Totschlag, Folter, Vergewaltigungen, Todesstrafe, Kriminalität, Zerstörungen und Vernichtungen erwarten, denn erst muss eine gewisse bewusstseinsmässige Evolution gegeben sein, die ein Eingreifen der Plejaren gemäss ihren Direktiven erlauben könnte.
But they will never carry out such intervention because, after the course of a certain amount of time, which is no more all-too-distant, they will finally draw back from the Earth and have nothing more to do with it and the Earthly humanity. Solche Eingriffe werden sie aber niemals durchführen, denn nach Ablauf einer bestimmten Zeit, die nicht mehr allzufern ist, werden sie sich endgültig von der Erde zurückziehen und nichts mehr mit dieser und der irdischen Menschheit zu tun haben.
The years for that are already numbered and their final withdrawal is inevitable. Die Jahre dafür sind bereits gezählt, und ihr endgültiger Abzug ist unabwendbar.
The humans of the Earth must, from their own incentive and from their own recognition, as well as from out of their grasp of the creational-natural truth, learn to use their understanding and reason in order to develop in consciousness in line with the creational laws and commandments. Die Menschen der Erde müssen aus eigenem Antrieb und aus eigenem Erkennen sowie aus dem Erfassen der schöpferisch-natürlichen Wahrheit heraus ihren Verstand und ihre Vernunft zu gebrauchen lernen, um sich bewusstseinsmässig gemäss den schöpferischen Gesetzen und Geboten zu entwickeln.
However, so long as this obligation is not adhered to, so long will the human conjure up monstrous criminality, irresponsibility and wars, as well as every evil of the world, whereby love, freedom, peace and harmony will be allowed to wait until he finally keeps his true obligation, and also observes it, in regard to the fulfillment of the creational-natural laws. So lange aber, wie dieser Verpflichtung keine Folge geleistet wird, so lange wird der Mensch ungeheuerliche Verbrechen, Verantwortungslosigkeiten und Kriege sowie alle Übel der Welt heraufbeschwören, wodurch Liebe, Freiheit, Frieden und Harmonie noch so lange auf sich warten lassen werden, bis er endlich seiner wahren Verpflichtung in bezug auf die Erfüllung der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze gewahr wird und diese auch wahrnimmt.
The intelligence of the majority of humans of the Earth is still truly in children's shoes, for which reason he chains himself to religions, sects, philosophies, and other ideologies, as well as to commerce, politics and their false resolutions and dealings. Die Intelligenz des Gros der Menschen der Erde steckt wahrlich noch in den Kinderschuhen, weshalb er sich an Religionen, Sekten, Philosophien und sonstige Ideologien sowie an die Wirtschaft, Politik und deren falsche Entschlüsse und Handlungen kettet.
Consequently he hangs on the lips and dealings of the state powers who steer their peoples into death, into ruin, into bondage, coercion, destruction and war, instead of leading them in a life of peace, love, freedom and harmony. In dieser Folge hängt er an den Lippen und Handlungen der Staatsmächtigen, die ihre Völker, statt in ein Leben in Frieden, Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie führen, in den Tod, ins Verderben, in Unfreiheit, Zwang, Zerstörung und Krieg steuern.
They do not recognise that their state powers are insane, schizophrenic and power-greedy - with few exceptions - who conjure up the devil out of hell in order to fulfill their own lusts for power and at the same time to heap up their bank accounts with the tax money of their stupid followers. Sie erkennen nicht, dass ihre Staatsmächtigen irre, schizophrene Machtgierige sind - mit wenigen Ausnahmen -, die den Teufel aus der Hölle heraufbeschwören, um ihre eigenen Machtgelüste zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig ihre Bankkonten mit den Steuergeldern ihrer dummen Anhänger zu überhäufen.
These stupid followers are also those who raise the power-greedy to their positions and pay tribute to them as every insane, un-self-supporting and stupid one pays tribute to the devil, if he can hope for a use for himself from it. Diese dummen Anhänger sind es auch, die die Machtgierigen in deren Stellungen heben und diesen huldigen, wie jeder irre Unselbständige und Dumme dem Teufel, wenn er sich davon einen Nutzen erhoffen kann.
Still the humans are not so far progressed in regard to intelligence, respectively, pertaining to understanding and reason, that they would turn themselves away from religions, sects, philosophies and other false ideologies, as well as from the false politics and state leadership, as also from constantly raising up the greatest criminals and felons to state officials, who then launch war and every evil of the world and with that, bring not only foreign, rather also their own peoples, into need and misery, as well as into death and ruin. Noch sind die Menschen intelligenzmässig resp. verstandes- und vernunftsmässig nicht so weit vorangeschritten, dass sie sich von den Religionen, Sekten, Philosophien und sonstigen falschen Ideologien sowie von der falschen Politik und Staatsführung abwenden würden, wie auch davon, ständig die grössten Kriminellen und Verbrecher in Staatsämter zu erheben, die dann Kriege und alles Übel der Welt vom Stapel lassen und damit nicht nur fremde, sondern auch die eigenen Völker in Not und Elend sowie in Tod und Verderben bringen.
The intelligence of the majority of the Earthly humanity has still not thrived to the extent that they search for the creational-natural truth and would learn and follow it, because, would the humanity follow this way, then they would quickly be so far that they take the rudder themselves in hand and would only choose trustworthy humans as state and world leaders who are striving to effect only the best and very best for the individual humans and the individual peoples as well as for the entire Earth humanity in order, world wide, to effect true love, freedom and harmony, as well as true peace. Noch nicht ist die Intelligenz des Gros der irdischen Menschheit so weit gediehen, dass sie nach der schöpferisch-natürlichen Wahrheit suchen und diese erlernen und befolgen würde, denn würde die Menschheit diesem Weg folgen, dann wäre sie schnell soweit, dass sie das Ruder selbst in die Hand nehmen und nur noch vertrauenswürdige Menschen als Staats- und Weltführer wählen würde, die bestrebt sind, für den einzelnen Menschen und die einzelnen Völker sowie für die gesamte Erdenmenschheit nur das Beste und Allerbeste zu bewirken, um weltweit wahre Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie sowie wahren Frieden zu bewirken.
Now, that is everything which already, often, and over and over again was discussed in the bulletins (see also Special Bulletin Number 25) and which has found much resonance with very many readers around the world. Nun, das sind alles Dinge, die schon oft und oft und immer und immer wieder in den Bulletins (siehe auch Sonder-Bulletin Nr. 25) besprochen wurden und bei sehr vielen Leserinnern und Lesern rund um die Welt viel Anklang gefunden haben.
However, in order, with that, to thereby effect something in the world and in the humanity, every individual must grasp the initiative, learn to behave correctly, carry the ideas of love, peace, freedom and harmony from his side into the world and fight for that. Damit dadurch aber in der Welt und in der Menschheit etwas bewirkt wird, muss jeder einzelne die Initiative ergreifen, lernen richtig zu handeln, die Idee von Liebe, Frieden, Freiheit und Harmonie seinerseits in die Welt hinaustragen und dafür kämpfen.
And if that is done, then all of us do not stand on lost posts to which we have stationed ourselves for it. Und wird das getan, dann stehen wir alle, die wir uns dafür einsetzen, nicht auf verlorenem Posten.
However, every individual must observe his responsibility for that, to let his reason and his understanding govern and be untiringly awake in these things and go to the barricades, because only he who really fights can also win, and carry a victory from it. Jeder einzelne aber muss seine Verantwortung dafür wahrnehmen, seine Vernunft und seinen Verstand walten lassen und unermüdlich in diesen Dingen wach sein und auf die Barrikaden gehen, denn nur wer wirklich kämpft, kann auch gewinnen und einen Sieg davontragen.
And what, and how, everything is to be done and handled was already often named in the bulletins, whereby also the Plejaren have been moved to speak and made clear what is necessary in order to create a better and healthy world. Und was und wie alles zu tun und zu handhaben ist, das wurde schon oft in den Bulletins genannt, wobei auch die Plejaren das Wort ergriffen und klargelegt haben, was notwendig ist, um eine bessere und gesunde Welt zu schaffen.
Thereby the spiritual teachings and the teachings of life integrated into them, as well as the learning and adherence to them, play an uncommonly important role; yet so long as the humans are not willing to learn and follow these teachings so long will the Earth and the entire humanity further live in need and misery, in war, hate, revenge, retaliation, jealously, lovelessness, dissention, bondage and disharmony, as well as in destructive erroneous believing in religions, sects, philosophies, political, commercial or other ideologies. Dabei spielen die Lehre des Geistes und die darin integrierte Lehre des Lebens sowie deren Erlernung und Befolgung eine ungemein wichtige Rolle; doch so lange, wie die Menschen diese Lehre nicht gewillt sind zu erlernen und zu befolgen, so lange wird die Erde und die ganze Menschheit weiterhin in Not und Elend, in Krieg, Hass, Rache, Vergeltung, Eifersucht, Lieblosigkeit, Unfrieden, Unfreiheit und Disharmonie sowie in zerstörender Irrgläubigkeit an Religionen, Sekten, Philosophien, politischen, wirtschaftlichen oder sonstigen Ideologien leben.
First then, if he finally frees himself from all these unworthy things, and from all harm, the wish can be fulfilled of all those who honestly make the effort to create a better and positive world and just as much a better and positive attitude in the humans. Erst dann, wenn er sich endlich von all diesen Unwerten und von allem Unheil befreit, kann der Wunsch all jener in Erfüllung gehen, die sich ehrlich darum bemühen, eine bessere und positive Welt und eine ebensolche Einstellung im Menschen zu schaffen.
Truly, there are, however, only few humans in the majority of the Terrestrial humanity, who really honestly maintain their thoughts, feelings, hopes and wishes in this direction, because generally the honesty in this direction is only determined for sufficiently dealing with one's own well-being, while, to them, the fate of the fellow humans doesn't matter and is dealt with with insipid words like, "It is terrible, everything that happens - these poor people". Wahrheitlich sind es aber nur wenige Menschen im Gros der irdischen Menschheit, die wirklich ehrlich in dieser Richtung ihre Gedanken, Gefühle, Hoffnungen und Wünsche pflegen, denn allgemein ist die Ehrlichkeit in dieser Richtung nur darauf bestimmt, dem eigenen Wohlergehen Genüge zu tun, während ihnen das Schicksal der Mitmenschen egal ist und mit faden Worten abgetan wird, wie: «Es ist schrecklich, was alles passiert - diese armen Menschen.»
The fact is, however, that all these who so speak withdraw in their own snail shell in order to not have to concern themselves openly with the entire worldly and human catastrophe. Tatsache ist aber, dass all diese, die so sprechen, sich in ihr eigenes Schneckenhaus zurückziehen, um sich nicht offen mit der ganzen weltlichen und menschlichen Katastrophe befassen zu müssen.
That is not how it is done, because it is necessary for every human - for everyone who will and can observe his responsibility - to creep out of his snail shell and to take up the fight against all the existing evil, unrighteousness, maliciousness, terror and human catastrophes, and so forth, and continue and live through this in spite of all opposition, verbal and actual attacks, slanders, untruths, and threats against body and life as well as against worldly possessions. Damit ist es aber nicht getan, denn es ist für jeden Menschen notwendig - für jeden, der seine Verantwortung wahrnehmen will und kann -, aus seinem Schneckenhaus hinauszukriechen und den Kampf gegen all die bestehenden Übel, Ungerechtigkeiten, Bösartigkeiten, Schrecken und menschlichen Katastrophen usw. aufzunehmen und diesen trotz aller Widerwärtigkeiten, verbalen und tätlichen Angriffe, Verleumdungen, Lügen und Drohungen gegen Leib und Leben sowie gegen Hab und Gut weiterzuführen und durchzustehen.
To this end, any good, honest and justifiable positive way is precisely good enough, and indeed it is entirely the same whether the fight is led with deeds, actions or with words in speech or text. Dazu ist jeder gute, ehrliche und vertretbare positive Weg gerade gut genug, und zwar ganz gleich, ob der Kampf mit Taten, Handlungen oder mit Worten in Sprache oder Schrift geführt wird.
The article you sent follows: Folgend Ihr eingesandter Artikel:
Billy Billy

The Israeli Failure and its Consequences

From Uri Avnery, Israel August 3rd, 2006

Sent by G. Caldano, Germany

With friendly greetings from Ellen Rohlfs <>

Knife in the Back
War of the Generals

The same army that took just six days to rout three big Arab armies in 1967 has not succeeded in overcoming a small "terrorist organization" in a time span that is already longer than the momentous Yom Kippur War.The day after the war will be the Day of the Long Knives.

Everybody will blame everybody else. The politicians will blame each other. The generals will blame each other. The politicians will blame the generals. And, most of all, the generals will blame the politicians.

Always, in every country and after every war, when the generals fail, the "knife in the back" legend raises its head. If only the politicians had not stopped the army just when it was on the point of achieving a glorious, crushing, historic victory.

That's what happened in Germany after World War I, when the legend gave birth to the Nazi movement. That's what happened in America after Vietnam. That's what is going to happen here. The first stirrings can already be felt.

THE SIMPLE truth is that up to now, the 22nd day of the war, not one single military target has been reached. The same army that took just six days to rout three big Arab armies in 1967 has not succeeded in overcoming a small "terrorist organization" in a time span that is already longer than the momentous Yom Kippur War. Then, the army succeeded in just 20 days in turning a stunning defeat at the beginning into a resounding military victory at the end.

In order to create an image of achievement, military spokesmen asserted yesterday that "we have succeeded in killing 200 (or 300, or 400, who is counting?) of the 1000 fighters of Hizbullah." The assertion that the entire terrifying Hizbullah consisted of one thousand fighters speaks for itself.

According to correspondents, President Bush is frustrated. The Israeli army has not "delivered the goods". Bush sent them into war believing that the powerful army, equipped with the most advanced American arms, will "finish the job" in a few days. It was supposed to eliminate Hizbullah, turn Lebanon over to the stooges of the US, weaken Iran and perhaps also open the way to "regime change" in Syria. No wonder that Bush is angry.

Ehud Olmert is even more furious. He went to war in high spirits and with a light heart, because the Air Force generals had promised to destroy Hizbullah and their rockets within a few days. Now he is stuck in the mud, and no victory in sight.

AS USUAL with us, at the termination of the fighting (and possibly even before) the War of the Generals will start. The front lines are already emerging.

The commanders of the land army blame the Chief-of-Staff and the power-intoxicated Air Force, who promised to achieve victory all by themselves. To bomb, bomb and bomb, destroy roads, bridges, residential quarters and villages, and - finito!

The followers of the Chief-of-Staff and the other Air Force generals will blame the land forces, and especially Northern Command. Their spokesmen in the media already declare that this command is full of inept officers, who have been shunted there because the North seemed a backwater while the real action was going on in the South (Gaza) and the Center (West Bank).

There are already insinuations that the Chief of Northern Command, General Udi Adam, was appointed to his job only in homage to his father, General Kuti Adam, who was killed in the First Lebanon War.

THE MUTUAL accusations are all quite right. This war is plastered with military failures - in the air, on land and on the sea.

They are rooted in the terrible arrogance in which we were brought up and which has become a part of our national character. It is even more typical of the army, and reaches its climax in the Air Force.

For years we have told each other that we have the most-most-most army in the world. We have convinced not only ourselves, but also Bush and the entire world. After all, we did win an astounding victory in six days in 1967. As a result, when this time the army did not win a huge victory in six days, everybody was astounded. Why, what happened?

One of the declared aims of this war was the rehabilitation of the Israeli army's deterrence power. That really has not happened.

That's because the other side of the coin of arrogance is the profound contempt for Arabs, an attitude that has already led to severe military failures in the past. It's enough to remember the Yom Kippur war. Now our soldiers are learning the hard way that the "terrorists" are highly motivated, tough fighters, not junkies dreaming of "their" virgins in Paradise.

But beyond arrogance and contempt for the opponent, there is a basic military problem: it is just impossible to win a war against guerillas. We have seen this in our 18-year stay in Lebanon. Then we drew the unavoidable conclusion and got out. True, without good sense, without an agreement with the other side. (We don't speak with terrorists, do we? - even if they are the dominant force on the ground.) But we did get out.

God knows what gave today's generals the unfounded self-confidence to believe that they would win where their predecessors failed so miserably.

And most of all: even the best army in the world cannot win a war that has no clear aims. Karl von Clausewitz, the guru of military science, pronounced that "war is nothing more than the continuation of politics by other means". Olmert and Peretz, two complete dilettantes, have turned this inside out: "War is nothing more than the continuation of the lack of policy by other means."

MILITARY EXPERTS say that in order to succeed in war, there must be (a) a clear aim, (b) an aim that is achievable, and (c) the means necessary for achieving this aim. All these three conditions are lacking in this war. That is clearly the fault of the political leadership.

Therefore, the main blame will be laid at the feet of the twins, Olmert-Peretz. They have succumbed to the temptation of the moment and dragged the state into a war, in a decision that was hasty, unconsidered and reckless.

As Nehemia Strassler wrote in Haaretz: They could have stopped after two or three days, when all the world agreed that Hizbullah's provocation justified an Israeli response, when nobody was yet doubting the capabilities of the Israeli army. The operation would have looked sensible, sober and proportional.

But Olmert and Peretz could not stop. As greenhorns in matters of war, they did not know that the boasts of the generals cannot be relied on, that even the best military plans are not worth the paper on which they are written, that in war the unexpected must be expected, that nothing is more temporary then the glory of war. They were intoxicated by the war's popularity, egged on by a herd of fawning journalists, driven out of their minds by their own glory as War Leaders.

Olmert was roused by his own incredibly kitschy speeches, which he rehearsed with his hangers-on. Peretz, so it seems, stood in front of the mirror and already saw himself as the next Prime Minister, Mister Security, a Second Ben-Gurion.

And so, like two village idiots, to the sound of drums and bugles, they set off at the head of their March of Folly straight towards political and military failure. It is reasonable to assume that they will pay the price after the war.

WHAT WILL come out of this whole mess?

No one talks anymore about eliminating Hizbullah or disarming it and destroying all the rockets. That has been forgotten long ago.

At the start of the war, the government furiously rejected the idea of deploying an international force of any kind along the border. The army believed that such a force would not protect Israel, but only restrict its freedom of action. Now, suddenly, the deployment of this force has become the main aim of the campaign. The army is continuing the operation solely in order to "prepare the ground for the international force", and Olmert declares that he will go on fighting until it appears on the ground. That is, of course, a sorry alibi, a ladder for getting down from the high tree. The international force can be deployed only in agreement with Hizbullah. No country will send its soldiers to a place where they would have to fight the locals. And everywhere in the area, the local Shiite inhabitants will return to their villages - including the Hizbullah underground fighters.

Further on, the force will also be totally dependent on the agreement of Hizbullah. If a bomb explodes under a bus full of French soldiers, a cry will go up in Paris: bring our sons home. That is what happened when the US Marines were bombed in Beirut.

The Germans, who shocked the world this week by opposing the call for a cease-fire, certainly will not send soldiers to the Israeli border. That's just what they need, to be obliged to shoot at Israeli soldiers.

And, most importantly, nothing will prevent Hizbullah from launching their rockets over the heads of the international force, any time they want to. What will the international force do then? Conquer all the area up to Beirut? And how will Israel respond?

Olmert wants the force to control the Lebanese-Syrian border. That, too, is illusory. That border goes around the entire West and North of Lebanon. Anybody who wants to smuggle weapons will stay away from the main roads, which will be controlled by the international soldiers. He will find hundreds of places along the border to do this. With the proper bribe, one can do anything in Lebanon.

After the war we will stand more or less in the same place we were before we started this sorry adventureTherefore, after the war, we will stand more or less in the same place we were before we started this sorry adventure, before the killing of almost a thousand Lebanese and Israelis, before the eviction from their homes of more than a million human beings, Israelis and Lebanese, before the destruction of more than a thousand homes both in Lebanon and Israel.

AFTER THE war, the enthusiasm will simmer down, the inhabitants of the North will lick their wounds and the army will start to investigate its failures. Everybody will claim that he or she was against the war from the first day on. Then the Day of Judgment will come.

The conclusion that presents itself is: kick out Olmert, send Peretz packing and sack Halutz.

In order to embark on a new course, the only one that will solve the problem: negotiations and peace with the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Syrians. And: with Hamas and Hizbullah.

Because it's only with enemies that one makes peace.

Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is one of the writers featured in The Other Israel: Voices of Dissent and Refusal. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's hot new book The Politics of Anti-Semitism. He can be reached at:
